What is AI, Anyway? | The HCD Webinar Series

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It seems like every talk at every conference these days references AI (artificial intelligence) in some way. But what it actually means and what it can (and can’t) do for your research is often overlooked.

In the 1950s, the fathers of AI, Minsky and McCarthy, described AI as any task performed by a machine that would have previously required human intelligence. The broad goals and definition of artificial intelligence has given rise to many questions and debates. Can machines think? And what does that mean for research?

In this roundtable discussion we covered:
• What is AI?
• What are some of the best uses for AI and machine learning in research?
• What are the limitations of AI in research?
• A discussion on ethics and bias in AI research
• What are recent advancements in AI development and what do we see for the future?

AI will change market research in a fundamental way, addressing costs, time, distribution and application. The use of algorithms and Machine Learning is making market research faster and cheaper, cutting down project timelines from weeks and months to hours and days. But is faster and cheaper always better?

Given more and more interest in adding AI to market research, we see a need for ourselves, our clients, and our community to get more acquainted with AI, including its uses, abuses, ethics, biases, and future directions.

Watch our panel discussion to get a bit more intelligent about artificial intelligence! HCD's Michelle Niedziela was joined by John Ennis, Evie Malaia, Parsa Bakhtary, David A. Shamma, and Ricardo Baeza-Yates in this next installment of our HCD panel series.

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