Identity Shifting: the final key to the 'God frequency'.

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That's exactly how I quit smoking. I prayed for 2 years for God to take away the desire for cigarettes. Then I listened to a podcast and decided to take that advice. I started visualizing that my tables were empty of ashtrays because I was a non smoker. I also started thanking God for taking away the desire instead of asking him to. July 19, 2015 I woke up and had no desire to smoke. Been almost 8 years and not only have I not had a smoke, but I haven't even craved one.


For those crafting your character :)
- Draw your ideal self
- Define 5 Super Powers / Qualities
- Define 5 Accomplishments
- Define 5 Key Habits
- Create 5 Affirmations
- Define your characters style (what they might wear)

Put this next to your bed and read it every morning/night for 40+ days (or maybe 50 to go along with the 5 energy :p)
Good luck to everyone! Let us create our Utopian self so we in turn create a Utopian Earth :D
Much Love, Peace, and Abundance <3


The trick is to stay well away from anyone and anything that wants you to be what you don’t want to be.


This video is packed with value. Since watching this, ive completely tranformed my life. I went from being a complete wreck, and not making any progress, to becoming a completely different person. Ive been completely sober for 3 months. I started meditating daily, as well as writing positive affirmations, exercising 7 days a week (4 gym 3 bike days), and pushing myself to take action everyday. I feel absolutely phenomenal, and it just keeps getting better. I'm also less anxious, more in control of my emotions, and full of confidence. This shit is real. I encourage everyone to try this stuff, and take it seriously. It will change your life.


Super! I am now 80. Just now starting to apply these techniques. 100% confirmed. 💪🏽👏☯️


Yes, it isn't about finding yourself it's about creating yourself to align with Soul 😊


Nothing makes me happier than experiencing consciousness awaken collectively


I've been trying to shift my identity for years now and i kept falling back. i even stopped smoking by trying that identity of being a non smoker and it worked. i discovered the art of thinking and I've been practicing it for 6 weeks now and i have been seeing changes but today i felt myself starting to slip back into my old ways of thinking. This video came at a perfect time. THANK YOU!


I am reading a book on hypnosis and how we can have many personalities, … we already do, you have a personality with friends, at work etc… therefore you can create a whole new personality 🎉


"You never achieve your highest ends; you only get what you tolerate." That's huge. Thank you.


The transition from moving into nothingness requires you to silence the ego. The more you move into this nothingness the more you are able to see your attachments. It takes awareness and effort to be able to see where you were holding on. Once you acknowledge where you were holding on, then you have the ability to act upon it and work on yourself. Find where you doubt and fear and learn to very simply let them go. It is all meant to be so so simple. We create the distress. Know thy self, deeper and deeper to be able to consciously unblock all of the blockages, from then on you will be free.


You have to change your daily routines and habits to create a new identity and outcome. Even just starting something like a yoga class and meeting new people there will begin shifts that need to take place in your life, consciously and unconsciously. Staying still, doing the same things every single day will leave you stagnant and feeling unfulfilled…even if you look around and seem to have everything you want/need. You have to break the cycle to imagine a different path for yourself, and the universe will reciprocate.


All this is pretty much an extended and in-depth explanation of the law of assumption.
Love what you said about past traumas.
It's so true. People choose to live in their lowest vibration and get stuck there, then wonder why there in undesirable circumstances.
The hardest thing is positive self-talk and self awarness .


I wrote a small process book called I AM A NON SMOKER AND MY REWARD IS…
It was a process I thought up for myself and it worked. So with cigarette in hand I wrote every morning and every evening, 15 times with feeling why I am a non smoker . I’ve never looked back and I actually can’t remember being a smoker .
Now I am looking to shift my income.
I don’t want to be corporate so I need to think of what it is I want to create.
When I wrote my book I knew that when I made the statement, the universe would test me with chaos of some sort . So I was ready for it and I just ignored it . This is an important part of the change and I’ve heard you talk about it in your other videos .


When I was young I used to watch Michael Jordan and get so motivated, I'd sort of harness what it was like to be him, or what I imagined it was like, and it absolutely influenced my behavior in a positive way. This sort of thing can be powerful, to light up dormant parts of yourself and get them working. Often we may not know what we're capable of until we see someone else do it, which then allows us to put ourselves into their shoes and better know what it feels like to do it. Like parts of us know how to mimic so well that we can even take on deeper attributes of another person just by observing them. But truth is that it was inside you all along, you just needed something to show you it was.


I “fell” into this exercise on a rock climbing expedition a few years ago. It was only my third time climbing outdoors, and I reached a point in the climb where I had no idea how the “current” me would be able to keep going. I had no other choice but to imagine an avatar of Joanna who was a strong and capable climber. It was sheer magic what unfolded next. I shared about this experience recently on my YT channel. Just discovered your channel a few days ago and love what you’re putting out into the world- thank you!!


This is wonderful work. This may seem off-topic, but I think it is crucial. Young people need to know how much they belong on the earth, how important they are to a healthy future.


Currently there is a lot of unrest, chaos, demonstrations and frustrations in our country that has left lots of people hopeless. Listening to just the first 5 mins of Identity Shifting, my entire vibration has changed and all these happening in my country now appears like a movie and not real anymore. All of a sudden am on a different vibe from the current happenings and a sense of freedom just rushed in. Thank you Quazi...


I've been applying the techniques in this video for a couple of days now. Drew up my "Higher self" and all of the characteristics to go along with it, and have been practicing detachment from my old thoughts and beliefs. The change I've seen already is radical. Woke up today feeling amazing, and very calm and confident. I've been trying everything to shake my old identity for years, and nothing has worked until I found this video. Thank you very much for sharing this information. It's a gold mine. You've earned a sub. Keep it up!


Consciousness of what you think and your Thoughts and feelings and reaction, behavior, lead's to really really understand yourself
Start consciousness right now and ask your self
1- what is my thoughts, and what is my self talk, what is my thinking, reaction, and behavior, (Right now)
2-then edit all of that for positive for each one
