High Jewish IQ Debunked - Joe Rogan Followup
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As a follow up to my last video, where many tried to excuse the level of Jewish over-representation on Joe Rogan's podcast by claiming they are simply more intelligent.
Support the Channel:
0:00 - Intro
1:12 - Argument Breakdown
3:01 - Scientific Studies
3:25 - Backman (1972)
4:31 - Levinson (1957)
5:46 - Lynn (2003)
8:08 - MacDonald
9:40 - Storfer (1990)
12:49 - Herrnstein + Murray
13:08 - Studies Conclusion
13:30 - Explanations for High IQ
13:40 - The Nurture Argument
14:41 - Talmudic Explanation
16:21 - Oppression Explanation
19:35 - How IQ works
21:32 - Nobel Prizes
23:10 - Chess
24:23 - Misc Points
26:51 - Israeli IQ
28:32 - Faked Studies Possibility
29:39 - Even if Claims are True
31:58 - Conclusion
[1]: Backman, M. E. (1972) Patterns of mental abilities: ethnic, socioeconomic, and sex differences. American Educational Research Journal 9,1–12.
[2]: Levinson, B. M. (1957). The intelligence of applicants for admission to Jewish day schools.
[3]: Richard Lynn (2003), “The Intelligence of American Jews,” Personality and Individual Differences.
[4]: MacDonald, K. B. (2002). A people that shall dwell alone: Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy, with Diaspora Peoples. Writers Club Press.
[5]: Storfer, M. D. (1990). Intelligence and giftedness: The contributions of heredity and early environment. Jossey-Bass.
[5.1]: Ramsden S, Richardson FM, Josse G, Thomas MS, Ellis C, Shakeshaft C, Seghier ML, Price CJ. Verbal and non-verbal intelligence changes in the teenage brain. Nature. 2011 Oct 19;479(7371):113-6. doi: 10.1038/nature10514. Erratum in: Nature. 2012 May 31;485(7400):666. PMID: 22012265; PMCID: PMC3672949.
[5.2]: Lynn, R. (2011). The chosen people: A study of jewish intelligence and achievement. Washington Summit Publishers.
[6]: Herrnstein, R. J., & Murray, C. A. (1997). The bell curve: Intelligence and class structure in American Life. Free Press.
[7]: Cochran G, Hardy J, Harpending H. Natural history of Ashkenazi intelligence. J Biosoc Sci. 2006 Sep;38(5):659-93. doi: 10.1017/S0021932005027069. PMID: 16867211.
[8]: Botticini, Maristella; Eckstein, Zvi (2004) : Jewish Occupational Selection :
Education, Restrictions, or Minorities?, IZA Discussion Papers, No. 1224, Institute for the Study
of Labor (IZA), Bonn
[9]: Daniel Klein, The Islamic and Jewish Laws of Usury: A Bridge to Commercial Growth and Peace in the
Middle East, 23 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 535 (1995)
[14]: Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod, Fernand Gobet, Does chess need intelligence? — A study with young chess players, Intelligence, Volume 35, Issue 5, 2007, Pages 457-470, ISSN 0160-2896,
[15]: DAVID, H., & LYNN, R. (2007). INTELLIGENCE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL JEWS IN ISRAEL. Journal of Biosocial Science, 39(3), 465-473. doi:10.1017/S0021932006001660
Support the Channel:
0:00 - Intro
1:12 - Argument Breakdown
3:01 - Scientific Studies
3:25 - Backman (1972)
4:31 - Levinson (1957)
5:46 - Lynn (2003)
8:08 - MacDonald
9:40 - Storfer (1990)
12:49 - Herrnstein + Murray
13:08 - Studies Conclusion
13:30 - Explanations for High IQ
13:40 - The Nurture Argument
14:41 - Talmudic Explanation
16:21 - Oppression Explanation
19:35 - How IQ works
21:32 - Nobel Prizes
23:10 - Chess
24:23 - Misc Points
26:51 - Israeli IQ
28:32 - Faked Studies Possibility
29:39 - Even if Claims are True
31:58 - Conclusion
[1]: Backman, M. E. (1972) Patterns of mental abilities: ethnic, socioeconomic, and sex differences. American Educational Research Journal 9,1–12.
[2]: Levinson, B. M. (1957). The intelligence of applicants for admission to Jewish day schools.
[3]: Richard Lynn (2003), “The Intelligence of American Jews,” Personality and Individual Differences.
[4]: MacDonald, K. B. (2002). A people that shall dwell alone: Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy, with Diaspora Peoples. Writers Club Press.
[5]: Storfer, M. D. (1990). Intelligence and giftedness: The contributions of heredity and early environment. Jossey-Bass.
[5.1]: Ramsden S, Richardson FM, Josse G, Thomas MS, Ellis C, Shakeshaft C, Seghier ML, Price CJ. Verbal and non-verbal intelligence changes in the teenage brain. Nature. 2011 Oct 19;479(7371):113-6. doi: 10.1038/nature10514. Erratum in: Nature. 2012 May 31;485(7400):666. PMID: 22012265; PMCID: PMC3672949.
[5.2]: Lynn, R. (2011). The chosen people: A study of jewish intelligence and achievement. Washington Summit Publishers.
[6]: Herrnstein, R. J., & Murray, C. A. (1997). The bell curve: Intelligence and class structure in American Life. Free Press.
[7]: Cochran G, Hardy J, Harpending H. Natural history of Ashkenazi intelligence. J Biosoc Sci. 2006 Sep;38(5):659-93. doi: 10.1017/S0021932005027069. PMID: 16867211.
[8]: Botticini, Maristella; Eckstein, Zvi (2004) : Jewish Occupational Selection :
Education, Restrictions, or Minorities?, IZA Discussion Papers, No. 1224, Institute for the Study
of Labor (IZA), Bonn
[9]: Daniel Klein, The Islamic and Jewish Laws of Usury: A Bridge to Commercial Growth and Peace in the
Middle East, 23 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 535 (1995)
[14]: Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod, Fernand Gobet, Does chess need intelligence? — A study with young chess players, Intelligence, Volume 35, Issue 5, 2007, Pages 457-470, ISSN 0160-2896,
[15]: DAVID, H., & LYNN, R. (2007). INTELLIGENCE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL JEWS IN ISRAEL. Journal of Biosocial Science, 39(3), 465-473. doi:10.1017/S0021932006001660