Blender 2.8/2.81 Mountainous tree filled terrain tutorial (Cycles)

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If you want fog to be present in your animation insert a divide node a subtract node and a mix node in the composite. Hook all of the nodes up and set the divide node with a value of 50 and the subtract node with a value of 0.100 . Once you have done that you can tune the subtract node value by .1 to tune the distance of the fog the value I have used in the thumbnail is 0.300 . You can change the color of the fog by the mix node.
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Sorry, that I have not uploaded videos consistently I have been busy with schoolwork.


i did something similar to yours, not made mountains but just plain jungle but that particle feature made my animation so heavy, it took11 hour just to render 1min video, every frame was more than 50 second.


fantastic... thanks for this useful video. please upload more videos.


I press F3 type in sapling trees the menu comes up highlighted and does not work. And I have it installed I have 2.81 and I don't see it in the side menu either where the rest of my add ons are on the left.
