The State of Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred PTR

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I'm Raxxanterax and I make Build Guides, Leveling Guides, Tier Lists and More for Diablo 4, Last Epoch, Path of Exile and Path of Exile 2. The Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred release date is October 8th and we've been able to dive into the Season 6 PTR to test things out for patch 2.0. Diablo 4 continues to trend in a positive direction with updates to the progression, itemization, endgame bosses, torment difficulties and much more. Let's dive into some of the highs and lows of the game in its current state.
*Follow me below, thank you for the support!*
00:00 Introduction
00:46 *Day 1 Breakdown*
02:38 Nightmare Dungeons Right Away
04:00 Strongholds
08:13 Torment 1-4 Pit Grind
11:28 Torment 4 Bosses, Helltide & Lilith
14:13 *Progression Feedback*
17:33 *The Good*
17:40 UI Improvements
20:39 Endgame
21:10 Character Customization
21:38 Party Finder & Stat Squish
22:29 *Needs Improvement*
22:35 Difficulty UI
23:49 Legendary Glyphs
26:07 Torment 4 Buff?
26:32 *Requests*
26:45 Party Finder Loadouts?
27:43 Tempering
30:08 Summary of Thoughts
*Diablo 4 Guides:*
*Path of Exile Guides:*
*Last Epoch Guides:*
#diablo4 #vesselofhatred #Season6 #raxxanterax #maxroll
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People getting mad at you for finding an exploit on the PTR is peak cringe behaviour.


You absolutely nailed it around 24:00 about the lack of embellishment when hitting a major achievement in the game. This surprisingly happens with many aspects of Diablo 4. It is important.


24:13 "People have a job and three wives and four kids and only get to play for 8 minutes every month"
Damn, I feel called out.


Learning English and Diablo IV stuff with you with your nice and slow talk! Greetings from Argentina!


Maxing out glyphs should definitely have a really cool effect. Bathe my screen with a cow rave.


Blizzard Raxx is 100% spot on with this comment 25:35 about the Glyphs turning legendary. Its a big deal, make the animation and effects reflect this.


They need to change hard and expert to Nightmare and Hell. Keep the Diablo theme going.


Thank you Raxx and the entire community for taking the time to play test VoH and give us (and Blizzard) your feedback. Super helpful as always. Cheers!


I completely agree with Raxx on the animations for things like glyphs going to legendary. They put so much time and effort into adding fancy animations for things that don't actually mean anything and that you have to open/spam often. Like going into the Shop, you have to wait for that silly card animation without being able to disable or skip it.

That's neat the first time you see it but we don't need it every time I want to glance at the shop for anything. Same with Tempering and Master working. Its neat the first few times you do it but when you are at the point you are going to be spamming it a few dozen times after grinding mats for a while, you realize there should be an option to disable it entirely, not just an extra button press to skip it.

But things like finishing a Stronghold, finding a Mythic unique, or even multiple greater affix gear should all have big explosive animations and sounds for that dopamine hit so that its memorable. Its an easy thing to do for such a nice payoff, I don't understand how they always manage to flip flop on things like that.


Raxx is really 100% spot on for all the feedbacks. Hopefully dev listen and implement them.


It would be sooo easy to update the tempering list interface with color-themed subcategories; so cold temperings are light blue, fire temperings are red and so on...


Couldn't agree more with the dopamine hit. I got my first mythic unique this season, and when i saw the purple beam, I almost jumped out of my chair. (Tyriel) It kept me playing long enough to get the shacko. Havent played in over a week after the rush fell off, and my lightning spear sorcerer just destroys everything. (Casual player - play one class a season). Side note: This is the longest I've stayed engaged in a season. Something felt right.


One giant complaint i have about Beast In Ice is when they use that giant sweep attack and knock you into the DOT spiral, you struggle to see the marks on the ground as to where its going to hit you. Blizzard NEEDS to make it more clear to see


Pit 20 to unlock T1 definitely reminds me of GR20 as a checkpoint in D3


Loved the point you made on the class select screen. Would be great to see all the heroes surrounding the fire with a panning camera in between.


Please add to your list Druid class quest still sucks. Slowest class mechanic unlock and now the damn offerings take up precious inventory space because quest items don’t have their own tab anymore.


I love the strongholds, I wish they would do more with them. Have them reset during the season with some sort of event. Make that a whisper worth 5 whatever it is. Not the original event for the stronghold, have them be attacked by angels I don't know and you have to repel them.


I love that strongholds will give you something. I’m one of those OCD players that takes a couple hours with each new character and goes and beats all the strongholds cause I hate seeing them undone on the map. I need all my way points and all those cleared.


In the video, you talk about how you think the journey from Torment 1 to 4 is probably gonna happen on day 1 or 2.. But when the expansion drops, we won't have the 201 paragon levels to start with.. Did you go back and try the 65 Pit without all the Paragon points allocated? I'm curious how fast the early paragon grind will go, and how it will feel without having all of our aspects unlocked, tempering recipes found, etc.. The item 750 gear also won't have the 2x Tempers and 12/12 masterworking that our legacy items were able to have, so we'll feel quite a bit weaker. I think this is good tho. Things have been too easy.


You said something that really perked up my ears...I WANT THE KEY TO THE CASTLE. The 'castle' should be a never-ending progression instance kinda like the Tower with different levels but 'interesting' with puzzles, co-op options, interesting npc's and FUN. That's where the gobbies come from! Chasing a gobbie could lead you to a room with no doors and you need to think your way out.
I like blasting through a game, but I love using the noggin too!
