No, you don't want North Korea to fall.

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No, you don't want North Korea to fall.

North Korea is one of the world's last dictatorships. Everyone would believe that the end of Kim Jong Un's reign would benefit the entire world. No more nuke threats and no more 20 million North Koreans starving to death. Sounds good, right? It does, but it is horrible ideea if you think twice.

This video was created with inspiration from neo, OBF, Johnny Harris, Real Life Lore, Polymatter, Jake Tran, Vox and Wendover Productions.

Music by Kevin MacLoed.

Map source by MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors via Geolayers 3.

Writing, editing and direction by myself.
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YouTube decided to recommend a 2 year old video on a dead channel to a bunch of people all at once


The CIA was conviced that if the soviet union fall it would be bloody and probably nuclear

Im not saying that north korea would fall peacefully but still i doubt that it would be nightmerish as you put it


north korea = world war 3
no north korea = world war 3


It’s like that thing where the dishes fall inside the cupboard and are pinned against the door. If you never open the door, the dishes won’t break, but you’ll also never be able to use them. Sooner or later, you’ll have to open the door.


It’s worth pointing out that China do not want the DPRK to fall, because if they did, that would mean they would have American troops right on the Korean/Chinese border something they definitely don’t want.


December 2nd, 2024, The " Kim-Jong-Dead" Incident.


Napoleon once said :" Don't interrupt your opponent when he is making a mistake."


If North Korea would fall into a Syrian-style Civil War, each faction is MUCH more likely use the WMDs against EACH OTHER, rather than against South Korea/Japan/USA.
It doesn't make sense to make an enemy of a larger power, if your aim is to defeat your local rivals!


That quote by Kim Il-Sung seems fake because they don’t call themselves North Korea, but the DPRK. North and South are Western constructs. And it sounds overly zealous.


"My sources? Dude, trust me."


You're severely mistaken in several scenarios. Intelligence on the facts on the ground in North Korea currently make the likelihoods of mass armed uprisings and aimless excursions into South Korea for no clear reason or military objectives infinitesimal.

For starters, according to recent defectors— which has spiked exponentially during Covid —the North Korean economy and labor force has been so decimated that their army doesn't have enough bullets for their guns. Dozens of defectors have reported only being allowed to shoot 3-8 bullets over the course of their entire military careers; all for graduation tests. They've been training their soldiers how to sight their firearms without firing any actual bullets during drills. Most insightful is the severely reduced amount of ammunition that is being sent to their borders these days. This is extremely telling since NK border guards are made to shoot to kill anyone attempting to escape. If even the border guards are feeling the squeeze of munitions rationing, the populace at large is not going to be able to descend into wanton armed violence.

The possibility of aimless excursions into South Korea for revenge is just absurd. Neither the North Korean army or population would have the strength or resources for combat. Their tanks and planes don't have enough fuel for battle. This is a pool of beleaguered, malnourished peasants with useless machinery we'd be drawing from here. They're not going to have the will to go to war anytime soon because the labor force has also been too diminished from the effects of hunger and disease to supply their troops with the sufficient materials for conflict.

Remember those lack of bullets I mentioned earlier? Try going into battle with a fragile, weakened force who hasn't even drilled with live ammunition before. Those propaganda songs and posters aren't going to be enough to propel you forward once live rounds start flying back in your direction. When it gets real— when bullets and shells are landing, and lives are being lost all around you —a ragtag coalition of haggard, malnourished farmers isn't going to be able to do anything but panic, scatter, and surrender en masse.

Besides, they're not attacking South Korea without a Kim dynasty ruler giving the order in the first place. He is the only one they'd go to war for. No DPRK Communist Party military general could assume that role. The most uneducated and detached provinces of North Korea actually believe the Kim family really are the supernatural demigods their preposterous propaganda says they are. Significant portions of the NK population would dismiss reports of Kim's death as mere enemy propaganda at first, and would refuse to do anything until they have confirmation that Dear Leader is actually dead. A random Communist Party military general with enough medals on his uniform to make him sink if he fell in water isn't going to command their loyalty. NK's propaganda has been too effective, quite frankly. There'd be just enough citizens and soldiers to scoff at reports of Dear Leader's death, which would cause them to fall behind in any potential tactical timelines.

The people have been so repressed by now that they'd probably still willingly observe 11 days of mourning Kim without anyone telling them to. That's how trained and obedient they now are. By the time the NK public could possibly develop an appetite for war (which I strongly doubt) Japan and the US will have reinforced South Korea, and the UN would have boots on the ground attempting to stabilize the wobbling nation.

