Tankless Water Heater VS Regular Natural Gas Water Heater - Which one I Chose And Why

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Plus I Have Hard Water so it's not as desirable from what multiple people with experience has said


You mentioned the biggest advantage of an old school gas water heater right off the bat! During the big 2021 freeze-up down here in Texas, we were without power for three days, but we still had all the hot water we needed. Plus, the fact that it was still able to heat kept it from becoming a huge block of ice, unlike electric and/or tankless water heaters. Another thing people don't think about when trying to retrofit a tankless to an existing house is sufficient gas pressure. Those tankless units need a lot more BTU's, so the existing gas piping might be undersized, or the gas company might have to swap out the regulator at the meter.


We have been in this house for 50 + years and have had two 30 gallon gas water heaters over that time . The last one is still going strong. I think you made the right decision.


Thank you Rich I was thinking of going tankless water heater. And you have helped me make my mind up. I'll be sticking with my tank type and end up saving money. $$


After owning a tankless water heater for the last 10 years, I agree with you. Other than unlimited hot water, it has no attributes, and, unless you get a recirculation option, it takes forever to get hot water to the spigot.


I agree with your choice, simpler is better. Thx


Have the same water heater. I had to replace it last year. The old 12-year heater lasted 19 years..Good choice


My gas bill in the summer is like $25. 50 gallon gas water heater, gas stove. I drain and refill it once a year. $0 in maintenance costs. The only thing I did is I took the el cheapo plastic drain valve off and replaced it with a brass boiler drain. It's 10 years old now, no problems


I watch all your car stuff along with Rainman's and enjoy. This upload came just in time as I was considering the idea of tankless water heater. Thanks. I do a lot of my car repair myself but have enough common sense not to work on things I know nothing about and your channel helps me there. So you are near Chi-town. When I was young I worked as an ironworker always 70-80 stories up. Really enjoyed Chicago's Mom and Pop cafes where a fella could get any kind of ethnic food you could dream of....don't end in Anyway, I bet it has changed a lot since I was there. I'm a geezer now and live in the West. Right now KS but would love to get back to Wyo. Keep the Faith, Tom


15 years in on a 9.4gpm Rinnai tankless water heater - for me it was the best way to go when needing to replace a 50 gallon standard water heater. Cost me ~$1, 300 plus $500 for installation. Descale flush with vinegar every year. Saved me a lot of space in a tight area of my basement plus with 5 people always taking showers, doing laundry and running the dishwasher the unlimited hot water saved a lot of fighting to take a shower first. I do have a small Honda gas generator that I use for the water heater, refrigerator and other appliances if there is a power outage. During Superstorm Sandy I was with out electricity for 10 days - my tankless water heater and little generator enabled me to have hot water when many in my neighborhood didn't have any because their electronic ignitions couldn't ignite.


I am professional HVAC tech for 30 years and have installed both tank and thankless in Northwest suburbs IL . You made the right choice. I agreed with everything you said in video and would add that a tankless water heater has many expensive parts that will wear out over time and very costly versus regular tank has no moving parts. KEEP IT SIMPLE !!


I like what you’re saying. Also if the power goes out your tankless won’t be able to run. The only thing I prefer Bradford White or A.O. Smith over RHEEM


The most efficient design seems to be a hybrid water heater / heat pump.
The tankless stuff was hyped a lot in the early 2000's, there's various problems with them. The biggest problem is the amount of amperage they require with from the panel if you choose electric.
A gas powered tankless is OK, but if you want it to run your entire house that may not be optimal.
The tankless installs I saw were specifically isolated to a portion of the house such as a bathroom instead of attempting to run the entire house off of it.
A good tank based water heater has provided me with a week of hot water with no power in sub freezing conditions for showers and tap water. I've looked into this subject a lot myself as a homeowner.


I truly wanted a tank less heater and I had it justified, in my mind, in every way. Like you after just a little research I came to the same conclusion you did. I stuck with the traditional water heater.


With 34 years under my belt building houses I think you made a great choice. When my water heater went out I got the same as what came out.


I understand what you're saying, I have tankless, and I'm not allways heating a 60 gallon bulk of water, what I have is heat on demand, I get it flushed once a year and it costs me about $55 a year, I agree what you have is good, but so is my tankless, all the best in your new home


My friend. You did well !!
Great choice, enjoy


I install tankless and standard Hot Water Units at work. What is right varies by application. The industry as a whole is pushing people twards the tankless units. As a Home owner it is much easier to install a Traditional Water Heater and the cost to run it isn't that much higher then a tankless. I put a tankless in my home because I wanted to wash cars with hot water and a 50gallon tank wasn't enough. I like my tankless but its not the best option for everyone.


I live in a rural area my stove and water heater are on propane I also heat my home with it. Its nice when the powers out.


Totally agree with you. I have been having issues with Navien combi tankless systems which were put in by the previous owner. They aren't reliable and wish he just put in the regular tank water heaters and regular chimney vented forced hot water heating systems. No tankless unless you absolutely have no space for regular reliable proven working systems.
