XDefiant: How to DO MUCH BETTER in 14 Simple Tips...

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So, we're into XDefiant's first weekend here and with it, I've had a lot of time to play since launch and today I wanted to share some tips on how to do better if you found yourself in any areas struggling. Frankly, I did at times, still do. A lot of the times when I make these kind of tips videos, I do it as a way to reflect on my own gameplay and findings and then figure "hey, that could actually be useful for someone else" and toss it up in hopes it can. Today we're running down some gameplay tips, some mental and thought process tips and more so as we go along, drop your thoughts on what you're thinking of XDefiant thus far. Having fun? Let me know but make sure you drop a like if you enjoy the video or you find it at all insightful and make sure to subscribe for more XDefiant coverage along with other FPS content like Modern Warfare 3's 4th season upcoming this week, more Black ops 6 stuff in the future and more, I'd love to have you in the community as we push towards 600,000 subscribers. Finally, my friends at GamerAdvantage are having a sitewide sale where code ESPRESSO can get you 35% off your order, one of the best deals in a while, but more on that a little later. For now, let's talk about some tips to improve in XDefiant. This is: XDefiant: How to DO MUCH BETTER in 14 Simple Tips...

00:00 - Intro
01:08 - Basic Setting Tips In XDefiant
02:32 - Finding Perfect Fit Weapons in XDefiant
03:22 - Utilizing the Practice Zone in XDefiant
04:32 - Finding the Best Game Mode For You in XDefiant
05:58 - Being Ready for Gunfights in XDefiant
06:56 - Recognizing the Game Flow in XDefiant
07:34 - Finding & Using Power Positions in XDefiant
08:05 - Map Traversal Tips in XDefiant
08:31 - Getting as Much In-Game Information As Possible in XDefiant
09:16 - The Importance of Playing in a Party in XDefiant
09:56 - Having Fun in XDefiant
11:14 - Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!
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Xdefiant and Xdefiant content is so refreshing. I use to begrudgingly watch COD content just to keep up with the bugs that came with updates and new metas/broken weapons. Played COD for years so I’m not saying it’s not an enjoyable experience. If anything I hope Xdefiant keeps going along with its growth and maybe COD will pick up its quality.


Being able to play this solo instead of joining my friends to tweak the matchmaking is such a breath of fresh air


How to be better:
Step 1. Don't rush, slow down
Step 2. Learn the maps
Step 3. Hold a lane
Step 4. Find your weapon, stick with it
Step 5. Never play Arena
Extra tip. I actually turned my sensivity WAY DOWN. Things came together at that point.

I hated this game the first couple of days, and I am really growing to love it. I am easily getting two to three kills per life, and multiple kills per magazine now.


Just something, I went into the firing range to see the ttks on all of the ars and smgs. For the ars the mdr and acr are tied for fastest (both about 400ms ttk at point blank), the ak and m4 are both basically the same and are like 100ms slower. Between the mdr and acr it’s preference, the mdr has better handling, but about 10m worse range. For smgs the p90 and mp5 both kill about as fast as the mdr/acr but that ttk drops off faster. As far as I can tell the only reason to use either of those two over the ars is handling. The mp7’s ttk is around 350ms and the vector is around 300ms. The mp7 has slightly better range and more mag size, and the vector has a slightly faster ttk, handling between the two iirc is the same. They both kill in 6 shots point blank but obv the vector shoots faster. The heavy barrel seems to make you take 1 shot less to kill with all of the smgs and the ars, so it is very significant, despite only being 5%, generally it makes you kill 10-20ms faster. The cleaners also make this difference, but I’m not sure how well the two things stack together. You might be able to take 2 shots fewer to kill allowing for burn time though which would make a huge difference.

Personally I like the mdr and vector over the acr and mp7. The damage drop off feels fucking terrible on the smgs so you’ll want loadouts on both so you can change between depending on maps and enemies.


This game is such a breath of fresh air! I went back to MW3 and playing that game is so miserable no gonna lie. Hopped right back to XDefiant and man, I have been having so much fun.


The feel of the game took some getting used to and was getting destroyed for the most part when I first started playing but now having a great time with it! Feels good to actually see yourself get progressively better at the game


The netcode makes it very had to have consistent "feeling" gunfights, It feels like it takes me half a mag to kill someone, and it takes like 5 shots for me to die. And the devs did come out and say they're working on it.


Also accepting that some maps kinda dictate the weapon one should play is worth to consider.
Third echelon hq is extremly tight and with tons of corners etc.
Certainly rough for dmr/sniper and sometimes even ar's. But with smg's and shotguns its a banger.
Vice versa with the more open maps with longer corridors.


Needs better net code and at least theyre aware and working on it. If you havent experienced it, youre the one benefiting from it lol. 120 hz, Lan connection and 19 to 25 ping 99% of games and shots dont register or i get smoked after already behind cover. Using the sniper made it clear to me i wasnt just tripping. If you snipe and hit someone youll get the hit marker but still get killed by them. No damage done either. Just didnt register that i pulled the trigger


They need to address the jumping asap.


Great game. Needs tdm and free for all.


I love xdefiant - this is being said by a 17 year cod fan


Love the content bro ! Keep up the great work


Loving this game so far just grinding everything out not even close to being bored just trying to get better as well it’s a grind


Thank you so much for this video! I’ve only watched one other YouTuber play this game, this is great content, thanks for the tips!


as currently as now, abuse those netcode+bunny jumping. spam jump left and right while shooting, not only it doesn't punish your accuracy, it felt like it reset your recoil pattern on every jump and the server doesn't read hit into you.
use it, until the fixed it. because your opponents definitely gonna use it against u.


great video and channel, good luck and i will watch your videos all of them big love from Jordan


I got called a sh!t player today despite having an OBJ score or 6.2k, all because Mr.TTV was kill thirsting and cleaning every kill, he ended up with 48 kills and 37 deaths with ONLY 52 OBJ score I had 23 kills 18 deaths amd a solid quarter od the kills I should have had were taken by him due to the netcode and yet I still was top leader board on escort. Wild to me that they called me specifically, a trash player, they're reason, I was using the riot sheild and m16 "Which arent meta". My score and KDA say otherwise lol.


All the XDefiant content I’ve been seeing just makes me wanna play so much!


i am totally sucking at this game but also enjoying it. Still having occasional bouts of rage and frustration because losing stinks, but overall, its quite enjoyable!
