Fastest Growing Caudex In A Year - How to repot Desert Rose (Adenium)

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How to grow desert rose (Adenium).
Adenium (Desert Rose) Bonsai - Fastest Growing Caudex - How to repot Desert Rose
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Your videos have mades a big impact on my life and my little hobby, the wife said to tell you "THANKS A LOT SONY LE"!!! she was a little sarcastic... My "little hobby " has cost about $2500.00 in the last couple months, with the cement pots and uncountable number of desert roses I've purchased lately. Me, myself a huge THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I will personally make you famous in TEXAS. I haven't felt so satisfied in years.


I have one main Adenium plant which in three years I had never repotted nor lifted. I took your advice and did so and it is amazing how much bigger and fatter the caudex is. I also pruned it a couple of weeks ago and have eight cuttings which are now rooting. They look good so far. I like your videos because of your simple and clear instructions. The peaceful background music is nice too!


Wife and I were at Home Depot last night looking for a particular flower pot and I asked one of the guys if they had any Desert Rose, Adeniums, in stock as they have been out of them. He said sure and led me to the far corner where they had a small sampling. Then he told me "You know, there is a guy on YouTube who cuts these and replants, etc and turns them into bonsai." I said "Yeh, Sony Lee"...he said "Yes! That's the guy!" You are famous over here on the east coast of Florida Sony... :)


Mưa vẫn mưa bay qua miền đất mẹ...dài tay em với .. thuở mắt xanh xao...
ngày phiêu lãng quên mình lãng du...
Cám ơn bạn đuoc nghề nhạc của Trình công Sơn và xem cách trồng . Mình rất thích loại hoa desert rose
Ở canada rất khó mua được.
Cám.on bạn nhiều. God bless you.


I just watched a white teenage boy give me tips to make the trunk swol w super dope flowers 😑
What did I learn find a wise Asian man when wanting to know about bonsai 😅😅 but seriously thank you I want mine to have a twisted trunk and you’re the only one who gave me the answer. 🥰🥰


Thank you so much for your wonderful videos! My first dessert rose died cause I didn't know how to care for it. I now have 7 beauties and they are thriving & Your are famous in St. Petersburg, FL too.


This video and all your answers to other viewers is just what I need for growing those beautiful adeniums, I have been waiting for it for a while from you and now I’m so happy, thank you for this amazing video, please keep us updated about all your desert roses, you grow them so well, just gorgeous!


Thanks Sony! Great advice! I have 4 potted Desert Roses. They came with very nice wide bases BUT I will copy your method to make a large wide trunk faster. All are red. Next time I will look for a white one.


Beautiful I brought a rescue it's doing great after following your instructions.Here in Florida.


Now I know why my Adeniums have remained as they were first planted. Thanks, Sony, for those very helpful tips


I rewatch your videos every spring to make sure I’m doing it correctly! Thank you for sharing your knowledge ❤


Thank you! I did not know that i need to repot and raise my dessert rose to achieve that bonsai look. Thank you for sharing. God bless you! Stay safe!


Thank you for this wonderful tutorial. I have grown desert roses from seed and all were healthy till I moved from tropical to subtropical area with cooler winter and more rainfall. I have learnt to move them under awning cover when too wet or cold but this repotting method is going to make a big difference.


Love your channel, Mr. Lee! I’ve learned a lot from you. I’ve recently purchased 7 seedlings and can’t wait to put your methods to use. Watching from Guam 🇬🇺 Happy Gardening!!!


I'm running out to buy a little desert rose and try your method of re-potting and cutting. So inspired by your patience and love for your plants :) Thk u!


Your efforts and techniques are amazing. Lots of Love from India♥️🇮🇳


Thank you Sony, I am just about to buy my first one so I will watch your videos closely.


Amazing. Just awesome. I love your knowledge and compassion on these desert roses. I’m learning and i thank you!


Thanks! Great info. I have one year old seedlings in one gallon pots and feel it's time to start raising and repot and I want a large caudex for my desert roses. Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge.


Thank You for most educational video. I like a lot how to see the development of Your plants. One question: Is it recommended to do repotting ( without root cutting ) and pruning at the same time?
