Is Modern-Day Iran The Core Of Ancient Persia? Abhijit Chavda #shorts

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Today on The Ranveer Show, we welcome Abhijit Chavda. He is a theoretical physicist, historian, geopolitical analyst, writer, and podcaster with a diverse knowledge of various subjects. I have had the fortune of talking to him on multiple episodes that we did on TRS.

In this episode, we talked about world history and the great lives of Alexander the Great & Genghis Khan. We deep-dived into the childhood of both fierce leaders and what led to their great legacy. We discussed why everyone should learn history, the great man theory, the life of Alexander, ancient Persia, ancient India, the life of Genghis Khan, the connection between the Mughals and Mongols, and much more.

If you’re interested in history, this is the episode for you because we have discussed every possible historical fact about the two fiercest leaders in history. I hope you enjoy this episode and tell us your thoughts in the comments section.

#worldhistory #abhijitchavda

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Рекомендации по теме

How much this man knows, seriously respect+


How fascinating. Seriously. These other names are like music to my ears. Get so done with Western world arrogance and ignorance of so much. It's time to know what else the planet is about. Many blessings.


To all the people in the comments section saying Bagdad was founded by abassid caliphate..
Bagdad was only rebuilt and used as the capital of the caliphate on the location of a much ancient persian city..

The name Bagdad is also the original persian name.. it means the city given by gods implying built by gods or a divine city.. the word "bhag" is similar to it's sanskrit counterpart from which bhagwan comes, which means god..

The abbasid caliphate used this ancient city to make it their capital and rebuilt it into modern Bagdad as it was on the confluence of important trade routes.. they named it Madinat As Salam.. but the ancient name Bagdad eventually prevailed.


King Xurxes became husband of Queen Ester and Queen Ester saved the lives of Jews in Iran by revealing her jewish identity to the King risking her own life! this is a famous story from Bible, and jews all over the world celebrate a Holiday for that, and Khashayarshah or King Xirxus has been recognised as a Good King.


Excellent interpretation. Salute sreeman Abhijith. Jai Hind.


Well the thing about 300 is it was not an actual depiction of the events, It was a spartan soldier telling his spartan army a story about his king from their POV, It was an exaggerated way of telling who the enemy is.


If Hollywood could only put their actual names, the way they were said in the movies would’ve been great


ksymhyrakshas Sanskrit means Jiska kshya matlab loss ho rha hai uski raksha kare great Parsa Pasrshu


The capital of the Sassanid dynasty was Ctesiphon, the city was invaded and colonised by arabs following their conquest of the Sassanid empire. They renamed it to Baghdad under rule of khalif al-Mansur, the capital was moved from Damascus to the former Sassanid capital of Ctesiphon, and renamed it to Baghdad. the Abbasid dynasty was heavily influenced by Persians and Baghdad was constructed under the supervision of the Persian Barmakid family. A lot of Persian influences on the islamic golden age.


And that's why Alexander is called great just because greek historian term him ... While all he was a good warrior but shitted his pants when saw dhananand's army 😂😂 ...

Man we should really rewrite our history from our perspectives where we had most tremendous warriors and heritages ... It's time to stop learning from West perspective who wanted to do harm and taught us to be ashamed of our history and culture


Gerard Butler is really the highlight of the movie.


Bro is Jhonny Sins of Youtube.
He is an Author, Historian, Scientist, Genetic Engineer, Astro Physicist, Geopolitical expert, Space Engineer, Microbiologist, Defense expert and the list goes on 😢


Origin of Aryans- IRAN. VEDIC HINDUISM was practised.


Imagine Iran wasn't invaded by this bad ideology, we would have seen vibrant cultures, languages and innovations. Not only Iran but many other cultures around the world were crushed and changed for wrong cause. 😢


Good extrapolation of time n geography n culture 😊


Film recommendation - 300? Yeah right 😂😂😂


As Middle East is base of Mesopotamia Civilization, considered one of the ancient civilization of the world and first script originated there is believed.

So west per se usa, europe are always afraid of rise of Middle East and want to control it because one can never deny the culture perpetuated from ancient times


His english accent kinggu, greeeennn screenn


Baghdad wasn't established until Abbasid Caliphate


That was Babylon not bagdad 😅
Sorry spelling mistake
