Jackson Tries To Console April – Grey’s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 16

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Jackson sees that April is upset and tries to help her
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My ships just stay getting ruined but my gosh Sarah Drew is killing these episodes. She's so good.


Even in this unwanted kiss there was more chemistry than jaggie


“When did you decide that I’m not here for you?”

Maybe when you and everybody attacked her last season calling her an “opportunist” and “traitor” for taking a job opening that needed to be filled? Maybe when you slept with her and never spoke of it afterword? Or maybe when she confronted you about it in tears and you just sat there doing nothing? Maybe it was because you shut her out Jackson. Goodness gracious get a grip!


"When did you decide I'm not here for you"?? Well...the divorce was a big hint, also meaningless sex in Montana, not to mention moving on so easily with the most annoying character on the show. Mmm...yeah, good one Jackson.


It's heart-breaking to see where April's story is going. Not only because of Jackson, but to see her completely alone with everything and without true support... I mean, Grey's was always about friendships and taking care of each other, but she is just being ignored! Her behaviour is clearly a cry for help and a stranger, dr. Tom, can figure her problems out in minutes, but her ex-husband and friends can't/won't?! :(
I hope that she will find a better job/partner/opportunity for herself and will leave Grey's with her head up!


She is still in love with him. I hate Shonda for ruining us Japril


Honestly she loves him so
much. She can’t even look at him straight cause that’s what happens when you look at someone you love and feel like you can’t have him


Jackson was such a great guy and then they just turned him into an asshole. All my ships are dead now and since April and Arizona are leaving the show... I'm out. Poor April, she can never catch a break


The writers had so many opportunities to get these two back together as they did with Jolex...but they never developed the story and just teased us for a few Seasons with Montana, Harriett, them moving in together etc. I think they had intentions of letting April (Sarah Drew) go for a while now which is brought down her character rather than develop it.... Japril has been my favorite couple on Grey's for a while...I'm really disappointed that Sarah is leaving the show


April and Jackson had more chemistry in these few seconds than Maggie and Jackson had throughout the whole season. 😒

Jackson you idiot! Push back please! April needs you right


Breaks my heart seeing April like that


I do not understand why April is being treated like that. She has been turned into a completely different person and I would hate them for that. She was an amazing character and now she has been ruined. Hate how Jackson has treated her, how she has been abandoned in a corner just to see how Jackson and Maggie are getting together as a couple. April deserved so much more than this
But I have to say thank you because you are giving me the perfect reason not to watch the series


I see alot of people hating on April in this video but I just want to say that they fail to see the details and nuances. Warning this is going to be a very long comment, but I would like to insert my take on these two characters. Lets's begin with April Kepner.
1. Episode 10x11 -She is a very insecure individual who has had to hold herself up on her own because even as a child she was bullied by her own siblings evidenced by what she explains to Jackson of what the nickname "dukie" really means.
2. Second evidence of her holding herself up - Episode 6x06 Lexie is given April's little red book by patient who is a thief, it is filled with phrases of affirmation to lift herself confidence up.
3. Episode 10x02 April describes herself to Matthew - " this is all new to me I was never the girl who was picked at the dance, I'm not good at it, and I am indecisive because I see eight sides of everything... and I didn't think that anybody would ever want that" A lot of the hurts that she caused Jackson in season 9 was because of these characteristics she describes not because she is selfish. She is the most caring doctor at Grey Sloan Memorial - stated by Dr. Stark who recommended her for Chief Resident. His recommendation carried a lot of weight because he never had anything good to say about any of the residents. This is also supported by what Karev said when they were trying to save her lfie.
This brings me to the topic at hand- Is the dissolution of their marriage mostly April's fault? I say NO they are both at fault.
April left after Samuel's death because she needed to heal herself as she had always done throughout her life. She never had anyone to help heal her. In addition to the fact that she could not help Jackson grieve and heal when she was spiraling down a deep rabbit hole. When she returned the military she had grown stronger, more confident, less indecisive. Healing wounded and dying soldiers and civilians in a war zone toughened her up. This upset Jackson because he could no longer be her knight in shiny armor. You can see it in episode 11x24 the look on his face when Catherine tells him that April has changed.
Jackson did not fight for his marriage because he is a quitter, that is why Hunt told him that he could not be chief resident because when things get difficult, challenging or overwhelming he gives up( episode 7x07).
People say that April didn't call him or that she didn't care what he had to say, but when she did try to speak with him from the war zone, he said that it was his sleeping time ( really dude? your wife is half way around the world she wants to discuss the fact that she still does not feel healed and ready to come home and all you have to say is I'll be sleeping. Seems to me you didn't care all that much because common sense dictates that you would make the time to speak to her. Also when she calls you spend your time talking about a stain on a couch, instead of telling her how you are really feeling. I get it that people say that he was trying to let her do her thing to heal but letting her do her thing does not deny you the right to express how you are feeling. If Jackson so desperately needed April home he should have voiced it. I am sure that if he would have said more than "come home it's dangerous over there" and told her how he was struggling dealing with Samuel's death and her absence she would have come home sooner.
Jackson likes to say that he always had her back, but no he didn't, he was not loyal to her. When anyone attacked Jackson's moral character (something that Maggie did while she was dating the guy) April set her straight and told her that Jackson was a good man and that he would not do something immoral. When Webber was attacking him because Cristina Yang did not win the Harper Avery -April stood up to Webber and defended her man. However, when she most needed him to defend her not as his wife but as his friend and person he verbally attacked her and doubted her abilities to carry out the role of chief of surgery.

