You'll Stop Using the Sinner's Prayer After Watching This

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After sharing the gospel with a receptive man with a Catholic background, many may wonder why Ray Comfort doesn't walk him through the sinner's prayer. At the end of this evangelism encounter, Ray explains why he doesn't: because it's unbiblical.

Evangelism encounter: 0:00-12:22
Ray's thoughts on the sinner's prayer: 12:23-14:07




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Praise the Lord! My girlfriend started sending me these videos and I can't stop watching them. I eventually broke down and truly gave my life to the Lord!


Every time you get to the end of the conversation and you ask “do you know what Jesus’ last words were?”, they stop and think. While they do, I shed a tear because I realize the power and significance behind those words. We don’t have to pay the debt because it’s been paid for us! How beautiful are those words?! So powerful and potent! Thank you JESUS FOR YOUR SACRIFICE. It is finished!


What a humble man, extremely refreshing to see someone genuinely listen to the GOSPEL.✝️✝️


The message of The Gospel NEVER gets old!!! Praise the name of our Savior, Jesus forever!!!


Please pray for me whoever is reading this. I am struggling and attacks from the enemy are fierce! My family is hurting, my faith is shaking, please pray for me and God bless you too 🙏


15 years ago I was a truck driver working in the oilfields of Texas. One night I stopped at an old truckstop to get something to eat and on my way out I picked up a gospel tract that was sitting on a shelf by the door. Little did I know at that moment that my life would be forever changed. Later that night all alone in the middle of the Texas oilfield on an oil lease, I found myyself on my knees crying out to God and reading the sinners prayer. Today, I am an ordained and licensed minister with a full time street ministry spreading the message of hope and salvation to the homeless on the streets of down town Houston, Texas. I5 years later I wished I could tell the person who placed the bible tract in that truckstop that the seed he had sown did not fall by the wayside.

I use bible tracts with the sinners prayer today. It is a seed that I am planting. Some of the seed will fall by the wayside, some onto stony ground and some will fall among the thorns. BUT some will fall onto good ground. Not everyone who reads the sinners prayer will pick up their cross and follow Jesus but some will... It wasnt easy and I made some mistakes along the way but with the help of the Lord I am an overcomer!

Matthew 13:3-23 NKJV
Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: “Behold, a sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them. Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth. But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked them. But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”


Kelly wasn’t ashamed when Ray ask him if he could pray for him, that’s very important, because how ever doesn’t get ashamed of Jesus, Jesus is not going to forsake him. God bless Kelly and Ray for having this street ministry.


I prayed the sinners prayer 51 years ago and I was transformed by the Holy Spirit, born again and still serving Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior


I really like this guy. He genuinely enjoyed talking to Ray.


A gentleman with a pure heart. God loves a teachable spirit. I’m praying for you sir.


I can tell the Lord was DEFINITELY moving upon this man. I have no doubt he will be born again. . Great video


I was asked to say the sinners prayer after hearing the message of the cross back n 1980. I was not a false conversion. Still walking with Jesus today. 9-19-23


I pray for his salvation. He seemed very open to the gospel.


He looks like he's about to cry, this is really touching his heart.


I cried happy tears. He received the message with an open heart ❤️


Please remember me in prayer whoever read this message that God heal me from my weakness, Lord please forgive my sins


I could see this man’s pride fall and his heart open to Gods love. We must humble ourselves to be able to accept this gift of grace. Thank you Ray.


Father please draw Kelly to yourself and give him a heart of repentance and the measure of faith. God please bless Ray your faithful servant. In Christ, Amen


Stay strong people. Christ is watching.


Thank you brother I'm a US Marine veteran you're wonderful I was raised Catholic my heart is going in a different direction because of you thank you
