Her Description of Jesus Will Take Your Breath Away!

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Randy Kay founded Randy Kay Ministries in response to the thousands of messages he received from people struggling with brokenness and the myriad of questions that arose from sharing his after life experience in Heaven after clinically dying. Randy has authored thousands of articles for publications such as Forbes and The Wall Street Journal, and four self-help business books. His first Christian book, Dying to Meet Jesus, began through a desire to help people turn brokenness to joy. In that book, Randy briefly shared his after life experience after succumbing to pulmonary emboli and septic shock. Many readers asked Randy to share his full experience with Jesus in Heaven, so he authored Revelations From Heaven. Randy has reached millions of people with his story of God’s Love and faithfulness. His mission is to share the Love of Jesus Christ to affirm God’s reality and the hope of Heaven. In 2021 Randy founded Abundant Life Online, an online Christian personal development site that provides assessments, e-learnings, interviews, insight coaching, and online gatherings for members wanting to develop their career and life skills in service to God. Several years ago he founded PACEsetters, a leader in human development and the first to introduce a validated course on thriving skills. Prior to that Randy served as the Chairman and CEO of TenorCorp, a diversified strategic development firm.

#Heaven #HeavenEncounters #RandyKay
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First time I encountered Lord Jesus, I was still a Muslim and before He said a world I knew who He was. For long time, I didn’t know how I knew! I had never prayed to Him. The only time I spoke of him was to mock Christianity but had no image of him.
To prove to me that He truly was Jesus, He hugged me, bathed me in that blissful love the sister is talking about and healed me of depression. I can never again be with out Him or deny Him again. He is everything. Nothing else matters. ❤🙏


I saw Jesus and he is the most handsome God in the whole universe. I'm so lucky that he came to see me.


I saw him in a dream before pamdemia started, I couldn’t see His face but I saw His hair and white robe. I run to Him to hug Him. I felt so peaceful, and safe. 🙏


When the pandemic hit and they were talking about people dying I went outside looked to the sky and called out to GOD. I hadn't really spoke with him in years. That night I woke up and the room was so heavy. I thought I had a stroke. I looked up and there was a beautiful white light with the color of rainbow light around it. It hovered for awhile then in a split second it took off and disappeared. That day a white dove flew passed my window. I knew then that GOD was speaking to me.


I LOVE hearing people stories about Jesus!!!! It makes me so happy. Hopefully I get this experience with Jesus. I can't wait to see Him in the clouds with glory!!!!❤❤❤❤❤


I was taking up in first grade u wanted to stay up there and the angels said you are needed down there


Let us put our faith in Jesus Christ. He is our strength and our. Future. He will guide us through these end times and beyond. 🙏


I've experienced the love of Jesus. And that " TRUE LOVE " is unexplainable. ❤❤


I saw jesus face in the clouds, i was shocked, surprised and happy.😮


Jesus is all that matters. Jesus is everything.


Please pray for me to experience Jesus in this way. I am feeling lonely and depressed.😢


Jesus is real and he will reveal himself to you on this side of the veil sometimes. It happened to me and my boyfriend when we were coming down after a long weekend of partying. We were laying on his bed and we both saw the same vision of Jesus appear on his closet door. He was in full 3D, hanging on the cross, his head tilted towards us and his eyes looking at us with a mixture of love and sadness. As if to say, "I died for you and this is how you choose to live your life?". It was so profound I'll never forget it!!


