researchED Home Eric Kalenze:The Swimming Pool & the Marathon Revisited: Slowing SEL Over-correction

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The Swimming Pool and the Marathon Revisited: Slowing the SEL Over-correction, and Using Academic Study to Build Students’ Social-Emotional Strength

Proponents of social and emotional learning (SEL) have long argued that students’ abilities to communicate, manage their emotions, and make healthy decisions should be prioritized in schools. And while most educators agree about SEL’s importance, many questions about SEL (including where it fits, how it happens, and *if* it can happen) remain. Using insights
from recent research about SEL interventions, this session will discuss (1) how SEL can work in tandem with schools’ academic pursuits, (2) ways students’ social and emotional
strength can be built in the distance-learning paradigm, and (3) how education’s current SEL over-correction might be slowed down.
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