Depression in Children

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00:00 What people used to think about depression
00:38 Sadness versus depression
00:59 How depression can impact children
01:19 The main symptoms of depression
02:06 Other symptoms of child depression
03:07 Depressive symptoms that clinicians look for in a diagnosis
03:35 Factors at school that put children at risk of depression
03:48 Factors at home that put children at risk of depression
04:23 What is dysthymia?
04:51 How to support a child with depressive symptoms

A child with depression can experience problems not just with how they feel, but also how they behave. Depression in children is treatable, but often young people are not recognised as being depressed so they don’t get the right help.

This film explains how to identify and help a child showing the symptoms of depression.

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These films range from how teachers and carers can help support children who may be experiencing Depression, to hearing from families' first-hand experiences.

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I had depression since 10 years old and anxiety since 11 years old :I and its terrible for a child to feel that way


Depression at a young age sucks really bad, my brother was 11 years and i was 9years old and back then i didnt even know depression was a thing so i didnt know what was happening to me. 1 week later, i asked my mom if she really wanted 2 kids insted of 1. Now im a little bit older and if i look back to that moment, it scares me that i really said that to my mom at that young age. I was and still am being happy around people and make them happy but i get nothing in return my friends doesnt look like real friends, my parents are angry at me the most and their smiling at my brother. Im 15years at the moment been trough depression like 8 times now anxiety 2 times, it really pains me. Its really hard for me to talk to people because i just cant stand them because they dont know what ive been trough, they just dont understand but they still "trying to help you" but at the end they dont understand it and just trying to make things up to make you feel better. The people around me look like their full of lies and and selfcare, they cant notice or see even tho i can see the pain in others soo easely. Sorry for the long text but i just need to let this known cus people online seems like they know...


I’ve been depressed since I was 13 (I’m 21 now, about to be 22 in November), diagnosed with major depressive disorder at 15. It started because of abuse I experienced and it hasn’t left me since. I’m going to be starting therapy again soon, I hope. I just want to be okay. I don’t even have to be happy, per se. I know no one is happy all the time, it’s just unrealistic. But if I could just be okay, that would be enough for me.


I am 12 and for the past year, things had not been going… so well.
Only a year, it wouldn’t be that bad? Or so I thought.

How do people live with it for years?

Ever since I was 7 or so, I had already had some identity crisis thing. I just never know, I don’t know what kind of person I am, I don’t know what goods and bads I have.

All of me is what I had modified for others so I won’t get abandoned.

For a long time I developed a habit of attempting to harm myself, at first, I used to bang my head against the wall (started since 7), and then taping my wrist, hitting myself, using pencil to scrape my wrist and attempt to make it bleed. (started since 12)
I tried to hide it from my parents. I try to leave as much hints, I want them to find out, but I don’t want to tell them


I felt that way when I was a child in Grade School. Later on in life I found out that I have Asperger's Syndrome . I didn't know what it was more than forty years ago. This type of symptom wasn't recognize until 1994 .


I got depressed since I was 9. I am now 12 and my mental health has been bad since I turned 8. I developed an eating disorder, social anxiety, and more at 9 and 10. I got anxiety when I turned 11.


When I see my classmates playing with each others I feel so much pain and just feel to cry so hard and scream so loud man


#KidsMentalHealth. I am (Yes, Underage for YouTube) 10 years old. I am quite depressed, have struggled with anxiety and stress for at least 2 years now. I honestly blame Social Media for all this. A normal 10 year old would be out and about, not giving a shit about the world. And I constantly question my sexuality and sometimes even question why I’m here. Social Media is horrible, If any other younger kids are here, get off YouTube and TikTok. Go outside, have fun. This is horrid and I don’t wish this on anyone. 😢


I had depression back in 5th of February was crying so much non stop then the next day starting to end but still very feeling very sad


iiam 9years old and really depressed from my family and teachers


giving hugs the people who have notice of depression including me 😢


I wish I had someone to talk to. I wish I knew how to talk about my feelings. I wish I could just be fixed.

I wish I was older so I could be allowed to be alone for long periods of time. I'm not scared to die. I've tired killing myself at least 12 times but Every time I try I always get caught. If I were older and alone I could probably complete my "task" and finally be free.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I am just a kid after all. Just a stupid little kid.


I’m currently 11 years old. Ever since I was 10 I felt sad out of nowhere. It seems like it never goes away. I’m always alone and I just want to die now. It seems like no one is here for me and no one loves me. If you can relate to me please like to this comment.


Kindergarten makes me depressed
Middle school makes me more depressed


I am struggling from pressure of work from school we get 7 on average homework’s a week and 3 Test, Quizez average a week. I blame school and social media for this I’m getting tired everyday and I’m going to spend more time with family rather than playing 7 hours a day. I will try to change it to 3 hours a day and spend atleast 4 hours with family.

And I stay in school for 8 hours I can’t see my family for that long which is sad because when I return home I have 5 hours to spend.


I don’t think I’ll ever move on im now 11 years old and I am still depressed which my parents are always judging me for and I guess they will never understand and they always blame it on the phone so I’m just little stupid girl which I know none of u care but
I just felt saying something because no one cares about me and because I have no one at all I don’t have someone to talk to


I’m depressed really bad sometimes I think I have heart attacks or my heart just hearts and I can’t breathe very well and I cry all the time and sometimes I feel like I’m going to faint and I’m 10 and I don’t sleep very well and sometimes I have anger issues and sometimes I can’t think well in school and my mom yells at me for my grades and that I have a little low grades...I look very happy outside and I’m very sad inside..but my parents don’t understand me I - sometimes feel like everything is on me and I feel very useless in my family... I feel like I’m a bad need help?? And my dad always goes to work and my mom always goes out with her friends I think that they don’t care about me anymore I lock my self in my room my mom and dad kick the door and say open the door so I go to my bathroom and open the door ... and they don’t help me they make it really worse and they hurt my feelings a lot and when I need something they say no and sometimes think I really need


I dont know why am i sad i dont find anything fun and i am 12 i dont even know what to do


Im 11 years old
Im depressed beacuse i have suicide touths.
Im afraid of gettimg out of home cuz im afraid of the kids who bully me.
I talked with teachers and family they say i have noting just temporaly thing


Im just 8yrs old but in deppressed i cant sleep.😞