I Have Never Seen JESUS But I Have Felt His Presence


Can't wait to see you when we get home ( heaven)❤


I saw his beautiful perfection once, my experience happened for real, it wasn't a dream or an illusion, it was here in life and i saw it with my eyes, i witnessed it, no one told me i experienced myself, one day i was changing to go to sleep and a strong pain invaded my heart, i did not know why suddenly it attacked me but i kept saying "God what is this pain" until i saw an image of a man sitting on a very soft blue place putting a golden cup aside and going into me and my heart with his left hand i closed my eyes and i felt spiritually as if someone just touched me inside not physically like when you touch someone and you can feel it but more in the sense of like you know its happening, i closed my eyes and i let it happen when i opened my eyes the pain was not there anymore, and i moved and moved and i couldn't believe what just happened, nothing absolutely nothing i was feeling, i was alright, the pain disappeared as if i never felt it and i just went to sleep prayed and thanked my saviour Jesus, when i saw him i couldn't see his face cause it was completely blurred but i saw everything else and his a man like in his 30s, around 33 or 34, he's young looking, his hair is off his shoulders not too long or short, its brown like coffe brown, and his skin color is a really light tan, like a golden tan very beautiful, his body was next level, he was strong, his legs, arms everything was like the definition of a great workout routine, and his legs and foot looked as if they were melting in bronze, such a beautiful man, it was very real, i felt his love on another level, despite all my sins and imperfections he healed me as if nothing happened, nothing hurt, and with such calmness and also despite knowing my fear for these types of images or anything godly looking, and for some reason i wasn't afraid by looking at that image and even though i couldn't see his face i could tell right away how gorgeous, manly, attractive, and gentle he was, Christ is beautiful and kind and full of love.


That liquid love from top of head to bottom of feet happened to me, too. For many days afterward I was enveloped in a spiritual blanket of warmth and intense love. This was during the Jesus movement of the 1970s.


What she describes from her time spent in Jesus' presence resonates with me.

I too was neglected and tortured emotionally as a 18- month old baby, due to a mother who had run away with me from family, and was descending into mental psychosis.

In this video, she mentions the resonating nature of Jesus' relationship with her.
She said he would open doors for her, and she was free to enter. But he never pushed her, just provided the opportunity and she would enter and receive boundless love and glory.

I think the Father and his Son treat children who have been traumatized in this way.

As an adult, when I was starting to put things together and open up slowly to Jesus, He showed me his salvation in the sky as I was driving down a highway on a sunny day. He knew I had built layers of walls inside, shutting out love to prevent
ever being hurt again. So He knew I had to be shown something so real that it would pen- etrate all my defensive layers, and I would truly know the sacrifice of the cross, never doubt it. I carry the miracle he showed me in the sky with me, which will stay with me the rest of my life. I can go back to to and feel it in my spirit, as if it is happening again.

He figured big in my upbringing when my grandparents finally found me at age 2 and 1/2, and separated me from my mother, and raised me in a loving Christian home with 2 loving uncles who were still in college.

Jesus is especially "close to the broken hearted", and I think especially to those whose heart is torn so deeply and wounded as Children.

I agree from my experiences, with her description of His relationship with her. Welcoming, but not forcing her into his presence.

I call Jesus my Ra'ha, a Hebrew word for true friend, but with a strong emphasis on shepherding.

That's what he is, especially to small children who have been unloved, traumatized or abused: a loving shepherding true friend who will never allow anything to separate you from His love.

Randy may have experienced this particular quality in Jesus, if he never felt loved as a child, which I think he alludes to...if I heard this wrong, then apologies.

But this is my experience.

The other thing that helps those like Tina and I is one day If you stay in the Spirit when you pray "Father...the Holy Spirit suddenly shows you God is truly your Father, your real Father.


In the name of my Ra'ha, my Shepherd, my Redeemer, and my Savior!🙏👐❤️⚡️🌈.

Rose S.


I have been having such a hard time the last ten years. At one time five-six years ago, when I did not know where my next meal was coming from, I asked the Lord, "Am I being punished?" I had plenty to feel guikty about, trying to carry everything, and failing. And the answer I got back through my thoughts is "No, you're in training. " So I do believe you are right on with the idea that our trials are training. And we have such a war coming.


I think that if I experienced a love like the one you describe, I could live in peace for the rest of my life here on earth 😭😍❤️, Thank you Jesus for loving me and dying on the cross for me❤️🙏✝️


I pray to jesus everyday for myself and family. I give thanks for everything he has given me. I have been praying to our Lord for healing or to send me to where I can get help with my teeth and my herniated disc in neck and lower back. I easily get exhausted. I still force myself to do as much as I can, even if I’m exhausted. Can any of you pray for me to be healed. What I take for herniated disc pain I’m scared I’m going to mess up my liver. I figure, I don’t live long but as long as I’m living, I’m doing something for the Lord Jesus Christ. I am happy when I’m teaching or doing anything for the kingdom of heaven.
