Can I switch to a Spouse visa while I am in the UK on a Marriage Visitor Visa, once I am married?

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Be sure to check out my other Videos on my channel @thespousevisaexpert , for more helpful advice and guidance about settling permanently in the UK via the partner route.

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While every effort has been made to ensure that the information and law contained in these videos is accurate and current as of the date of posting, I accept no responsibility for its accuracy or for any loss or damages arising from accessing, or the reliance, of this guidance.

Please also note that the information does not represent a complete statement of the Law and does not constitute legal advice.

If you would like specific professional advice about your UK immigration matter, please consider booking a consultation or one of my other legal services.
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Good information, good straight forward video. It makes me very very sad that this rule exists. The fact that I'll have to leave my wife for several weeks to wait for approval is very frustrating


Can you do a video on whether you can travel outside the UK while on a fiancé visa? From my understanding the conditions of the fiancé visa is multi-entry and you may be able to travel outside of the country for your honeymoon. Could you clarify is this is true?
