What is mRNA ?

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Understanding mRNA: Function, Misconceptions, and Applications

What is mRNA?
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a type of genetic material that plays a crucial role in translating genetic information from DNA into proteins. It serves as a messenger between DNA and the cellular machinery responsible for protein synthesis.

How mRNAs Function in a Cell
In the cell, mRNA carries the genetic instructions from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes, the protein-building factories. Once at the ribosomes, mRNA guides the assembly of amino acids into proteins based on the encoded instructions.

Misconceptions About mRNA
Some misconceptions suggest that mRNA is unnatural or harmful. This belief often stems from a lack of understanding of its role in cellular processes. In reality, mRNA is a natural component of cellular function and has been used in medicine for decades.

Unique Aspects of mRNA Gene Therapy
mRNA gene therapy is notable for its use of synthetic mRNA to instruct cells to produce specific proteins, which can help treat or prevent diseases. This approach is distinctive because it leverages the body’s own cellular machinery to address health conditions.

Why Unconventional Components Were Used in Vaccines
Vaccines that use mRNA technology incorporate unconventional components to enhance the stability and effectiveness of the mRNA. These components are crucial for ensuring that the mRNA remains intact and active long enough to stimulate an immune response.

How DNA and RNA Store Genetic Information
DNA and RNA are fundamental to storing and transmitting genetic information. DNA holds the long-term instructions for creating proteins, while RNA plays a more dynamic role in translating these instructions into action within the cell.

Retracted Paper by Dr. Peter McCullough
A paper by Dr. Peter McCullough, which was previously published, has been retracted. This retraction was due to issues related to the accuracy and validity of the research presented, highlighting the importance of rigorous peer review in scientific discourse.

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If the Modified-RNA lasts longer to cause the production of the spike protein, then the immune system is preoccupied and not vigilant to other pathogens.


There's been confusion all round on this because most of the public were unfamiliar with what the 'm' in mRNA stood for.
Well, that, and what 'RNA' stands for and its function in the human body 😬.

I enjoy your videos, Mikolaj, thank you. I think you're someone with high integrity, someone I'd enjoy having a beer with.

That said... to me, there appears to be a disconnect between your obvious intellect regarding how extraordinarily complex eukaryote and prokaryote cells are and your thinking that it's a good idea for 'scientists' to play around with human's (and other organism's) genomics and cell machinery.

The human body - including the cells that comprise it - DOES NOT and NEVER WILL behave linearly.

It is ALWAYS going to be a bad idea to play around with 'gene therapies' - FULL STOP.

The human body, including its immune system, is extraordinarily fine-tuned to handle foreign bodies, including viruses, bacteria, toxins etc.

There was ABSOLUTELY NO NEED EVER to tamper with what was already a perfect system. For those that got vaccinated, this may no longer be the case.

Scientists were ABSOLUTELY AWARE of the persistence, and hence dangers, of pseudouridine-doped mRNA BEFORE the mRNA vaccines were administered.

These scientists were also ABSOLUTELY AWARE of the persistence and accumulation of the nanolipids - used to encapsulate the synthetic mRNA strands - in organs throughout the body.

To put this in perspective... which of you in the scientific community could ever have thought, and continue to believe, it was a good idea to introduce a 'therapy' into the human body that creates a KNOWN cytotoxin - the spike protein???

As scientists who are involved in genomics, you, and your colleagues, have a duty of care to those in the public, the majority of whom are completely ignorant and naive to what is going on and the dangers involved.

When enough people realise what has happened and the, potentially, irreversible downstream damage that has been caused, they'll see the roll-out of the mRNA 'vaccines' for what they really are - a deliberate poisoning.


Dr Richard Fleming says MRNA outside the cell is a prion. This engineered atrocity is not human MRNA.


What a great surprise! Thank you Dr R, for the education on mRNA.
Chilling to understand what has been foisted on the human race on such a large scale.
We may not know the extent for years.


True....BUT.. The mRNA that is in the new injections stands for " modified RNA"... Not a misconception, but rather informed individuals..


mRNA in the shots is MODIFIED RNA, and should have been named differently. It is not MESSENGER. The two are different in that mRNA is organic and modified is not. I chose to trust Robert Malone and ChatGPT on this.


The Phizzler executive said it was modified RNA not mRNA. There's a difference


What is mRNA ? THAT DEPENDS ON WHOSE mRNA IT IS. God's mRNA or evil's xXXX.


Beautiful Country you live in.
Thank you for the scenery. I'm in the Ocean everyday before work. It keeps me healthy and positive And so does your channel..Thank you.


Hi Doc, let me prefix this, you are one of my favourite doctors on this subject, top 5 i never met in general, I think you're honest and a good person, brave to cover what many won't

mRNA has been gaslit a lot, "messenger" (natural) "modified" N1-methyl-pseudouridine (you have it for years/ ribosomal frameshifting)

Just incase you were not aware, from the coincidence analyst angle ❤️🙏


But.... Modified mRNA are 'modified messenger RNA' and are synthetic messenger RNA and are not natural mRNA..


The fact that the mRNA sequence for the vax is much shorter than the virus itself, does that suggest that the ribosome could make copies of the spike at a much higher rate than the entire virus?


Very good and long overdue explanation. 👍


I love that stream behind you! Your videoes are nice because you film outdoors, and are very informative! A win-win!!


The part I was worried about was genetic contamination which they said was not possible and now we find out our gene pool may very well be contaminated due to reverse transcription. Any thoughts on that one?


Hey, seems like the subject of G M O , Genetically modified organisms shot directly into human bodies, That’s stuff comes with warnings on foods?


So it can be natural or it can be synthesized in a lab.


According to the subtitles, you said vaccinal mrna was isolated from human hearts 3 days from vaccination. Could you clarify the time period as there was a wind gust when you said the number of days and it was a little hard to hear.
Thanks doc, great work!!


Thank you for your service. I would have liked the video to be longer but I guess you're busy with a lot of other things. Wish you'd expanded on the research in the retracted paper.


So how does this affect the meat we eat that is being given mRNA?
