What Is an AI Anyway? | Mustafa Suleyman | TED

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When it comes to artificial intelligence, what are we actually creating? Even those closest to its development are struggling to describe exactly where things are headed, says Microsoft AI CEO Mustafa Suleyman, one of the primary architects of the AI models many of us use today. He offers an honest and compelling new vision for the future of AI, proposing an unignorable metaphor — a new digital species — to focus attention on this extraordinary moment. (Followed by a Q&A with head of TED Chris Anderson)

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This is the speech they show at the beginning of a movie before cutting to the nuclear wasteland


It's not the AIs we should be afraid of, it's the people who position themselves so they can take advantage of what's coming.


ChatGPT, what should I wear to my TED talk?

Considering what clothing to wear for your TED talk is a very important question that can have a range of impacts on how the audience perceive you.

One way to approach this problem, assuming you want success, is to look at a sample of previous successful speakers and use their approach as a cue.

For example, the following successful speakers have a distinct dress code that you can use as a reference:

1. Steve Jobs.

2. Steve Jobs.

3. Steve Jobs.

4. Jobs, Steve.

In other words, statistics and heavy analysis indicate you should wear a black turtleneck and jeans, with the addition of glasses to soften your face. To mix it up and add your own spin, you could even substitute lighter coloured jeans for darker ones.

And don’t forget to start your TED talk with a relatable human story that serves as a through line to which you can poignantly refer throughout your speech. Make it something relatable, like a walk through the woods with your father during autumn, or having breakfast with your child.

In summary, become Steve Jobs.


"We marveled at our own magnificence, as we gave birth to AI" - Morpheus


In an economic system where profit is the top priority I can’t see this ending well given we have multiple companies doing their utmost to be the “AI winner” with little to no oversight is quite frankly terrifying


the animation showing all the tools evolving was really well done


Special thanks to Claude 3 Opus, Gemini, Chat Gpt4 turbo, NovelCrafter, Pi, and Meta Ai for writing, revising, and proofreading this TED talk.


This sounds like the talk given to us before the apocalypse hits.


This isn't a TED talk, this is a sales pitch.


I think it's interesting that when Dr Frankenstien is asked weather a problem could develop in an hour he states that there is no possible way that this could happen.Remember ( Never say never).It's amazing that a man of this intelligence would state that.


He didn't touch on the existential issues including job displacement, social inequalities, privacy concerns and bias, which actually underscores the importance of ethical AI development for a balanced and beneficial impact on the human race


I have watched tons of presentations about the potential dangers of AI. They are almost entirely focused on risk assessment. I understand that these videos exist to inspire but it would be nice to hear some examples and proposed solutions. There isn't a single statement in this video that I haven't heard a thousand times before. Sensationalized content..


Yes, lets trust the greediest people on planet Earth to build this. What could ever go wrong?


What we need is experts working in the AI industry telling us the dangers, just like the experts from the tobacco industry and oil industry faithfully warned us of the dangers of their products for generations... They would never hide the dangers (


Best statement: "AI is not an invention, it's itself an endless inventor". Scary AF


The thing that needs to be talked about: AGI taking most jobs. Bc the definition of AGI is that it can do any human task. Including jobs that aren't yet created.


I love how he spoken that he likes to talk about downsides but talked nothing but AI hype


AI certainly does way more good than bad. like for marketers, Lemon AI makes ad campaigns perform better, for analysts, it saves tons of time if it doesn't make them redundant lol


What's terrifying is it's already consuming jobs (mine, I'm a makeup artist working in Hollywood specializing in fx tattoos). Tyler Perry spilled the beans about how he's already using AI for ageing instead of makeup artists and he cancelled his 800M studio expansion after seeing Sora. Niche artisans in Hollywood will be the first to go. So I wrote my Senator and received an AI generated reply saying AI is a tool and it's our friend. 😬The horror is that lawmakers have no plan for when ALL jobs are affected. No UBI discussions in Washington because the right can't imagine a social safety net of that size and they want their baffoon back in charge. Companies are still thinking of profit rather than whether they SHOULD go down this path with no plan. We are truly fckd. Start prepping. If we lucky we'll make great pets. 😅😂😭


The more I watch these videos, the more Morpheus' speech to Neo about AI becomes a reality.
