Spirituality Vs. Religion: A Deep Analysis

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What's the difference between spirituality and religion? For the majority of my life, I was opposed to religion and when I would hear the term "spirituality", I'd just associate it with religion, and therefore saw no interest in pursuing. I've now come to realize the two terms are very different. Spirituality refers to a wanting to connect to something higher than oneself, which is like religion, but spirituality is a much broader concept. Religion seeks something higher than oneself but there's rules to religion. You're forced to adopt certain beliefs and relay your thoughts and experiences towards the beliefs of that religion. In spirituality, there are no rules. You must find all the answers yourself. In this video, I compare and contrast spirituality and religion on a deeper level.

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Hello everyone, my name is Wyeth and I originally created this channel to share some insights about life and the universe that I had on psychedelics, and how they can be used to change one’s life for the better. Now, this has evolved into me seeking to dedicate my life to understanding the truth about the nature of reality, the self, and consciousness at the deepest level. Because these subjects deal with the fundamental nature of who we are, I believe knowledge from these fields can be used to help one live a more wholesome and authentic life in all aspects.

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Religion and spirituality can be together, and many people find spirituality inside their religion, and for them, these differences may not be so relevant or true, since the two things are mixed. But for those interested in pure spirituality, regardless of religious affiliation, let me expand on the difference between religion and spirituality.
-Religion asks you to believe. Spirituality asks you to look.
-Religion has dogmas. Spirituality has wisdom teachings.
-Religion wants obedience. Spirituality wants experimentation.
-Religion speaks of sin and hell. Spirituality speaks of karma.
-Religion wants to comfort you. Spirituality wants to liberate you.
-Religion is external. Spirituality is internal.
-Religion is the form. Spirituality is the essence.


Religion divides us.
Spirituality unites us.
We are energy, and energy never dies.


As a Christian, I agreed with 95% of what you said! A lot of us are unfortunately religious instead of spiritual which leads people to believe that following Christ is about following rules despite the fact that the Bible encourages us to look at life through a spiritual lense.
You will heard us Christians say it’s a relationship instead of religion because of how limiting religion is. Take the Pharisees in the Bible for example: they were so set on following religion they didn’t even realize that the very Son of God was amongst them and had him killed. Religious people killed Christ.
Like someone else said in the comments, true Christians are spiritual. I wish I could go on but this comment is long enough.
This was an amazing video btw!!


I started my life as a Christian. Later denounced Christianity and turned to science and atheism. I lost my sense of meaning and purpose- took up a spiritual mindset and I now feel better and more certain about life than I ever have before.


Science - they won't experience the life force they just name this this and this.

Religion - group of people BELIEVE in something they were told by someone who experienced the existence the life force way back .

SPIRITUALITY - One Experiencing the life force by themselves they don't have to believe in something, they see by themselves .Spirituality is One experiencing Oneself that this universe is one .


Religion is a theory, ideology, rituals given by outside influences and indoctrination of the mind
Spirit is a deep feeling intuition understanding built on experiences in our own being over time


Spirituality is being free. While religion try’s to scare you with being thrown in Hell for the sake of pastors so that they have control over you.


I was a Christian but I never stayed faithful to one Christian church my entire life. I always didn’t understand how these were all Christian but with quite different views. When I first became connected to God it was at church camp at ask the holy spirt to come with in me. After that I read the Bible every day until I didn’t I become severely depressed. For over a year I was suffering I took shrooms had the worst trip of my life but it cured my depression. Suddenly it vanished over the corse of months I begin questioning & seeking & became in tune with spiritually. I see God as my higher power because that the name I know. I believe Jesus in body the higher power God. Jesus spirt was Gods. I believe the Holy spirt is the piece of our higher power soul that lives within all of us. That guides us & helps in our journey. Spiritually to me is realizing your higher power lives within you. This video was beautiful


Great video! This is the journey that everyone will eventually experience. Some may need to live many lives to experience life in order to find the path to spirituality or your higher self.


