IN-DEPTH GUIDE TO DOUBLE IE JHIN! 90% WIN RATE BUILD! Everything you need to know.

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An in-depth guide to Double IE Jhin. Every little detail you need to know to learn how to use the build and how it works!

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I'm a normal league player and I tried this build. I went 26/0 first try, got all the females and my boss raised my salary. I swear it works!! I'm a normal league player btw.


Ok tyvm for coming to my presentation.


“Not only does it scale very well, but it scales very well in terms of damage as well”


I had my doubts till I was out damaging a Draven with this.


Really loved this guide Taco, thank you so much for giving my build a try and sharing it to the community
Much love and success <3


This video in 3 seconds: It does much damage.


ggGetJinxed here, thanks for the video fam, I was trying this out on a test stream today and your video gave me some more insight on why certain things were working the way they did. This video is solid. Only thing missing is "RANK 1 JHIN! WHY DIDN'T I DO THIS FREELO SOONER?!" while still being Diamond 1 forever.


he sounds normal at 1.25 speed thank me later


i found out that storm razor really goes well with this build as a fourth item to pick, storm razor helps you to abuse revolver and fleetwork more


How did I not see this and found this treasure just now?!?! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
As a Jhin main this build was smooth to play with!! The damage was spot on!! I didn't have to worry about mid ~ late now with this build, really melts away tanks and 3-4 hits squishies!!!


Personally, I'd want to go for IE + ER, rather than two IEs. Yes, you lose 15 AD, but the 20% CDR by itself is slightly more gold efficient than the 15 AD you're losing out on. Not only that, the build path is a lot more forgiving. You can buy a Longsword or two, the turn them into a Warhammer, and still be well on your way to your ER. Losing out on the efficiency of IE's unique passive just doesn't sit well enough with me.

The mana regen and CDR amp up Jhin's utility immensely. Being able to trap the hell out of your bushes and the river without ever running out of mana makes you so much safer from ganks and hooks, and it opens up more opportunities to push the lane, root enemies, or ult to finish people off. When in solo queue and you can't depend on your jungler to countergank or your support to ward, having an infinite supply of the newly buffed traps is solid.


Thanks for making these guides man, really appreciate it, keep it up.


I would argue that IE+ER+RFC into Youmuu's, BT and Rageblade is still good - you can easily hit over 1000 AD with just one or two Infernal Drake, have armor pen, 30% CDR, 2.3k+ crits on non-tanks with fourth shot (1.5k+ on the other three), and a very nice move speed boost (+26% at first shot, +44% when rageblade is fully stacked), PLUS Youmuu's active.

If you went Sorcery for secondary runes, Transcendence and Gathering Storm get you to 40% CDR, +12 AD when you kill blue buff, and an AD bonus that keeps increasing as the game goes on.

(According to my testing, Youmuu's actually performs better for this build than the more popular Black Cleaver, and also out-damages Duskblade, Lord Dominik's and Mortal Reminder.)

When going top lane against tanks, Press the Attack is better than Conqueror in a lot of matchups, and the combination of Legend: Alacrity and Coup de Grace just adds another great damage boost.


Definitely going to do this. Thanks man <3


I really like this build. I'm hesitant, because I've always loved my comet Jhin w early lethality and late crit, but this build seems to do well.


I heard about you :O You're that legendary Jhin main. Someone told me you're not active anymore, guess that was a lie hah I'm happy I found your channel


Hey Taco do you plan or do you have just a standard Jhin guide? Like how to effectively trade with ur 1-4 shots when to try to set up grenade bounces, best way to effectively use your traps and when should you and when you shouldn't be ulting, etc?


I often use dark harvest + overheal runes. 2 ie > cannon > ie/ dominik > bt/ GA. A bit risky but almost 1 shot enemy adc/ ap every time if im ahead. I'm an adc main ;)


want to be a daredevil jhin? go dark harvest taste of blood eyeball collection and then lifesteal hunter(forgot the name) or ultimate hunter then gathering storm and absolute focus. do it with a tank support or one that has high damage and CC(morg, lux, leona, brand). then go 3 IE's, rapidfire cannon, death's dance and ninja tabi or swift boots. boom! 2 shot everyone during clashes when you have enough souls, electrocute has cd. boom risky af.


I was so unsure about this but I tried it and yup,

Damn near 20 kills. We lost but I was STUPIDLY powerful
