8 Clear Signs You Are a Chosen One | All Chosen One's Must Watch

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In this video we are exploring the signs indicating that you are a chosen one.
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This video spoke to me on a different level. My entire life I've felt like something was off, like I was different. Not different as in better than anyone else but different because I was operating on a different wavelength.
One that most can't grasp the concept of.
Many people no longer served a purpose in my life due to their mission not aligning with mine so I had to let them go.

I didn't enjoy doing 'normal' things such as going out for drinks and trying to get laid, doing drugs that make me slump to escape my problems, and being a people pleaser.
A lot of my time is spent exploring my body and mind but when you try to explain that to someone they think you're crazy.
At least I know I'm headed in the right direction.

Thanks Inner Light


I am the chosen one and the light. 🌎 ✌️ and Love 11:11


There will always be protection and knowledge and guidance. We can do it this and just know how much love you have and how much love you are and how much loved you are. We will prevail thru love and light. Thank you


Always walked to my own cookie cutter....


I feel a deep inner knowing in my DNA...


All I keep thinking is Kung Pow 😂 "Chosen one! Chosen!" 😂


❤😂😊 Thank u so much for words so powerful that touched the ore of my being helping me to understand my purpose that i have to pursue in this life I am ever grateful and appreciate this lecture so much I also thank Almighty God for the wisdom


Then that is your calling just as a Christians calling is to spread Christianity and a Buddhist Buddhism. There is value in all teachings and all of this information combined is what makes a fully enlightened being or society.


You know, I ve myself had many thoughts like this (maybe not so eloquently expressed😅), I think they are good!

But well, I am seeing a confluence of similar ideas recently, not in a negative way, but as if there is truly a new will lately, wanting to get people to reflect on this subjects.

"The why" is simple to understand right? to try to make things better, for all, individuals then communities. Still I cant help to feel, like kinda of "reach out" from someone, something.

I want to say, that I hear you, I feel the want to shed light to ourselves, and live consciously. Maybe thats our destiny, an inevitability of consciousness? I dont know. I feel grateful towards life, I think at least I can begin to understand existential love. I dont want to sound like I am going to die, because no, well I dont know😅.
But even with all the frustration and the dumb stuff we do to each other, I am really grateful. And if some weird scifi apocalypse scenario happens where we are all "trapped" like unable to die, or conscious inside a machine, I wouldnt feel like hell, I would feel happy spending an eternity with you😊

I am sorry for getting impatient and feeling sometimes like I want a meteor to destroy Earth


I'm the 444 like. Well if that's not a sign idk what is


What if my heart, my soul and my reasoning tell me that it’s Islam that we need as humanity?


I've never heard myself described so perfectly. A confirmation and validation for how I've always felt deep inside. Thank you for the beautiful words that touched me to my core. 💜🪶✨
