How I Beat Panic AndAnxiety When Nothing Else Worked

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Dive deep into a personal tale of transformation, resilience, and unexpected solutions that led me from the depths of daily panic attacks to a life of peace and fulfillment.

This video isn't just my story—it's a beacon of hope for anyone feeling lost in their battle with anxiety. From traditional therapies that missed the mark to groundbreaking natural remedies that finally brought relief, join me on a journey of discovery, healing, and empowerment.

Whether you're searching for solace, strategies, or just a story that echoes your own, this video promises insights and inspiration. Don't let anxiety define your life. Watch now and take the first step towards reclaiming your peace.

1:1 Zoom Coaching Sessions With Damien:

0:00 Intro
1:30 My Anxiety Begins
4:39 What Didn't Work
7:10 What Worked
10:03 Panic Returns Twofold
14:04 The Underlying Solution
18:14 A Message Of Hop


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After going through a bit of such a journey myself (including the fruitless therapy, doctor visits, medication, supplements) I learned that such things can also be caused by unresolved trauma. You might wanna check out Peter Levine's work, or read one of his books like Waking the Tiger or In an unspoken voice. Those did not just help me deal with mortifying fear of death, but also radically changed my world view around therapy, medicine and human nature.
The thing with trauma is that it manifests in sneaky ways that make your life energy and health like a leaky bucket


I think the most important step is to understand how little doctors can do for you with these problems. Look at the millions of psychiatrists, therapists, psychologists working in this field and the billions spent on medication yet this problem doesn't seem to have improved in the past 50 years. Your case Damien is quite unique. It's rare that people solve their mental health problems. Most can only hope to manage it.


Anxiety and obsessive thinking made me quit my very high paying job and in turn ruined my 3 year long relationship. I genuinely felt like I was going insane. After trying exercise, meditation, talk therapy, and hypnotherapy, I got my brain scanned for $4000. They said I had a TON of inflammation in my brain to the point where they asked me if I do drugs (I don’t). They prescribed me GABA and 5HTP supplements that actually did kinda help but I still had pretty horrible intrusive thought loops

A few days ago I thought back to this video because you mentioned inflammation and added curcumin into the mix of supplements I take before breakfast. I’m on the second day and I genuinely feel SO much better. The traumatic thought loops I’ve had since for 10+ years have completely stopped!! Kinda makes me feel stupid that a little herb in a $25 bottle gave me my life back. This has been the single best video I’ve seen for actually resolving my anxiety. God knows how many people are walking around with inflammation in their brain that can be resolved so easily. Thank you so much for posting this!!!


Lemme tell you something, just absolutely just changed my life. I’m a father of 3 and married while owning a hvac business. My anxiety is so high it’s insane. It was effecting my entire life, my work ethic and buisness. Most importantly my marriage, I could just tell my wife was getting scared and overwhelmed because of how bad my Anxiety is. (She’s a amazing wife btw) after watching your video I took 5-htp, vitamin b6, lithium amino acid pills and GABA. Yesterday when I watched your vids I could barely get out of bed because of my anxiety and constant worry and heavy chest feeling. Today I feel like a completely different human, you saved me man you have no idea.


Happend to me, they find I have Hashimoto hypothireosis, so check hormones, neurotransmiters, inflamations.... Change diet, b Vitamins, omega 3 oil, gaba, pray, and confess it will make you lighter, breathe and walk it, the worst is to sit and try to calm down, and try to get out of head in your senses, feel where you feel it, strech and take massage to provoke happy hormones. Dance and sing, art therapy to stimulate parasimpaticus nervous system...


bro, i hope you're reading this, wanna share my experience because it's quiet similar with yours:

so growing up, i have a lot of social anxiety (and anxiety in general). i get really panicky and out of control. at one point i got so hopeless that i emailed you 4 years ago (which you gave a great response afterward)

in 2022, i probably have my lowest anxiety ever (it's still there, just far better than before). back then, i notice that i ate diet higher in protein (i suppose there are alot BCAAs in my diet back then) and do alot of cardio. I think cardio ALONE gave me the bulk of the result. It's crazy how much lower my anxiety when i did alot of cardio (being outside in the sun is probably important too).

