Romans 4:16-25: 'Abraham, Father of MANY nations!'

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In this series, I unpack Romans in easy-to-understand no-nonsense language. The Apostle Paul can be pretty pointed at times; so ya, he says what he says. He doesn't mince words and neither do I. Hey listen, if we're gonna deal the the problem of sin (quit dodging that word), we gotta face it head on. And if you don't agree with God on what sin is (i.e., "missing the mark"), well, this video series isn't gonna help ya. My take? God determines what sin is and what sin isn't, and that's that. There's nothin' I can do. I ain't God. You ain't either. Just sayin'.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! In this letter, Paul has plenty of GOOD NEWS and LOADS OF GOOD INSTRUCTION. Because of what Yeshua (Jesus) did for us (He DIED for us), the problem of sin is RESOLVED. Wooooohooooooo!

BUT WAIT, THERE'S STILL MORE! Yeshua not only RESCUES REPENTANT PEOPLE, He also puts HIS SPIRIT into us! And what is that SPIRIT doing? The SPIRIT is writing all that GOD holds to be GOOD and TRUE on our hearts! No longer do we need to walk in SIN and MAN-MADE RELIGION (the stuff our denominations often make up - think "Church Fathers") and human notions of the "GOOD." Frankly, that's all EXHAUSTING. Rather, God has made a way for us to leave that exhausting life and, instead, walk in a way that's not only LIFE-GIVING, it exalts Yeshua as King!

Oh ya, one more thing. Wanna BE LIKE JESUS? Then, by definition, ya gotta live life like YESHUA lived life. On the DAILY, Yeshua followed the FATHER'S INSTRUCTION (a.k.a, the TORAH). Jesus observed Passover. Jesus counted the omer to Pentecost. Jesus ate kosher. Jesus observed the weekly sabbaths on the 7th day (the right way, not in the Pharisaical way). Does JESUS look like a legalist to you? Of course not! But shoot, people, why do we trash God's instruction (Law) and think it's so burdensome when the very person (JESUS) we want emulate doesn't think it's that way and SHOWS, by his life, that it's NOT burdensome?!

Okay, that's enough. Let's get on with it. Welcome to the channel. And, of course, if you have any questions, leave 'em in the comments section. I'll do my best to answer, but as you know: theology Questions and Answers tend to take some time. Because I'm a TORAH guy, I'm no longer paid full-time to do this stuff. I work a regular job just like you do. Soooo, I'll answer as many as I can when I can.

Shalom, what are you waiting for?! Believe and get baptized! Leave your old life and start walking in a BRAND NEW life! I'm telling you: YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!
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