Penn Plax Cascade 20 HOB Filter Review

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Tick Tock @Michaelsfishroom
Breeding for Profit Playlist:
Companies I support:
Aquarium Co Op
KJE Aquatics
Mike's Bulgarian Green Angelfish
Keep FishKeeping Spectacular Bettas and other Fish stuff!
**Products I use or have used in the Fish Room**
API Freshwater Master Test Kit
My Favorite Power Filter
Fritz ACCR
Fritz Complete
Seachem Prime
Seachem Safe
Python Water Change System
Aquarium Co-Op Sponge Filter (THE BEST!)
Aquarium Co-Op Test Strips
Lee’s Specimen Container
API General Cure
Ich X
Blue Airline Tubing
Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links. If you click on the affiliate links, I will receive a small commission(at no charge to you), which helps support this channel and allows me to continue making content for you to enjoy.
Tick Tock @Michaelsfishroom
Breeding for Profit Playlist:
Companies I support:
Aquarium Co Op
KJE Aquatics
Mike's Bulgarian Green Angelfish
Keep FishKeeping Spectacular Bettas and other Fish stuff!
**Products I use or have used in the Fish Room**
API Freshwater Master Test Kit
My Favorite Power Filter
Fritz ACCR
Fritz Complete
Seachem Prime
Seachem Safe
Python Water Change System
Aquarium Co-Op Sponge Filter (THE BEST!)
Aquarium Co-Op Test Strips
Lee’s Specimen Container
API General Cure
Ich X
Blue Airline Tubing
Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links. If you click on the affiliate links, I will receive a small commission(at no charge to you), which helps support this channel and allows me to continue making content for you to enjoy.
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