Why I Only Keep Female Rats

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Finally got around to making a video on one of the most common questions I get!

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I have had male and female rats, and personally, I found the males more calm and cuddley than the females. I did have two males and two females at the same time once, and when one of the males died, I had the other neutered so he could live with the females, which worked really well and they got on perfectly


I recently found a HEAVILY pregnant female in a plastic container by the local dumpster. I took her to the vet a few days ago and got her the proper things she needs. She gave birth last night and has 8 healthy babies!


We adopted two female rats from a pet shelter and they were pregnant. As we already had two girls we wanted to keep the group all female. When the adopted girls gave birth we had five boys we wanted to give away for adoption. We kept them in a seperate cage and at first didn't give them any names so as not to become too attached. But in the end they grew on us and we decided to let them be neutered and stay. 😀 So we had a mixed group and it worked great.


I had 4 in-tact males. 😂 We used to say that Eddie’s special greeting was the “golden handshake”! 🤣😂 I’m so curious about the difference in smell! They definitely had a little whiff going on for sure. My boys were a bit slower and lazier than female rats, which was the perfect speed for me. Super cuddly and sweet.


I had a male years ago and had no idea how big those suckers were gonna get. I mean it was actually impressive. He never bit and was such a sweetheart and indeed smelled like fritos.


That opening shot of the 3 girls cuddling on their hammock is so adorable and sweet.


They do (small rodents) breed quickly. I brought home, as a pet, a little white female mouse. She had supposedly been housed only with other females, except for a single minute she spent being transferred from one pin to another at the pet store. Well, after having her for a short while, she started looking "lumpy"😆. I was so worried she had a growth or parasite. Well, she definitely had parasites, four of them, and they were adorable. I raised them until sex could be determined and separated the boys from the girls immediately!


I've had both male and female rats (not at the same time for obvious reasons), but I haven't yet met a rat I didn't love.


I have a miscellaneous group, Bob: an intact male (who's deaf and blind from repeated ear infections - he also has some neurological damage, but he makes up for it with his personality, always super active and is absolutely obsessed with foraging toys), Lil' Mama: a neutered female (feeder rat, she's the sweetest of them all, I brought her home and she was already pregnant - she was so young not even the vet wanted to believe it - I wanted to give the babies a chance, but due to her malformed uterus they were all stillborn, after that I got her neutered as well) and then there's Lucifer: a neutered male (he's my oldest at the moment - his origin is unknown - got him neutered for hormonal aggression...) In the future I'd like to keep females, but I don't want to take Bob through another surgery, he just had two abscesses removed. Luckily I come from a country that charges around 80-120$ per surgery, which is still costly, especially for their short lifespan, but sometimes so worth it.


I have a friend with rats and she keeps only females. This is for the smell and she prefers the look of females, more cute in her opinion, and their softer fur.


I like rats but never had one as a pet. And I was so surprised when I learn form my friend how much work and care and effort she put into caring for such small and seemingly independent creatures.)
Now I like watching rat owners channels on YouTube learning even more things about pet rats.


I used to breed ratties back years ago so i kept multiple separate cages. My boys were generally calmer and more cuddly BUT i also had a couple of very special girls over the years that bonded very strongly to me. One would climb to her door to be let out whenever i walked into the room and would follow me like a puppy. Shed slip under the bathroom door and sit on my slippers wanting to be picked up while i was on the toilet 😆 she was super special💖💕💖


My rule of thumb, as a person who has had both males and females at different times is that I choose the most laid back female, and the most energetic male I can find. Not housed together of course, but in same sex groups.
The female ends up calming down perfectly and the male doesnt end up a floppy bean bag of mush. Ive had some males that ended up too lazy to do much but change positions in the hammock. And some females that just never calm down.


We like smaller and more energetic rats, so females are perfect. Females will cuddle, you just have to let them run around for 2 hours first :)


i currently have 5 girls and a neutered male. he was my first rat. he’s 3 now, his brother passed away a month ago. i have honestly always preferred my boys. i’ve had 3 counting my current one. i loved how cuddly all my boys are/were. my girls are all little nut jobs lol


I had 4 male rats, all of them had completely different personnalities. My oldest one was very cautious, prudent with other human but very cuddly with me, his son was a ball of energy, he liked to be pet after he had his share of adventures, Kiwi was a bit dumb xd, clumsy but also very calm and his brother, Hazelnut was pretty chill


I LOVE all of your rats! Even the boys you fostered. They are all so amazing! 🤩 you care for them so well.
And everyone commenting about their rats on here. Thank you! I love reading about everyone's rats. ❤️ such cute creatures!


I have had both male and female rats and they were all wonderful.


I love how relaxed rats can get, like they look so chill when they’re relaxing


My first pair of rats were female. They were from a friend. When our pet store was selling pet rats, they were all male. It's pretty much the reason I have all male rats. I am very good at keeping the rat smell located to the room they're kept in. No one else minds their smell, either. Also, to me, that muskiness is a comfortable, relaxing smell.