So to all the people hating on April I disagree with you. What we see happen to April here is the flood that broke the levee of her faith and strength from all the crap that life, Jackson and her colleagues gave her in seasons 11- 13. I felt so sad for her because she was all alone, yeah Jackson would ask her " was going on" but he never really showed a real interest. Tom Koracic showed more interest and did not leave even when she had asked him to leave her home until he figured out what was wrong with her and he didn't know April like Jackson did. When Jackson approach her he did so in an judgmental way. "You should hear what the interns are saying about you" really Jackson that is how you are going to get your ex-wife to open up to you about what she is going through. I'm sorry I believe that it was all the punishment that he wanted to inflict on her for all his butt hurt feelings that greatly contributed to her breakdown. it wasn't the only factor but it was a big factor since she still loved him very much.
Finally for those saying that Montana did not mean anything to him that is wrong, it did mean something to him he had his person with him during the difficult time of confronting his father for the first time. That thank you that he gives Catherine on the tarmac when they land back in Seattle included the fact that Catherine send April with him instead of Meredith and he had the emotional support that he needed at that moment.


I swear this only scene has more chemistry then the all Jackson and Maggie story


This episode proved that there is a real alchemy between Jackson and April, and absolutely nothing between Jackson and Maggie. Looks like a brother and a sister !


Okey Shonda this is the lowest of lows.... I thought that killing Dr. Sheperd the way you did was cruel and complete bullshit and now this? How can you fired Sarah Drew?? She is an amazing actress, probably the best one in the show. Grey's Anatomy fans want to see JAPRIL happen, we don't want to see Jackson with Maggie, they don't belong together!!! Please don't kill April, I beg you, please let her be safe, don't put her on a plane or in a car or near a bomb at the end of the season. LET her live so she can bless us with her acting skills when you finally realize that you screw things up again... And by the way there's tons of characters that you can kill if you guys have budgeting issues... like DeLuca and all the new interns. PLEASE DON'T MESS IT UP ONE MORE TIME, THERE'S STILL TIME TO DO THINGS RIGHT (Let her leave for 1 season and that's it) Ps: Bring back Christina, she was amazing.


Jackson broke the promise he made to Sloan.


This is just too painful to watch. I still can't and don't wanna believe that Sarah Drew is leaving the show.


A scene together and they saved the episode!


My Japril heart is broken. The writers ruined this friendship/relationship. Grey's was the first show to help me realize its better to marry your best friend. This was my favorite show on TV, this was the reason why I entered the medical field. I grew up with this show, but now it sucks. Jackson has been so selfish in these last 2 seasons. Who sleeps with April and call it "casual sex." He knew what sex meant to April. And also calling her a traitor when she took that job. That was not the Jackson we fell in love with. I stopped watching this show after I heard the news of Sarah Drew being fired. Shonda did her wrong. Only watching scenes on Youtube to keep up with poor April. The writers are doing a disservice to Sarah Drew and Jesse Williams as actors. They actors invested so much into this relationship and the writers completely disregarded that. Even Jesse Williams is against the incest relationship people call Jaggie. It's disgusting. The ratings speak for themselves. It's time this show ended. And after reading that Reddit post about how toxic the cast and crew is on Greys Anatomy, I am boycotting it. Too many fake feminists in this world. #JaprilForever
