Making Wine from Welch's Grape Juice

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Today we are making a shockingly good wine from store bought, Welch's 100% Concord Grape Juice. This is a very easy wine to make at home, and is perfect for beginners or those looking for something to do in the off season. This particular homemade wine is very sweet and tastes almost like candy. It is a real crowd pleaser of a wine and will seriously blow your friends' minds. I believe this to be the best concord wine on the internet, and better than any concord wine you will find at a winery.

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I'm no professional wine maker, but I make decent wine that's better than your average $10-15 bottle of wine you can find.
I decided to run this experiment as well with Welch concord grape juice. I used a quality yeast (EC-212), toasted French oak chips, dried black currants that I rehydrated, basic cleaning & sanitizing stuff, nothing crazy. It came out pretty dang good, i was shocked 😂


My father use to make wine from grape juice. We called it balloon wine. You put a balloon over the jug while fermenting. When the balloon inflated and went back down, the wine was ready.


While a big company like welch's is fairly standardized, grapes and nature are gonna do what they want, so the pH could vary, and having strips or a cheap electronic pH tester are worth getting if you don't have one and are looking to get into the hobby, because whenever my brews stall, it's always pH related. *General PSA, not an @*


My dad used to make jugs and jugs of wine from welch's concentrate when I was a kid. He made it for the holidays.


I've never tried making wine, but Welch's grape juice makes fantastic natural sparkling grape juice.
I put about 1/8tsp of yeast into a 2 liter pop bottle and fill to the very top with Welch's and seal. After a few days there is a gas bubble at top and I check the pressure by feel. It feels like a regular unopened bottle of soda after a few days. I forgot about one for a few too many days and it exploded!
But when it goes right, there is very little alcohol (like near-beer level, I think) and a METRIC TON of carbonation! It's sweet like regular grape juice and it's really makes a great head of purple foam.
Boy, I need to do that again!


I like the easy going delivery of information. No jarring cuts and cheap ways to keep my attention.


I made a 5 gallon batch of concentrated Welch's grape juice wine with almost 20% abv. That batch was truly loved by everyone who drank it.


I remember leaving a bottle of grape juice in my fridge for like 2 months and finally saw it. I drank it as a kid and got drunk lol😂


My kids are going to love this project!


The guys in my cell block love this video!


This is what helped me out of college. Brewed in the closet of my dorm room. Other kids just thought I really liked grape juice. One of many bad decisions.


Concord grapes were eradicated in big plantations by the government in Portugal due to poor quality for wine making 50 yrs ago …It can still be found in some areas and I loved it bc of low alcohol content and it’s aroma ….usually does not keep well for long term …


Ive actually grown pretty fond of concord wine. Make it a lot. It makes great brandy too!


You can actually buy the unfiltered juice directly from the plant near Erie PA


Boy! This brings back memories. In the early 70's I made a 5 gallon batch, by Welch's grape juice, some bread yeast I got at the grocery store, in a 5 gallon plastic jerry can. It'd get you drunk if you drank enough of it, but MAN it tasted horrible! It was the 70's and I was 17, so my excuse is the times and youth lol


I did this back in like 2006 when I was in highschool. I couldn't get brewing yeast so I used bakers yeast. It was good but tasted like a wine pretzel


I've been crushing fruit up in a bucket and fermenting it for a couple of years now, and i've really been enjoying my homemade fruit wines. I use them to cook with as well.
I like to see this laid-back kind of stuff get some coverage.


Always love your videos!
Believe or not, here in Europe, specifically in Denmark I found a German brand of grape juice, but made from Italian grapes...and not just any grapes but 100% unfiltered grape juice from a mix of Sangiovese and Montepulciano grapes. No added sugar, no preservatives. Not only that but it was in the eco/bio section of the store, those grapes weren't sprayed at all.
Admittedly, it was a bit on a more expensive side with 4.27€ for a liter. That's about $5 per liter, or almost 20 bucks per US gallon.
Regardless, I had to have it so I bought 10L and made an amazing dry wine. The specific gravity of juice alone was 1.069 so I barely had to add sugar. I did add wine tanin, oaked it...etc. It's like a fine wine and next month it'll be 1y old. Next weekend I'm buying another 10L and adding honey to it, making a kind of pyment!


We did this in Saudi Arabia when were were stationed there. Always tasted good.


This has become my favorite winemaking channel! The delivery is outstanding and the content is always spot on. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!
