AI Designed this Product: These Tools are the Future of Design

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For well over a century, products have been conceptualized, manufactured, and built using the same design process. Today, I wanted to try something different. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are the future of industrial design. In this video, I go through an alternative product development process and explore new design tools. I also discuss the potential implications of AI in our design processes.

John Mauriello has been working professionally as an industrial designer since 2010. He is an Adjunct Professor of industrial design at California College of the Arts.
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I love how you actually presented the tools you used, not like talked about AI in general just for the sake of it


I honestly thought that design would be one of the last places AI would be applied to lol, but in the past couple of years the extent of these algorithms has been crazy. Theres a channel called "two minute papers" that covers a lot of ground breaking AI and rendering technologies if that interests anyone, honestly most of it feels beyond my understanding but it still feels important to keep an idea of what new technologies are being developed lol


Loved the video! My notes:
0:00 Intro
0:44 John's experiment with AI Design tools as a "Creative assistant"
1:40 TOOL 1: ARTBREEDER (inspiration from combining photos)
4:00 curating data to feed AI
5:15 design+AI in 5-10 years
6:05 the best artist of the future
6:36 sketching after ArtBreeder
7:16 TOOL 2: VIZCOM (render sketches)
8:16 industrial design course plug
9:00 TOOL 3: GRAVITYSKETCH (VR 3D Modelling)
9:39 TOOL 4: HOUDINI (Computational Design)
10:17 autodesk (Topology Optimization)
11:38 quote by Refik Anadol


In my experience with Artbreeder you get a lot better results when you cross breed images than when you use the sliders, or if you use both I wouldn't recommend going to negative values with the sliders, instead if you don't want what the slider says in the image just set the value to 0.
The way the sliders work is by morphing the image to have features that are typical to images of what the slider is named after, so going to negative values will mute the features that it interprets to be similar to features that are typical to those images.


This is such a cool exploration, it's definitely only a matter of time before it's all rolled into one program for ideation. Does Houdini have the ability to export viable 3D meshes or is it just for visual FX? I'm very unfamiliar with it.


Aptera is an EV startup using generative/ai guided design for functional purposes. Would definitely consider giving them a look 👀


I'm extremely excited to see what it would look like to integrate AI tools directly into a game engine! Imagine being able to rapidly iterate with AI assistance in Unreal!


For my university application assignment in industrial design I actually used an AI that I taught to recognize and reproduce images of chairs. The output was very vague and unfinished but that was exactly what I needed in order to inspire me to develop these designs further and create actual usable chairs.

This hand-in-hand approach where, as you said, the AI works like a creative assistant instead of being a universal design tool that does everything for you and removes the human creativity is really fascinating and will hopefully lead to lots of new ideas in the future.


The level of this content is insane. I have always had the passion to use the cutting edge tech so I can compete with the veretans, which led me to play with generative design and topology optimization when I was hustling in the field of industrial design. Insane tools. However I later switched fields and am now in the motion graphics/VFX, where Houdini is king/the cutting edge software. Amazing to see that all this software can be used together. Respect


People think we have this intense and unfair fight with AI in the future but we haven't realised that we already lost it


Not enough people are talking about how well-made this video is. Incredibly done.


human + AI collaborations seem inevitably to be on two tracks simultaneously : firstly improving anything the human wants to create and doing it faster, and secondly replacing the human’s job.


The Autodesk tool that you showed isn't actually topology optimisation, it's Generative Design. The difference is somewhat nuanced: Topology optimisation is when you start with a shape and ask an FEM solver to find the load paths through the shape based on prescribed forces and constraints. It can then suggest which parts of the structure are not critical, and could be removed to save weight. Generative design starts only with a set of constraints, and uses an AI to form the shape from scratch, using various design strategies. This technology may be more mature than you think, the Autodesk version even allows machining constraints to be taken into account, in addition to the structural ones. This is profound because, as you mentioned, the resultant shapes are often highly organic, and ill suited for, for example, CNC machining.


The sliders make perfect sense! It’s the different items in other images that are blended together. You see that “running shoe” has the highest ratio as it was your initial search. The rest are blended in based of their ratios. It’s brilliant!


Artbreeder is such a fantastic tool. I discovered it almost immediately after graduating from my bachelor of design which I found unbelievably frustrating.


This really makes you think about how many handicaps you really have as a designer and how you spent so much time doing things that really are not creative at all but more just a necessity to communicate your idea clearly. Having AI help with this would be incredibly useful and would make designers work predominantly creative work, which is a good thing. Awesome video!


I found the branch structure to be fascinating, It reminded me of how mushrooms and other mycological variants grow! it would have been cool to see you use something like that to produce the lattice structure. I love your videos. thank you for being soo soo cool


How interesting, some of your results result ended up looking like a lot of contemporary shoe brands: Rombaut, Windowsen, Melissa, ap0cene, and even Prada. This sort of digital grotesque(or something like that) aesthetic is interesting once it's put into production. Great video!


Great Video! I am a Industriedesigner myself and Im writing a House work about AI in Design and this video was super helpful and motivating. :)


This was definitely a comfort to me as I learn more about ID. I think this is a rich and balanced take about the future. Designers that are innovative won’t be paralyzed by this
