leaked Modern Warfare 2 campaign scene #shorts #gaming #mw2
Cursed Guns | 725 Edition
Trench Gun Slamfire POV
Look what you’ve done 😈
Cursed Vanguard Guns at the Wii Items Shop #shorts
Do NOT try this on your toilet! 🚽⚠️
Cursed Guns | AK-47 Edition
Double Barrel Shotgun 20g
Every Gun & History Guy After COD Vanguard MP Reveal
When You Unlock Orion in Modern Warfare 2
Do NOT bother the Quartermaster
CURSED Codm Guns
These guns would look dope in star wars battlefront 2 if painted black.
That goddamn garand drum mag is the most cursed thing I've seen in a long ass time.
(I've been told it's an M14, still cursed AF though)
God that cursed double barrel shotgun.... And what even is that freakin scope on it?!?!
that PPSh conversion made my jaw drop
it looks more like a fucking Skorpion
0:19 This is a Type 100. It fires 8mm nambu.
The cursed version has a snail magazine from a Luger, which fires a 9mm cartridge.
That would have been really dangerous IF THE MAGAZINE HADN'T BEEN INSERTED BACKWARDS!
0:09 This is a Luger.
The cursed version isn't all that bad since all of it's modifications are real apart from the muzzle break and the red dot sight. There is one major issue though.
Someone tied straps around the drum of the snail mag! That would keep the wind up arm on the back of the magazine from rotating.
A stuck arm would keep the magazine spring from decompressing and STOP THE MAGAZINE FROM FEEDING BULLETS!
0:12 This is a Type 11.
The normal version doesn't have a magazine, it has an intricate hopper feed in which you put 5 stripper clips.
The cursed version has a drum magazine and the Type 11 is a gun that CAN NOT FEED ROUNDS FROM A MAGAZINE!
You could attach a scope and a foregrip to your sawn off shotgun. It would be idiotic, but your gun would still be functional.
These three cursed guns have fake additions that break them. They can't feed bullets and you are lucky that one of them can't.
This game's guns make me want to cry
I'm pretty sure the Double Barrel Shotgun in the Cursed configuration wouldn't even fold open to insert the shells.
That PPsh hurt like a kick in the nuts
0:08 It's not even a PPSH anymore. It's a goddamn VZ Skorpion.
Gotta love the ones that make them inoperable.
>game developers back in the day:
"We are working on a tight budget but we built a time machine for the entire dev team to experience the war in person to make the most authentic experience possible"
>game developers now:
vanguard weapons are really downright cursed lmfao
WHY THE HELL would a sawed off shotgun need a scope AND a reddot on top?!?
that double shotgun is like breed of AS Val with Random Sawed off shotgun
How star wars blasters desings are made:
Step 1: Take an old gun
Step 2: make it weird with some atatchments and color changes
Well this guns fit more in a post apocaliptic game than in a "Historical" game
To quote my favorite Elden Ring message:
"I want to go home, oh i want to go home, i want to go home."
Imagine soldiers during World War 2 wielding these abominations...
i think cod has an obsession with drum mags..
Somehow, these Vanguard cursed guns keep getting worse.
Just wait until they start introducing more and more blueprints.