how to improve at smite

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Fun little tid bit of info that always brings me joy. If the enemy team is spam laughing, if you mute them, their laughs are muted too so you’ll see their gods animate the laughter but you won’t hear it. And for some reason this has always brought me so much joy to watch them try to mess with my mental and the power of the mute button protects me😂


And this is how Fineokay keeps me playing Smite. Getting better at a hobby is satisfying


Legend has it, this is how certain players, became a Smite Grandmaster. This is some of the best advice given, in literally less then a minutes time. Good stuff.


at 53 seconds, with that thumbnail, it seems like a meme video but unironically this is the best way to get better.


Think of smite like studying. Don't distract yourself with things unrelated to what you're trying to achieve.
Mute players. Play some lofi/study music. Enjoy what you're doing. Revise what you can. Check for mistakes. Schedule a time in your day. Forget about the final grade as it only causes anxiety and procrastination. Don't spin too many plates (too many gods). Cramming helps, but not as much as a small session of something really productive. Use the youtube and google as additional sources. Listen to people better than you.

Luckily, smite isn't as important as a PHD. So don't treat it as such. It's okay to be bad. It's okay to be disappointed in yourself. There's always more you can do so get back on the horse and keep trying.
Unless you are carrying the game completely 1v5 - Absorbing every enemy ability alone + killing every enemy alone + doing every objective alone + protecting every lane alone... there is more you can do. Focus on that more than your 0-7 scylla.

The less you know about something, the more you think you know.


"Never blame your teammates"
I usually don't, but when you start a game and there's an Izanami and a Hel running straight to solo lane and proclaiming it's the duo lane in chat; I know I'm in for a bad time....


This is super wholesome and great advice! Just want to point out similar methods can be applied to anything you want to get better at! Take the stress out of it, remove toxic influences, focus, and self critique, then repeat


I love this advice, I actually stopped playing this game for a couple of years because of the toxicity. Feels good to be back at it!


OMG IVE BEEN DOING THIS WITH MY GAMES RECENTLY. Ive actually been able to touch grass and live my life. Plus I have a clearer mind to self critique and improve. The best part is that it helps me focus on clutching up if ive been slacking in a game. Who knew the sun was so bright when youre not spending 10 minutes arguing ingame

Edit: No but honestly tho, muting up, saying ggs at the end of the game and listening to music has seriously cut down the toxicity of the game. You type ggs before everyone gets toxic in the end game lobby and your brain thanks you for it because nobody wants to make themselves look stupid right after a ggs. Also that recording tip is really neat, ill start doing it. Thanks for the vid bro


Thanks Fineokay, i went from gold to bronze in 2 days! but it's okay, just a skill issue!


I think my little piece of advice for just beginning Solo Laners is: Always play like your jungler is AFK.
What I mean is, don't trust that your jungler is gonna gank you or help you do your buff regularly. And don't do plays thinking your team is gonna pick it off, because there's a big chance they won't.
You can't get the kill unless you do a risky play? If you don't trust your team to pull you out after you did, then don't. Place a ward in your jungle and in your buff because you always need to be cautious about some geeky enemy jungler trying to get your buffs. If you can't get your buff just drag it under the tower, it's not worth taking forever in doing it and risking someone coming over to either steal it or kill you. Your team is not doing well in general? Just farm your lane for a bit longer until you get some proper items, rotating into losing lanes can either go very good and you get a couple kills. Or they drag you along and now you are also behind. If you think you can rotate and go back to your lane safely go for it. But I wouldn't bother with calls that'd include diving under a tower.


It's hard not to blame teammates. When you only have your own perspective it's easy to say "They shoulda done this". But even though I think I'm better than the average Smite player, considering I've bren playing this game for eight years now, I'm still not perfect.
Plus having anger issues makes getting banned a very real possibility, I really gotta just never type to people.


Music is so important for a smite grind


The main problem for me is the inherent nature of the game. Regardless of my skill or how I'm currently doing, I still have to partially rely on my 4 other teammates. Also it's a sad state of affairs when I'd rather deal with COD players over Smite players.


this was solid advise. I'm very much guilty of flaming teammates. but at the end of the day you can only influence how you play.


About muting teammates
I agree
There will be no difference if teammates aren't using vgs


Thanks Fineokay, I’ll definitely make it to Masters with this vid alone. Currently (Silver 4) .


I had to start muting all of my teammates at the start of season 10. the toxicity has just gotten so much worse recently


I don’t know if it’s console-specific, but I’ve had issues where I would get error messages trying to mute teammates or the UI said they were muted and I still saw typing, pings, and VGS from them regardless


My god I have been doing it all wrong😂
