ONCE A DAY to have the TESTOSTERONE levels of a 20-year-old

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In this video, we show you how to create a powerful, natural testosterone-boosting tonic using a blend of nutrient-rich ingredients. This homemade elixir is designed to help you reclaim your energy, muscle mass, and virility.


1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
4 to 5 Brazil nuts
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon fenugreek powder
1 teaspoon gelatinized maca powder
1 tablespoon raw cacao powder


Mix all ingredients together until well combined.
Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of the mixture to yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, or any other food of your choice for a daily testosterone boost.

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⚠️Disclaimer: The content on Natural Cures channel is for general education only. It's not legal, medical, or professional advice. FDA hasn't evaluated these statements, and they don't aim to diagnose, treat, or cure diseases. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting new treatments or diets or if you have health concerns. If you think you have a medical issue, contact your healthcare provider promptly.
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Hi everyone,

I wanted to share a quick note about our testosterone-boosting recipe. It includes several ingredients, but don't worry if you're unable to find one or two of them. Each ingredient has its own benefits and the recipe will still be effective even if you're missing a few.

Enjoy! 😉


.25 cup pumpkin seeds
4 to 5 Brazil nuts
.25 tsp ground nutmeg
.25 tsp ground cinnamon
1tbsp Fenugreek powder
1tsp gelatanized macapowder
1tbsp raw cacao powder.


A book that changed my life in ways that I never could imagine is "Secret Testosterone Nexus of Evolution".Drop whatever you're doing right now and go find that book. Trust me after I implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode


Pumpkin seeds
Brazilian nuts
Fenugreek seeds
Cacao powder


testing things out on 30yr olds is funny. thats not much of a test really. try testing on 50-60 year olds.


Add in Fadogia Agrestis, Tongkat Ali, Maca Root, Ashwaghanda and beetroot extract.


Women and gentleman pay attention to low Testosterone! The symptoms are horrible I almost collapsed! Mind the symptoms are very similar to Hypothyroidism and the worst part was that none of the 3 doctors that I visited never checked up that specific hormone!


I went from 334 to 960 in around 3 months all natural no TRT. This book should be essential reading for all men. Written by a 50s guy with natural T levels of a 20s guy
Complete guide to testosterone by james Francis


Quite good recipie. Cistance and tongkat Ali kan also beneficial.

Cholesterol is ofcourse needed as testosterone is bult from it. So, egg yolk daily is a requirement.

And, no amount of alcohol does any good to anyone's biology except as cleaning a wound. (Keep it out of the mouth too, the good bacteria die from mouthwash)


Don't forget the eye of newt and wing of bat!! I'm going to try this out. I have Hashimoto's (hypothyroidism), and I need to make some changes. I'm 59 in three weeks. I hope this will help.


I found out recently environmental changes is one of the reasons there lesser nutrients and minerals in our foods, I knew there was less nutrients and minerals in foods but I thought it was due to chemicals being used to grow foods alone, apparently no both environmental changes and chemicals used to grow foods result in foods having less nutrients and minerals, fruit & vegetables are not as tasty as they used to be compared to years ago. Thankyou for advice that may help some.


I'm not a big fan of pumpkin seeds, but the big bag of sprouted pumpkin seeds form Costco is better tasting and more affordable than most I have found so far. In my continuing quest to avoid nonfood supplements but still get adequate nutrition, the nutrient profile for these things is off the chain. I have seen a lot of older (often Hispanic) men buying these (pepitas). They all have the same wry smile on their faces when I talk to them, all of them. I still find I have a hard time eating enough of these, as I like other nuts and seeds more. Mixing them with other nuts helps, or eating them with an apple.


Go to 6:00 for ingredients and directions


Surely someone sells this mixture pre-prepared for those of us without the time and wherewithal to chase all over creation acquiring the ingredients? Thanks.


I turned 56 in June! I try to lift everyday! I try to go for long walks! I just feel I don’t have much energy! I get between 6 to 7 HR’s sleep! I take magnesium and ginkgo! I never tried your suggestion


I had one GP tell me that men don't need hormones,
they had me on antidepressants and beta blockers for over ten years
turned out I had a micro proloctinoma on the pituitary,
one of the most common types of brain tumour.

Now, the same docs tell me we never said you had anxiety,
we were offering you treatment for hypogonadism but you kept refusing it.


It’s all true and this is one of the very few that comment on nutmeg, whisch is very underrated, for me just nutmeg and the first two did the job every time! 🎉🎉🎉But still keeping an eye out for new research ❤


Black Maca's the best one for males and Red Maca for females!!


Excellent video, informative and educational. Zinc is also a key ingredient in testosterone production and a single supplement of zinc per day can literally change your life.


I used to add pine pollen to honey full fat Greek yoghurt mixed with dates, cranberries etc.
