How Math Can Help You Solve Real Life Problems

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In this video I talk about how math can help you solve real life problems. In mathematics we spend most of our time either doing computational problems or sometimes proofs, but both require careful thought, and learning to think carefully is a result of doing lots of math.

What do you all think? Do you think math helps you solve life problems?

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Here is an interesting post written by a senior engineer at Samsung few years back:

Had a heated debate with some of my colleagues over the topic of education. One of them said that youngsters shouldn't waste their time on learning concepts like quadratic equations, trigonometry, differentiation, integration etc, if the don't have any plans of becoming mathematicians.
That statement actually forced me to take a hard stance on this, and the counter argument I gave, can be summarized as follows:
"Do you know that Professional Footballer go to gym & lift 25-30 kg weights, they go to cycling sports, and ride 100 kilometers, and so on. Why? Are they planning to quit football& become weight lifters or cyclists? No. They do that because training with weights helps in building muscles which develops strength, and cycling boosts stamina. They need such strength & stamina later when they go to play football. It helps them maintain fitness so that they are always prepared for any upcoming matches. Not only that, they practice chess also, so that it helps them think from strategic viewpoints as well.
Why just Professional Footballers? Consider your example itself. Why do you jog/run 5 km every morning? Don't you think those who don't have plans to become running champions don't have to go for jogging everyday? Why do you do 10-15 push-ups everyday? You plan to become an Army Officer? No.
But still you do it, because you want to achieve some fitness.
Now, the same applies to the education as well. When we teach concepts like equations, trigonometry, differentiation, etc, not because we want them to use these knowledge to build dams & flyovers next year, but because it helps in nurturing their brain-cells. We teach them concepts, one after the other, because it helps in getting flexible in terms of learning, & exercising their brains, which lays the foundation for stronger logical reasoning, analytical skills, etc, and most importantly, we want them to develop problem solving skills. No matter what they want to become later in life, these skills like logical reasoning, analytical, problem solving skills will help them tackle challenging situations later in their lives, irrespective of the profession they are in. It is ok if they forget all those concepts within 3-4 years. But the effort they might have put while learning & applying those concepts, would have exercised their brains in such a way that it will have long lasting impact.
At this juncture, if you tell me that the ways in which we are teaching them these concepts (i.e the teaching methodologies), might not be good, then I agree. Most of the schools & colleges these days resort to a system of rote learning, and the emphasis is more on scoring marks.
I agree this must change. We should formulate the syllabus & examinations in such a way that the emphasis is more on learning with experimentation, grasping concepts with practical real life problem solving etc.
So, that way, we should teach all the concepts. But saying that they shouldn't be taught those concepts at all if they don't have plans to become Mathematicians in future, would be no different from saying that one shouldn't go out for jogging or cycling or exercising, if they don't have plans of becoming sportsmen in future."
That was my whole argument. This was something I wanted to speak upon for a long time, because these days, I am finding new-age parents also sharing similar concerns & complaints. They feel schools are "torturing" their kids by teaching them concepts like trigonometry, when they don't intend to enroll their kids into engineering courses later. But as explained in above arguments, these are very much necessary, not to simply equip the youngsters with knowledge of trigonometry etc, but to use those concepts as tools & props to train the brain, to lay good foundation for logic, for analytical skills, and so on, because these are important skills which every citizen needs, for their entire lives. It is not the exact knowledge of these topics that finally matters, but it is the profound effect they have, in strengthening the logical & analytical mindset, which are the real takeaways from grasping & learning them.


I completely agree with you. This sort of thinking dates back many years. For example, when my father attended Harvard Business School for his MBA, he told me that he was taught that it is a good practice to employ persons with mathematical training and for them to learn the tasks-at-hand on the job. Mathematics training enables one to precisely define a problem and to think clearly, logically, and quickly.


