13 Ionic Basics: Ion Refresher and Spinners

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Modern apps are all about User Experience. Ionic allows you to build amazing user experiences with its components. Ionic Refresher is one such component. Along with it come Spinners.
This course is for everybody who wants to build amazing Android and iOS apps. In this course, you will learn all about Ionic Framework with AngularJS from scratch, which allows you to build amazing mobile apps with just HTML, CSS and JS.
In this course, we will start by learning about the world's most popular eCommerce platform, WooCommerce and how we can use WooCommerce with Ionic. We will then learn about Ionic Framework from scratch and then we will start building an eCommerce App using Ionic Framework knowledge that we have gathered during first half of the course.
All you need is a little bit of familiarity with HTML and JS. If you are a web developer and want to build mobile apps, Ionic will be your piece of cake. You will be able to write amazing apps that will work on both Android and iOS.
This course is for everybody who wants to build amazing Android and iOS apps. In this course, you will learn all about Ionic Framework with AngularJS from scratch, which allows you to build amazing mobile apps with just HTML, CSS and JS.
In this course, we will start by learning about the world's most popular eCommerce platform, WooCommerce and how we can use WooCommerce with Ionic. We will then learn about Ionic Framework from scratch and then we will start building an eCommerce App using Ionic Framework knowledge that we have gathered during first half of the course.
All you need is a little bit of familiarity with HTML and JS. If you are a web developer and want to build mobile apps, Ionic will be your piece of cake. You will be able to write amazing apps that will work on both Android and iOS.
13 Ionic Basics: Ion Refresher and Spinners
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