Mask Debate: Why we need to wear masks a little longer

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The mask debate is back. More than half adults in the U.S. have received at least one COVID vaccine dose. That is 130 million Americans. So, why do we still have to wear masks?

First, even though we're a year into this pandemic, there's still a lot we don't know about the virus and its mutations. Yes, we know the vaccines are relatively effective against the UK variant, but there are others circulating that it may not be as effective and as cases continue to rise elsewhere, that just gives the virus ample opportunity to continue to mutate.

Second, while these vaccines are very good, they're not one hundred percent guaranteed.
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Two weeks to flatten the curve. Wear them a little longer. They can always move the goalposts.


How can you eat and wear a mask at the same time? All places around here say you must wear a mask while eating, for real 😂


ah and we should make cars illegal too because too many die from car accidents. Let's ban pockets because people can keep drugs in them. And of course force people to wear masks because there's a tiny chance they can catch it and pass it to someone else. 100% logic.
