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Here are ten tips to help you improve at smite in season 10
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The best tip for newer players, without a doubt, is tip #3. If you focus on what your team DIDN’T do or you’re always blaming your team for you getting bopped instead of focusing on what YOU did wrong, you’ll see minimal improvement in your gameplay, if any at all. I did that a lot when I started playing years ago and when I abandoned that type of thinking, my gameplay improved significantly. Love the vid, all the tips are incredibly helpful.


Le me add a few more:
- If your team killed 2 or 3 people, don't stay around dancing in front of the tower/phoenix with the intention to pick another kill, go and do an objective like gold or fire
- If all the enemy team (or at least a bursty mage like poseidon or vulcan) is alive, DO NOT start the fire gigant, in my experience the team that starts the fire ends up losing it
- Afert the 20min mark the lane face is over, if now is the time to think about doing fire, don't go to farm to the opposite side of the map, stay with your team, look for chances
- WARD, please for the love of god, a ward makes a difference between life and death, especially during laning face
- If you don't see nobody for the enemy team for a while DO NOT roam around the map alone, chances are you are going to find 4 of them in your face and now with you dead they can do objectives more easily
- Follow your support. If you are being chased, check if your support is near, they might have a shell or a sprint or some cc to save you.
- Do not chase kills. Similar to the one of the previous points, after killing 2 or 3 people some junglers decide to chase somebody to the end of the world for that Fking K/D/A rating, instead of doing that group up with your team and do objectives
- Check the enemy spawner times. If you want to take down a phoenix for example, quickly check the spawn timers of your enemies, if they are next to respawn run away. Remember that if all 3 phoenixes are up they will have a speed boots for 10 secs or so, so they will catch up to you
- Press tab often. Check the enemy builds, check who has beads at the beginning of the game, check if somebody is building full healing or full tank. A lot of people wonder why an afro or an eset is so hard to kill and is because they went full supp.
- Say when an enemy is missing. VFF, or VF1/2/3 to say if an enemy is missing for your teammates so they know if they should stop the preasure in the lane. Also, follow that call, if from mid they are telling you that the enemy is missing just backoff
- As a supp, you don't have to kill yourself for a jg who decided to 1 v 5. Your death is not worth it.

uff, I'm tired of writing. Have a nice one


Personally I disagree with not waiting for gold. As long as you're not waiting for a T1 or T2 item, and are waiting for the full item, I think it's fine. Only time I'd say it isn't is if you need to be somewhere quickly or if you're behind and can't risk losing farm.


Sick video man, we need more content creators like you in the community


Great video! No one covers the basics which are the building blocks of getting good. I genuinely hope you post more vids like this, maybe instructional vids on tips for each role?


These are the tips that are crucial to growth, I genuinely appreciate you making this video, as a player who’s been playing a while, I still struggle with some of the fundamentals. I appreciate this video and the roles deep dives you potentially are crafting as we speak!!! Thanks 🙏


I like to move my map depending on which side I am, if I'm on the left lane I put it in the left so it doesn't obstruct my vision of the jungle


I really doubt I'll ever be able to use abilities like scylla's 2 with instant cast but great video nonetheless


Damn I for real got 3 man rotated level 3 in solo in the first clip. I’m mad all over again


Here's the only tip u need, Que up with a team 😂


The biggest thing I would’ve said is when coming up to those big late game 1v1s or really just any 1v1 make sure you’ve played every god enough to know CDs or atleast each gods most dangerous move. Like w nieth you dodge her spirit arrow and you’re pretty much not dying for 5-7 seconds


Another tip is that you can tell when the enemy team is attacking the Fire Giant or Gold Fury if the game's ambience sounds start glitching, like turning on and off rapidly. So, if you have no wards. the enemy team is suspiciously missing, RUN towards either of those as soon as the sounds start glitching and hope you made it in time


Waiting for 30 gold is 1000% worth for a T2 or to finish an item. Other then that great advice 💪👌


11th: Get a better PC

Not like me who is playing on a trash toaster


Handy tips and tip 9 I wish I could do but I play on console, I used to like the replay option paragon had where you could immediately go back and watch your last match regardless of what platform you played on, it helped me improve massively on paragon and I wish they had the same thing on smite for console players


I think lots of tips are situational but the main thing is dont blame any of your teammates for your deaths. And learn from them


Tip number 5 is the most important one. Alor of people gotta learn that dying literally didn't matter for the 1st 20 min


10 is a big one for me 😅 I do my best not to tilt but I'm hyper critical of myself so I often lose the fight


Holy crap #5 hits every player so hard. I would love to see a game mode where all of the stats are completely hidden and never revealed. Like even post game you can’t see how much damage you had. So sick of hearing “oh I’ve got top damage.” Well cool dude did you know the losing team of a $1, 000, 000 game still has a dude with top damage? It doesn’t mean a single thing if you lose the game with top damage. I feel like there would be so many more games won if a tsuki wouldn’t just ult all 5 by himself because someone else on the team took top damage from him. I literally watched that happen once. I took top damage and our jng ulted all 5 people by phoenix just so he could have top damage back. We lost the game off that play too. It’s not all that guys fault but he 100% cared more about losing with top damage over winning a game without the top stat. 🤦🏽‍♂️ small dick energy. Lol


Bro no joke should’ve added how important wards are. Probably the most important thing about conquest honestly.
