Red Planet Live - Dr. Robert Zubrin - Episode 1

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I love Mars Society and i simply gotta watch any talk where Mr. Zubrin is involved! Great talk! Thank You :-)


great program, but the sound system by some participants needs substantial improvement.


Mute that guy at 14:00. He's breathing heavily, mumbling and making noises with his mouth. It's distracting, each time he comes on any show - Darth Vader, learn how to do an interview.


The loud noises of MSWillams make this very hard to watch. Eventually I turned the sound off completely and stuck with subtitels for that segment. Someone adjusting his volume down would have been incredibly helpful!


Love hearing Dr. Robert Zubrin. I would fly him to Mars on willpower alone if possible. He's done so much for mars that I think it would be a universe level crime not for us to get there in his lifetime. Let's get our A**es to Mars guys!


Listening to Matt breathing while Zubrin was trying to talk was a bit distracting 😐


Fascinating interview. Thank you for organizing it. It look like we are at the beginning of a new space race. But it's not NASA vs. China or Russia, not Musk vs. Bezos. It's SpaceX vs. China.


[ 47:07 ] People could swallow, digest food in -1g as well as +1g, they were still worried about astronauts eating in 0g for some strange reason, however.


Great interview.... the next couple of years should be interesting.


It makes all the sense in the world to experiment 3 days away and not 8 months or 2 years to round trip astronauts to mars and back. Or is it not designed for anyone to come back?


Fueling stations on the way have to accompany the main ship to mars?


Pursuing the colonization of mars is a legacy🖖✌


How many refills of star ship is needed on the way to mars?


(to master a solar system as identity)
in an infinite universe it makes sense to catch solar wind -pull cables from pole to pole slightly offset for the dynamo effect - mars as a mega machine

infinite acceleration as starting sequence in an infinite universe where planets are fed by solar wind and stars and galxies are fed by cosmic radiation


Space X seems to be having stability issues with the raptor engine. Reminiscent of the problems the X15 program was having IMO. I hear also some students(MIT?) where able to piece together what documents they had(minus the engineers crib notes) on the Mighty F1 engine and using modern manufacturing techniques came up with the F1B which out performs the F1. Why not contract rocketdyne to produce F1B engines using H2 instead? I realize the F1 had combustion stability issues but with modern manufacturing techniques they probably solved that issue in the F1B. Seems to me the Raptors are at least a decade out (if ever) from being reliable and I realize SpaceX has already proved they can light a significant number of engines at the same time with falcon Heavy, but why not use fewer more powerful engines (that could be developed most likely in that same 10 year time frame) and throw in 1 or 2 more (say 12 vs 10) for redundancy ? I get the methane thing as it would be producible on mars, but the universe has much more H2 than anything else (including Mars) why not use that instead. It would make the starship much more flexible. I love hearing Dr. Zubrin, he has a no nonsense manner in regards to Mars objectives. If we could take the Mars mission out of political hands, and give it to the engineers, we would be on Mars in 5-6 years I believe with enough cargo to start a colony.


Hello. I have a specific question regarding the xenon anomaly that is likely residue of a nuclear catastrophe above the surface of Mars. Is there a way to determine from this residue, weather or not it were nuclear fission or nuclear fusion that had occurred?