unfortunately, in 2023, my life got so much busy that i stopped cardio and got a little more broke, so i consume less protein. man, that year was one of the worst year of my life, i just got more and more anxious and feeling shittier overall.

only this year that i realized my anxiety needs to be stopped again. and by the way all this 4 years i gained greater understanding about psychology, some neuroscience and pharmacology, and biohacking (i'm not into that woo-woo stuffs. i try my best to read the literature, be as evident-based as possible without automatically discarding any personal experiences.)

all this learning and experience between 2020-2024 make me think to do these things: 1) strive for great cardiovascular health (general recommendation seems to be 150 minutes minimum, but i want to go even further); 2) trying propranolol and gabaergics together before social context (i've tried valerian, a gabaergic herb. it seems to help with my social anxiety tho my heart rate can still go high so probably i need propranolol in the future); 3) experimenting with gabaergics, perhaps i have some genetic or epigenetic condition that prevented me from synthesizing enough GABA; 3) regarding serotonin and cathecolamines, i probably have one or both of these things not in proper balance (especially cathecolamines like dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline since i can easily get high heart rate but also easily motivated to do hard work, a high dopamine behavior i suppose); 4) i might try some yogurt that contains certain probiotics to help with the production of serotonin and GABA (i think doing it this way is better than drugs since i get the impression that certain probiotics can balance out serotonin level), 5) teach my brain to re-associate fearful things with exposure therapy (including social context). gabaergics, beta-blockers, and supplements that enhance neuroplasticity and neurogenesis can probably help with this process.

that's it for me, hope i can share my result in the future. if you're reading this far, can i contact you again via email in the future? perhaps we can exchange some ideas, research papers, etc. regarding this topic.


This is very inspiring. I have social anxiety and had it since I was a teenager. For me, it is a vicious circle where sometimes it feels like my anxiety originates in the gut and is caused by digestive issues, while other times it feels like the anxiety itself causes my digestive issues. And it keeps fueling itself. I have tried many things throughout the years, but nothing solved the problem completely yet. This gave me hope, though. Thank you!


Tough patches. Sympathies. The work you do now only grows and makes the rest of your life better.
In movies from the 50s and 60s is the troupe of the advertising executive who's so stressed he has ulcers. Ulcers are caused not by stress but by bacteria (they finally figured this out in the 1980s I think) Having ulcers is very stressful, doctors just got the causation backwards.


Wow, thanks for sharing. Right know, thanks to taking action on my dating life I am the happiest ever, and nothing really affects me psychologically. I watched this video out of sheer curiosity, and it’s nice to know we’re all in this together. I do have a genetic issue that might take me someday, but for now I am extremely happy, living life at its fullest. I guess that’s what it’s about, doing what we think best and being the happiest during the time we get. Thanks for this video Damien!


I have a question. If lets say you have to wait for a long time like standing, walking, running or maybe even sitting. Your in a crowd and lets say a social setting, you can not escape or maybe find solitude to find some alone time. To feel better what do you do, what can you do to manage heart palpitations, shortness of breath, headaches, extreme head to spine to toe tremors/shake and a stupid amount of anxiety that god knows what the cause is. What can be done


I been struggling with GAD, hypochondria, fear of body symptoms and fear of death. Tried therpaists medicine, and nothing seems to work


Does panic attack always Increase Blood.pressure Because i think i had a panic attack recently but my blood pressure at that time was 70/30


It can be related to thiamine tho. I got instant relief just through b1 supplementation.


Any side effects with beta blockers or did it effect your exercise?


hi sir..
i have desame issue as you sir..
suddenly i have an anxiety thats leads me to panic. at the same time i have dizziness too. im already 29 years old.. but i realy dont know what happening even the doctors said it was my mental health.. so they refer me on a psychologist/psychiatrist.. but its expensive here in the phillipines. i've resign on my work due to this problem.. i realy need youre advice.. i cant go into a mental specialist due to money issues 😢
