World Of Warcraft: Which Class Should You Play?

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What class should you play in World of Warcraft? It's a question I've been asked many times so I thought I'd make a video to help you guys that are undecided on your mains to make a good choice, I first talk about things you should consider when picking a main class followed by my thoughts on each class and spec.


(Music Provided By Monstercat)




In this video I try to help new WoW players and altoholics in deciding what class they should main as It's something that even I struggle with myself, I talk about the things I consider when choosing a main and go through all the world of warcraft classes giving my thoughts on the pros and cons for each, I hope this video helps!

If you'd like to suggest a topic for a future discussion or top 10 please comment or tweet me via the links above.

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- All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

World Of Warcraft: Which Class Should You Play?
Рекомендации по теме

2:34 Mage
3:42 Warlock
4:42 Priest
5:51 Rogue
6:55 Druid
8:35 Monk
9:37 Hunter
10:44 Shaman
12:09 Death Knight
13:17 Warrior
14:21 Paladin


Mage - 2:33
Warlock - 3:43
Priest - 4:42
Rogue - 5:51
Druid - 6:56
Monk - 8:35
Hunter - 9:37
Shaman - 10:45
Death Knight - 12:09
Warrior - 13:17
Paladin - 14:21


watching at 3am, and of course, the only ads are horror movie ads


I just started playing WoW a few months ago, and after trying all the classes, monk turned out to be my favorite. And it was the last class I tried because I thought I would hate it. XD


Thanks for playing my track LazyPeon! :)


I don't even know why I'm watching this video. I've been playing wow since 2006. I guess I like the owner of the video too much.


I highly recommend Druid. From time to time I mained other classes but I always came back to Druid!


5:02 utility, abilities, good mobility you should be a rapper


I watched this and decided to start playing wow again after 3 years. Made a Druid. I play feral and I love it. Totally back in the grind


That was a good video but I still don't know what class I'm going to play


Lol he put "ROLLS" instead of "ROLES"


Why do I play monk? well for me to really connect and feel like I am a PART of the game rather then playing it is I need to identify with my class, I remember my first *and main* my monk, I instantly knew this was my main at level five. the first time I got three chi and laid waste to a group of starter creatures was fantastic, and it built up from that with Storm earth and fire, expel harm, defuse magic, touch of death, drinking like a fish and a master of stuns as well as good balanced DPS along with the ability to literally target three people at the same time with SEnF. ^^ I know nobody cares about this paragraph but I thought I would toss in my input.


Feral Druid has been my main forever. I highly recommend it to any new player. Pretty easy to master due to it being straight forward, high damage, good self-sustaining abilities, interesting play style, with the stealth and combo point system, cool theme background and visuals. And you're a bad ass cat. Nuff said


First class I rolled in 2005 was hunter...played all the classes and combos since then but always end up back to hunter. It's just the class I have the most fun with.


Personally one of my favorite class and race combos is Undead Priest. Why? Well because technically undead are a sort of unholy thing, meaning that the Light will harm them, so why is there undead priests? Well to me it seems like it's a matter of them having strong willpower to be able to overcome the pain that comes with wielding the light, and being able to utilize it despite being undead.


I starting rolling down my stairs when I saw "what roll do you want to play?"


Man i haven't played wow in 4 years (Played since vanilla)... this was a nice look back! Thx for the trip Lazy Peon


First toon I had ever made was my hunter, to which I had loved over the years and had grown close to with different pets that had been at my side through all my new experiences as a wow player, from destroying the Illidan to dethroning the Lich King, and for the past few months i've had a weird distaste to mine and now realize the boredom and dissatisfaction. I couldnt find the words to explain but you hit it right on the spot, "Lacking depth and flavor to each individual specialization and the class itself" I couldn't agree more. To me I feel that the class is only a beginners guide to playing and really is in a sense. Dull.


Druid, Druid Druid DRUID!.

Cat - Best Melee in the game. (Since blizzard turned Rogue into warriors in spandex)
Moonkin - Best caster in the game (If we pretend frost mage isn't a thing)
Bear - Best tank in th... (lol what the fuck is PvE?)
Tree - Best healer in the game (because fuck you)

Apply this + Hunter alt and you have won WoW.



The Rouge, combat, assassination and salty.