8 CLEAR Signs She's Trying To See If You're Interested In Her

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8 Clear Signs She's Trying To See If You're Interested In Her

Understanding the signs a girl is trying to see if you’re interested can be a bit tricky, but it’s really helpful to know what to look for. Girls often use subtle hints and indirect ways to test if you’re into them. These signs can be small or even seem casual, but they can reveal a lot about her feelings.
In today’s video, we’re going to dive into the common things girls do when they’re trying to find out if you like them. We’ll explore various signs, from her body language to how she interacts with you, and even the little things she might say. These clues can give you a better sense of whether she’s interested and what her intentions might be.
So, make sure you stick around until the end of the video! We’ll cover all these important signs in detail, helping you to recognize them and understand what they mean. Trust me, you don’t want to miss any of these insights—they could make a big difference in how you connect with her. Let's get started!

#attraction #datingadvice #psychologyfacts
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The best nonverbal sign of interest is when you see her eyes light up and she has a big smile on her face after you pull out your wallet.


Having watch this video I realised now that she isn't interested in me, but then again she is married so I was being overly optimistic


I’m 41. Have had it with women and “made up my mind” about staying single.
Then this (half my age) women enters my life and I’m thrown down this mental battle with Myself and my body.
YouTube obviously has a thing with phones that when I spoke out loud to myself last night on the drive home it heard me and now recommended this video. My body chose to watch, against my judgment.
Within two minutes of watching and it’s as if it’s describing this woman’s every action.
I feel like I’m drowning in a puppy-love style crush.
Guess my heart is stronger than my own will because… WOW!
Just finished and if this video is legit then my forced blind eyes has missed much.
She is so much outside the circle of women I tend to like yet I feel she has the biggest, thickest, sharpest, strongest, most bedazzled fish hook through my chest.
I have loads to process but I think she is winning.


They do all that to know and will still only use you for attention ruin only 😅


Why aren’t women just direct and ask the guy clearly what his beliefs and values are and observe closely how they answer? I did this with so many women in college and got the uncomfortable silence and ghosting which hurt in the beginning but thank God I did and wasn’t duped into a relationship that was more about the woman seeing me as a consumable product instead of a human being and man.

Watch how she answers or fails to answer this question: “What do you think marriage is all about and the purpose of it?” Silence is a very powerful answer too as Jesus shows us.


We know the game. Drive an old car and act a little creepy- keeps them off. 😎


Thank goodness, there isn't a single woman on this Earth, being interested in me!


She violated my personal space. Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest!


Number 6. The hinting on her being single is fine, but the 2 examples you give will turn a guy OFF, and make him disgusted by her. 1. I have been thinking about going on more dates since I am single now = She literally belittles the guy standing in front of her, by telling him she wants OTHER men. 2. I really want to find someone to share fun experiences with = She tells the guy right next to her that she find his company boring and not worth her time.. And yes it all repeats in number 8.. Hints of what she likes in a guy.. Pretty dumb to tell a guy in her presence what she is looking for in anyone but him = Huge red flag to a guy.


I was actually just talking to an Asian lady not thinking about dating her. She gave me her number so we can actually text each other. But she mostly the time don't text me back. When I go somewhere, somehow I see her and then we walk. She always seemed happy and interesting on what I said. Last month I asked her out for a date she said yes she will go out with me. She wants me to hug her when her dad is watching near her house. We actually ate some Thai food since she is actually Thai person. Then she actually hugged me. When I told her a few days later, she said that we're not boyfriend and girlfriend relationship when she texted me back. But yet she told me that she wants us to go to a certain restaurant that she likes. I wonder if she's actually testing me.


I ignore hints just to twist her up. Hints and tests are openings to keep her off balance. Keeping her on the phone knowing peace and quiet is only a hangup away. Gone fishing. Drizzle drizzle.


The clips are well chosen because all girls are displaying multiple IOIs, sometimes they are extremely subtle and you will only get one!


*It’s crazy how subtle her actions can be when she’s testing your interest. What’s one sign that caught you off guard but made you realize she was really into you?*


Subtle Invitations and Mentioning Her Singleness is the biggest yap, that or she completely lost interest in me after I opened my mouth long enough 😂💔


Unfortunately this is only for people who is attractive for dogs like us, we never get this kind of treatment just hope next life will be much better


Interested in what? Income? Billionaires make the best husbands.


When she turns her head 45 degrees to look at you. Women will not turn their head for things that are of no interest to them.


Such cute couples, it's very sweet.
I love the heritage and culture in this video to. I love human beings so much ❤❤❤❤


Weak. I ignore women who aren't direct with me. I'm a good-looking guy so I get strong INDIRECT "hints" DAILY.

I'm not into hookup culture, so it's a complete waste of my time to bother with 90% of the women who "hint" at me.

I'm also NOT interested in a relationship with women who aren't able to be forthright with me from DAY ONE, because the basis of a relationship that begins with forthrightness is a relationship that lasts. No games, no passivity - especially passive aggression, and so on.

#HardPass on ALL of these "hints" listed in the video. HARD PASS.

Be upfront with us men, or enjoy being single well into your late 20s and 30s and 40s.


What about a memory about a man? What about men have memories too? Not just women, men's does 2, that's a good question to put up on your other sites, what about men? What about their brain?It's all about women here
