Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator Community of Practice COP First Webinar
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Agenda: Three state team leaders (PA, NM, WI) will share their experiences with PECC implementation as well as challenges and lessons learned. Three frontline PECCs from each of these states will share their stories and current roles as PECCs. This will be followed by discussion/QA.
After the call COP participants will be able to:
1. Summarize the experiences of three states participating in the PECCLC (at level of state and PECC)
2. Discuss strategies to address challenges in implementing/sustaining PECCs
3. Identify resources, best practices to support implementing/sustaining PECCs
After the call COP participants will be able to:
1. Summarize the experiences of three states participating in the PECCLC (at level of state and PECC)
2. Discuss strategies to address challenges in implementing/sustaining PECCs
3. Identify resources, best practices to support implementing/sustaining PECCs