Cascade Filter Review on the 20 L

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So this filter is available pretty much anywhere (I've even seen it in walmart) for around $18. I got it at my old job for less than $7 just to see how it would fare in my 20L. All and all it's a filter: it moves water through the filter media and it creates enough of a current and water movement for this over-stocked and chaotic tank. I personally don't like it for my 20L, I think the flow rate is too strong for the fish I usually keep which are slow-moving, BETTA fish. I don't think the guppy/endlers mind the extra flow or any of the barbs or tetras, but I do notice the convicts and plecos avoiding the filter out take area altogether. It does help spread food throughout the tank as well. It's just not a filter I would keep in a nano tank. This filter is rated for tank sizes 20-40gal.
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