Revolution OS (documentary about GNU/Linux) (Multilingual) (HQ)

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Revolution OS (2001)

While Microsoft may be the biggest software company in the world, not every computer user is a fan of their products, or their way of doing business. While Microsoft's Windows became the most widely used operating system for personal computers in the world, many experts took issue with Microsoft's strict policies regarding licensing, ownership, distribution, and alteration of their software. The objections of many high-profile technology experts, most notably Richard Stallman, led to what has become known as "the Open Source Movement," which is centered on the belief that computer software should be free both in the economic and intellectual senses of the word. Eventually, one of Stallman's admirers, Linus Torvalds, created a new operating system called Linux, a freely distributed software which many programmers consider to be markedly superior to Windows. Revolution OS is a documentary that examines the genesis of the Open Source Movement, and explores and explains the technical and intellectual issues involved in a manner understandable to computer aficionados and non-techheads alike.

I found some subtitles, and will include more as time goes on. Right now there are 19 subtitles:

Arabic, Bulgarian, Simplified Chinese, Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish

The Chinese subtitle isn't quite finished. It's up to someone who speaks Chinese to finish that translation, and correct errors if there are any. Right now that subtitle is bilingual (both Chinese and English), but I think it would be better if it was only Chinese. If anyone wants to help correct (or improve) the subtitles, then that's appreciated.

Here's a link for the subtitles:

Please use the SRT format for your subtitle and save it with UTF-8 (Unicode) character encoding.

Examples of subtitle editors:

This way everybody benefits, in the spirit of open source :)
Thank you!
Рекомендации по теме

This came out when Linux was only 10 years old. Now at 30 years old, Linux is the most installed OS in the world. It would make sense to make a documentary about it at this time.


I like the fact that a documentary about free software is shared freely on the internet :)


Watch this every year. Never gets old. I am so grateful for this whole movement.


One of the best "Fine, I'll do it myself" stories ever produced!


Saw your comment in the other video. Just wanted to say thank you for this and the subtitles. Appreciated.


I love this documentary! It's so inspiring, in terms of how the creation of one of the most powerful Operating Systems came about in an environment where all the forces were against such a thing happening.

I really wish there was a sequel, and there's *a lot* to cover in terms of how Linux has progressed these past few decades since. It has only become much more popular, at a global scale even, and yet the private tech world has also become a lot more hostile towards the very principles that have made GNU/Linux so successful in the first place.


This is my 7th time seeing this doctumentary.

I'll take short 2 months break and come back to watch it again, so it can be BRAND NEW again lol thanks. =)


Great job with the upscaling of the resolution, now i can stream it on my 42" screen


I dont know how many times I've seen this doc <3


this is the highest quality ive seen this uploaded, bless your soul OP


Thank you posting this! Been a Linux user since the late '90s. So cool to hear the backstory from more than just Torvalds and Stallman.


I just wanna point out that this documentary was filmed long before many of the currently standard distros were available. Most notably Ubuntu and its downstream derivatives.


Stallman is such a brilliant dude. Love that guy


Thank you, I just rewatched this the other day and was disgusted by the quality and included black bars in my copy. This will be much better.
It seems the aspect ratio here is slightly off, but easily fixed without reencoding with "MP4Box -par 1=5002:5614".


Shill Gates couldn't have been more wrong back than. And now with the latest release of Nvidia 555 drivers Linux just rocketed in popularity especially for the gamer.


"If I'm the father of Open Source, it was conceived through artificial insemination using stolen sperm without my knowledge or consent." -Stallman, Richard (2016-11-10). Reclaim Your Freedom with Free (Libre) Software (Web Summit, Lisbon, Portugal)

Paraphrasing The MIT license is a weak license that doesn't know how to say "no" -Richard Stallman


Why the lady yelling the letter bill gates wrote.


I remember when Minix came out, I bought a copy. Now am running Linux Mint.


It's funny to see Tom Costello in his CNBC days... now he's the gray-haired NBC News "tech/aviation" guy... ;-)


Just ad a silent g to linux i.e. lignux