*But let's put all that to the side for now and drill down to the most pertinent aspect you've gotten wrong in your calculus here. Let's focus on the real hole in your theory....*

The North Korean people are never going to be who topples the Kims to reclaim their nation. Of all potential scenarios, that one can be ruled out rightaway. Never gonna happen. North Koreans have been so indoctrinated, abused, misled, weakened, deceived, and terrorized by now that they don't even know they're oppressed in the first place. They don't actually know they're entitled to more than what they've always known. Their traditions of unity and loyalty have been so poisoned with totalitarian Communist obedience for the last 70+ years that they'd never be the ones to assert their own sovereignty. Again, the propaganda has actually been too effective.

The only plausible scenario I can envision of the DPRK being toppled is China finally saying enough, and going in to put this tire fire out once and for all. It would be challenging to actually pull off, but the most seamless transition of power in North Korea will require the elites in Pyongyang secretly working with China to set in motion the events that culminate in the removing the dictatorship. It'd have to be a gradually escalating process, otherwise you could never truly stabilize NK as a vassal state if you tried doing it through assassination in one fell swoop. You're going to require the assistance of the elites in Pyongyang to pull it off because they're the only ones in the entire country with a knowledge of the outside world and economic prosperity China is enjoying after introducing capitalist reforms to their economy in the 1990s.

The elites are already secretly engaged in some form of illegal capitalist practices on the North Korean black market as it is. The desire to maximize their gains would compel them to find common cause with China for their future. The elites are also the only ones who are even well fed, educated, and connected to the global markets enough to have the drive to see this effort through. It'd be impossible to rely on the peasants living in the rural regions to bring down the regime. They've been so isolated and misled that they don't even know the concept of revolution. The idea of replacing their government is totally foreign and inconceivable to them. It doesn't compute because they've spent their entire lifetimes focused solely on surviving. All they know is backbreaking manual labor and scrounging up enough to eat each day that thinking critically about their plight is a luxury they don't have. They've been reduced to little more than feral scavengers at this point.

Lastly, I just want to say that China annexing North Korea would be an improvement. Yes, China is a rogue nation and police state in it's own rite, but it's paradise on Earth compared to the despair and torment North Koreans are enduring right now. The differences in the basic necessities of food & shelter, medicine, education, technology, individual freedoms, and civil liberties is light years ahead of North Korea's.

Is it the ideal outcome? No. But it'd still be a drastic improvement in the overall quality of life altogether for the North Korean people to finally experience. Reunification with South Korea is out of the question by now. Too much has changed between them for it to work. I would also argue that the sudden addition of 25M North Koreans to China's economy and military would come with enough setbacks in the beginning that no significant differences would be made. It comes with a laundry list of downsides itself since North Korea is so archaic and devolved that it's virtually incomprehensible. China would have to invest a lot into initiatives preparing North Koreans for the modern world by removing 70+ years of lies and indoctrination just to make them viable in the 21st century. This is a nation that doesn't even teach it's children science, math, and language in it's schools to prepare them for adulthood. They teach one thing only in North Korea:

The laughable, and insulting fictional mythology of the Kim family being superheroes.

The only thing kids are made to learn are made up stories about Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong Un being living gods. They only train their students in how to worship their dictators. It's simultaneously absurd and offensive. That's why I say there really wouldn't be much of a net gain for China immediately if they swallowed up Communist North Korea into their boundaries. The improvements in the overall quality of life for North Koreans would be worth it in my opinion.


Totally disagree with you, they will fall on their own.


Thanks for covering this topic, since many people have this misconception that this scenario would play out like German Reunification or the collapse of the Soviet Union. While your theories weren't the most accurate, it at least gets the point that this would be a nightmare for the entire world.


It’s almost as though an entire generation could be a sacrifice for a free North Korea. Such a sad situation.


"I didn't say it would be easy, I said it would be worth it"


Unfortunately, the German peaceful unification was an exception that prove the brutal rules. However, Germany was split in two parts for less than 3 decades and the differences between east and west are still obviously 😢


Well yea… but the longer the fall the harder it hits the ground…


Looking at it longer, the Korean peninsula looks weird lol


Hey… just for you to know, 14h ago a channel in portuguese named Plano Piloto released a video completely based on yours… mays its a plagiarism? Have they talked to you? I mean… there is no credits in the description for you work. But every single statement is identical to yours… keep an eye open!


Tip : if north korea decides to launch nukes move to south america but you'll die anyway so ye