"assuming the person is logical" - yup, thats what it pretty much boils down to XD


Hey respected sir! I hope you will be fine! I'm very weak at Math, but I have a huge respect for it, nobody has more respect for Math than me to be honest. I usually say to my friends that what we've today in our surroundings is all because of Math and its subsidiary subject Physics. Each and every technological as well as most of the time medical thing is move by Math and Physics. From architecting to aircraft take off and landing, from rocket and space sciences to mobile phone and computer, from ECG (Electro Cardio Gram) and blood pressure check up and injecting liquids via syringes to genetic engineering, from shop to home dealings we walk and talk in Maths. By the way, I'm a Muslim and I believe in the One And Only Greatest Allah Who Has Built Up The Sky Since The Time Unknown Without Any Pillar, I can assume that Allah through his mightiest mathematical powers is moving this whole universe or multiverse or I would say the whole system. I've a huge respect for all the mathematicians and physicists to be honest. Sometime mathematicians and physicists turn out atheists or agnostic, but I can say if they use their rational faculty on the existence of Allah without bigotry and stubbornness to the ideas they holds, they can find Allah. Anyway, I usually advise my little brother to understand and learn Math, it's a very great subject, it has numerous applications, if a person understand it, he/she can understand everything easily. Love you from Pakistan❤ Mathematicians and physicists are the most intellectual people on planet Earth! I'm very much impressed of truly! You earned my subscription!


I struggle with explaining this when people ask me "so, where do you use this stuff?". Maybe I don't specifically use that specific stuff anywhere (or maybe I will). Math, rather, is an exercise in problem solving. The final answer doesn't interest me as much as a detailed solution does. Finding a solution to a problem is the interesting part. It just so happens that in math we express ideas and statements as arrays of various symbols, because it's convenient, but principally, I don't think there is much difference between a math exercise or solving every day problems. Given the mathematical training, though, I have faith in solutions to my every day problems being sufficient or well-founded.


You are right mathematics has made me more patient.


By the way, I might add that greats like Napoleon made good use of mathematicians. Fourier, e.g., was largely in the employ of Napoleon.


i think the most important thing to do math is 'Patient' is it right ?


I use not math itself but the process I learned how to solve problems in algebra to survive at work.


Today is the #NationalMathematicsDay which is celebrated on December 22 across the nation every year. The National Mathematics Day is marked to recognise and celebrate the works of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Srinivasa Ramanujan, the Indian mathematical genius, was born on this day in 1887.
Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on 22nd December 1887 in Erode district of Tamil Nadu.
The book "A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics" marked a turning point in his life. It was this book that aroused his interest in mathematics. At the age of 12, he borrowed Loney's Trigonometry textbook from a neighbor's student in college. He not only finished the book in one reading but also put all the accounts in it by himself.
All he had in mind and hand were Magic Squares, Continued Fractions, Prime and Composite Numbers, Number Partitions, Elliptic Integrals, hypergeometry And high-quality math. In Ramanujan's studies, Theory of Equations, Theory of Numbers, Definite Integrals, Theory of Partitions, Elliptical Functions and Continuous Fractions are considered to be the best.
His discoveries in more than 3, 000 new mathematical theorems between 1914 and 1918 are still used today at the top of many disciplines, from the field of physics to the field of telecommunications engineering.


Since math is just a problem solving process people are able to apply this to their life problems. “Assuming a person is knowledgeable”


How to use mathematics in areas like physics, astronomy and cosmology


I just love the way you inspire ..I recently bought a book Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by Riley and’s a fat book..can you suggest if you have gone through that anytime before


You don’t need math to think critically.


Oh my gosh!!! I knew I should not have changed my major from Math to Business all those years ago, I could have saved $1k's on therapy.


Do you think this concept could be taught to fourth graders in an inquiry lesson?


Yes, Personally I think math is common sense's thinking detailed!


Okay I’ve watched this 6 times, and I’m still waiting for him to explain with examples to how math has solved any of his “personal life problems”. In your next video please explain how a mathematical word problem or an equation has assisted you with renting an apartment or resolving a verbal fight with your relationship partner, thanks. #MathSuxks


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, for making this video! Very beneficial!


Most of math texts are abstract and seem to be unconcerned about real world
