Depression in Children

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00:00 What people used to think about depression
00:38 Sadness versus depression
00:59 How depression can impact children
01:19 The main symptoms of depression
02:06 Other symptoms of child depression
03:07 Depressive symptoms that clinicians look for in a diagnosis
03:35 Factors at school that put children at risk of depression
03:48 Factors at home that put children at risk of depression
04:23 What is dysthymia?
04:51 How to support a child with depressive symptoms
A child with depression can experience problems not just with how they feel, but also how they behave. Depression in children is treatable, but often young people are not recognised as being depressed so they don’t get the right help.
This film explains how to identify and help a child showing the symptoms of depression.
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These films range from how teachers and carers can help support children who may be experiencing Depression, to hearing from families' first-hand experiences.
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