And also, science actually has a pretty good attempt at explaining consciousness. Its called "information integration theory" and I highly recommend you look it up, its one of the few things that ever gave me epiphanies


I was raised on Christianity. I went to VBS every summer, to church every Sunday and sometimes Wednesdays. I was also baptized out of my own choice to be. I eventually started doubting secretly and became depressed. I converted to Buddhism to raise my energy and it worked! I went back to Christianity. THEN I discovered numerology. I now consider myself to be spiritual and I have a hard time explaining what exactly I believe because it feels ridiculous when I try to. But I believe in energy and karma as almost a religion of sorts. I also believe in reincarnation. My family doesn't know but my husband is okay with it, and for that I'm grateful. He's Catholic and my cousin/best friend is Christian. I'm 29 now and I still want to believe in Jesus Christ but because we don't know what happens after death, it gives me all the more reason to explore. We don't know if any of us is right or wrong.


Good video man. It’s good to encompass all beliefs as spirituality still ties into religion. People should just be open minded.


Religion is for people scared to go to hell, Spirituality is for those who have gone thru hell...


I became Spiritual because...
(It's a long story but I'll shortcut it)
I got depressed and I was so mad and angry and crying questioning so much things I even did blasphemy I talked to god with curse words and ask if he exist because I was so depressed that time and then I pushed all the items in my room I was so uncontrollable destroying things and then I get tired I sat down my bed and then look at the sun facing my eyes I was so angry because my eyes is getting hurt by the light of the sun so I looked down and saw a Christian Bible
I goosebumps and picked it up saying sorry to god and then I read it and my depression got cured in 3 days of reading me
But there's something bothering on my mind do god really use the Bible to show his existence does this bible is real or just human made and I started questioning so much things that I researched online about my questions and I found spirituality and I started meditating receiving some answers yes God showed his existence through bible because that's the only thing 3D people like me before who believe that bible is the connection through god that's why he showed me a bible to show that he is real that there is a creator.

That's my story why I became spiritual I questioned alot of things


I am glad that you decided to tackle this topic! I have been needing this distinction for a while and the way you break it down is wonderful.


My grandma would not appreciate this video.


I am a spiritual Buddhist and I believe in god but not as a person only as the devine energy behind the entire creation of the universe. God is the energy we all are the energy if you look out in the nature you can literally see that god is everywhere in everything even every breath that we take that is god right there we feel that way because we all are part of this devine energy you can call it god, mother nature, universe or whatever you wanna call it but when you truly believe, accept and surrender to this higher power you will start seeing the reality in different perspective and the true magic of life will begin to happen. That's how I see god


Dang dude! This was deep! I've been going from "religion "/ to spiritualism thank u for your insights. This really helps!


My view on spirituality is it is more of an all encompassing natural phenomenon, or in essence a fundamental truth about the universe and we are grasping at straws and trying to understand.

Religon is discouraging the grasping of said straws. It limits itself because it only allows for strict adherence to a belief against any other and questioning the religous doctrines is at many times punishable.

Science grasping at straws is encouraged and is better because it relies on facts, but still it has faults, there is rigidity and dogma especially towards the theories that have been established but which may in fact be wrong, a prime example is Alfred Wegener and his theories about continental drift and how it conflicted with the old theory that Earth never changes.

The biggest difference though, between the two, is understanding that science is not afraid to admit when it does not know how or why something happened, it tests hypotheses and changes them if the data doesn't support. When the facts and evidence outweighs the dogma of the old belief, science allows for changes to it's hypotheses after new data becomes available and accepted. Alfred Wegener and the theory of plate tectonics were only accepted after the discovery of the mid ocean ridges and the old theory just could not explain a central ridge of volcanoes constantly expanding sea floor.

I say Science is more spiritual because it seeks to understand what it does not know and it is far more philosophical than many people including scientists want to believe, I look towards music as a primary example. Most of us connect to certain songs on a very deep level. A good symphony, a moving song, they can be explained scientifically as a pleasing set of numbers if broken down into corresponding mathematics, but all the numbers and data sets in the world can't make me feel what I feel when listening to a moving song. But still I find it fascinating that there is something deeper mathematically to it all and that's where I think science and spirituality need to meet. Attempt to answer the unanswerable.

I could ramble forever and describe deeper but I feel the message would get lost so I end here.


Damn dude, your content is crazy good. You really deserve to gain more subscribers. I hope you keep sharing these realizations you have ;)
