Entity Framework Core 2.1: Simple, Powerful Data Access for .NET : Build 2018

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We know the data tier is one of the most important parts of your application. That's why we've worked hard on the latest release of Entity Framework Core 2.1 introducing some significant new capabilities. Come learn about new features like lazy loading, data seeding, query types, new data providers we're working on, and much, much more.
Entity Framework Core Part 1
Entity Framework Core 2.1: Simple, Powerful Data Access for .NET : Build 2018
Entity Framework | What is Entity Framework | Entity Framework in MVC
Learn Entity Framework Core 2.0 From Scratch - Code First Approach (Part 1 of 10)
Entity Framework Core : Code First | Migrations - EP02
C# | Entity Framework 6 | Code First explained with practical example
Getting Started with Entity Framework Core [1 of 5] | Entity Framework Core for Beginners
Entity Framework Core In-Depth Part 1
Module 2 Unit 1 AI and Human Rights
Working with an Existing Database [2 of 5] | Entity Framework Core for Beginners
Entity Framework Core Part 2
How to use Entity Framework Core Database-First in a separate project
Entity Framework Core Part 2 - Code First from DB
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Entity Framework - Relationships: One-to-One, Many-to-Many, One-to-Many
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