Sit Inside vs Sit On Top Kayaks - Which Is Better For You? | Kayaking 101

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Dan talks through the pros and cons of sit inside and sit on top kayaks.

Feelfree Aventura 110:
LENGTH: 10' 10"
WIDTH: 27"
WEIGHT: 50 lbs
CAPACITY: 330 lbs

Feelfree Juntos:
LENGTH: 11' 2"
WIDTH: 30.5"
WEIGHT : 60.6 lbs
CAPACITY: 397 lbs


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Wish I’d seen this before I bought my first and I liked the sit in until I had trouble getting in and out of it. I’m 76 yo and quickly decided to sell it and buy a sot and I’m much happier.


I started kayaking while walking with a cane, I used a SOT because of my physical issues. Now I'm a guide on a flat tidal river in Fl, I'm trying out a sit inside tomorrow for the first time, going to be an interesting outing. Thanks for all the reviews and how to videos, you've helped me out quite a lot in my choices in gear and how to use it properly, so thanks again and keep the videos coming.


I have thought about kayaking for a long time. I am near retirement with knee, hip and back complaints. Two weeks ago my co-workers took me out in a sit inside. I had so much fun! I’ve now bought a SOT to afford me independence. Thanks for the information. You did a great job of explaining and I appreciate your effort!!!!


It's really encouraging to see many comments from folks with hip and knee etc. problems, . I have right hip and left knee issues, and wondering what I could do, now that cycling is a problem for me. I've never been in a kayak, but now I've signed up for a local fundraiser trip on a local river. Looking forward to seeing if I can manage it.


I have the chance of having both sit inside and SOT kayaks 😊

I use my sit in mostly in winter, and to long trips, whereas the SOT is super fun in summer, one can even get out of the kayak at middle of the sea and take a quick bath! Always be sure that there’s no current or wind that can put your kayak away from you.

Also when a friend with no experience in kayaking came with me, I feel more confident about possibles falls and assisted rescue if he/she uses the SOT.

I noticed that contrary to the youtuber experience, I feel better positioned on the SOT, more like my old race kayaking or surf skis, because I’m more free to use the legs on torso rotation.

Sit in kayaks impose some restrictions to the legs position because of the cockpit, and the footrest that are stickied to the lateral side of the kayak: in general we use a “frog” like position with external hip rotation and wider separation between feet.

Better to control the kayak in the longitude axis, but less efficient to push on the forward stroke!

Recently I discovered some surf ski models that reach 55 cm or even 60 cm wide, where you can paddle as in a real race K1, with less formation needed.

They are quite expensive though 😅


Love this video. Thank you. At 73 years old I just bought my first SOT kayak . Love it


I always had sit in and loved them, but now I’m living in an area with a VERY deep lake, so the fact that it’s pretty much impossible to sink a sit on kayak has made me reconsider when it comes to buying one for this lake. I think the sit in did wonders for the shallow rivers where I come from, but now with a lake this deep, not worrying about losing my kayak is definitely a huge plus when it comes to sit on top


FIRST CLASS video. i have a canoe and it's just to heavy for one person to lug about, so i went to the store today and left not knowing whether i wanted a sit in kayak or on top, now i know and it's definitely a sit in, it's a connection thing and the comfort of paddling, just need to get up to speed with the rolling. Thank goodness i spotted this, brilliant, thank you.


I'm general when it comes to fishing, SOTs will almost always be better. Easy to get on and off, more room to make casts, and if your kayak is stable enough then you can even stand up. Even though I got my first kayak a month ago, I feel like I've learned a lot, and videos like this really helps with the smaller things that people typically look over but may be important in the future.


At 58 I've owned canoes all my life. I just bought a 10' sit inside for a father's day camping trip with my son & grandsons. Had a blast, never felt unsafe, my grandson was surprised that it was my 1st time in a kayak. Looking forward to many more trips! Thanks for your guidance!


Great video Dan! Bought my first kayak last year based on watching many of your vids. I selected an inexpensive SOT and an upgraded paddle. I have added lots of options to make it a fishing kayak. I lot it. Being 70 and not so trim anymore this was a good selection for me. Thank you!


As a begginner, your videos helped me a lot. Great tutorials. I chose sit inside for the feel and found it more stable than sit on top. Thank you.


Thanks for the bicycling reference. Avid cyclist just getting into the sport. Now, just like a road bike..ill get obsessed with frame/hull composition and design! It never goes away! And not bringing up the motorcycles! Another rabbit really enjoy the presentation of your clips. Thanks so much.


Dan, this was one of your best videos! Awesome explanation and demonstration on differences between the two styles. This is a must watch for anyone deciding on what’s the best type of kayak. I’m not an experienced kayaker and until I am, feel the SOT is the way to go for me. Thanks for the breakdown.


I’m new to kayaking, and your expertise is awesome for my confidence.


I have been kayaking for years. I have had a Dagger Charleston for years. Love going kayaking.


I really appreciate all of your videos, but this one in particular! Watching you get in/out of the kayaks both on land and in water was so helpful! I've only gone out a few times on rentals, but just bought my first pair of kayaks and I've been so worried about this! Thank you!


This is great info and clearly explained! I’ve wondered whether I could do a kayak. I’m older now and don’t want to try to manage a canoe alone, but this gives me confidence in trying a kayak. I’m in Missouri and floating small rivers is the primary use here. I’d love to be back on the water.


Ive had both sit ins and sit ons. I also car top. I use them strickly for fishing. I can say that there are advantages and disadvatages to each. But after messing with both types I personally prefer the sit inside. I love how easy they paddle and how quick they are. I also love the super lightweight for car topping. Now I can say the sit inside I have is built to fish from. It has the nice lawnchair seat and rod holders on it. But thats just my preference.


This explains a lot. I kayaked a lot in my teens and twenties, but have been limited to occasional hires for about the last 25 years. I've found any time I've hired a sit inside it's been fine, but any time I've had a sit-on-top, I haven't been able to get on with it due to lack of back support. The ones I've hired seemed to have much lower back support than the one you were demonstrating. However, when you mentioned about bracing your knees under the deck of the sit inside kayak, it all made sense, and not being able to do this is why SOTs have just felt wrong to me.
