Baby Doll Circle Time™ - Empowers A Child With Autism To Learn Social Skills

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Brock is a three year old little boy in a self-contained special needs preschool class. He has been diagnosed with Poland Syndrome and PDD. He qualifies for this program with developmental delays in all areas assessed in the Mild to Moderate Delay range. he has been in this program 6 months and has been slowly introduced to Baby Doll Circle Time over the last few weeks. Brock will seek adult attention by gently bumping or climbing on adults. Brock is now seeking social interaction with peers and imitating appropriate social behaviors such as giving kisses to adults and baby dolls. These skills emerged through the use of Baby Doll Circle Time in relationship with attuned adults. His family reports that the skills he is learning here are transforming to other environments such as childcare and home with other dolls and adults.

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