7 Things MEN Like About WOMEN But Would NEVER SAY

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7 Things MEN Like About WOMEN But Would NEVER SAY

Watch to find out the top 7 things that men secretly like about women, but would never, ever admit to. Remember, these things are only considered a secret because society makes us believe it makes men less “manly” if they think like this. But in reality…it’s kind of sweet!

Men are often reluctant to talk about their needs in intimate relationships.

Whether social conditioning or an inability to communicate our needs are to blame, men (who tend to be the less communicative partners in intimate relationships) are prone to silently suffering when their emotional needs aren’t being met by their partners.

Whether you are a man or a woman reading this article, this will give you greater clarity into yourself/partner and what your/their needs are in your intimate relationship.

Let’s put an end to the needless fighting due to miscommunication, the unnecessary sex-less nights, and the verbal shut-downs.

1. Praise And Approval
So ladies, let your praise loose. Tell your man exactly what you find attractive about him. Let him know what physical features of his are your favourites. Tell him how attractive you find it when he says something a certain way, when he accomplishes something, or when he takes you on a date. Your praise won’t make him cocky; it will help him feel loved.
And (bonus) the more you praise his positives, the more you will see them.

2. Respect
Men feel respect as love.
If he feels like you disapprove of him, his career, or the things that he believes to be integral to who he is as a person, he will have a hard time trusting and loving you.

3. A Sense Of Sexual Connection
Men and women both connect through sex and communication, but generally, women connect better through verbal communication and men connect better through sex.
Men, more often than not, connect through indicators of sexuality just as much as they do through sex.

4. Emotional Intimacy
Just as women need to slowly open up sexually within a relationship, men open up over time emotionally.

He needs to make sure that when he first cries in front of you, you won’t be repelled or handle it poorly. If you push him away or are unable to be nurturing when he needs it the most, he will no longer trust you with his emotions. He will remove himself somewhat from the relationship.

In this instance, both partners lose- he goes on silently suffering and believing that he is flawed in his imperfection, and she is held at arm’s length emotionally.

5. Space
let him roam. Let him breathe. Leave him to his own devices. A man will be that much happier for you to receive him when he returns, knowing that you trust both him and the strength of your bond enough to let him have his space.

6. Physical Touch
If a man’s partner comes up behind him and touches his neck and hair in a loving way while he sits absorbed in a task, he could feel just as loved as if they had just had penetrative sex (even more so, depending on his mood).

This touch is interpreted as physical love- the message of which registering as “I love you, and I want you to feel happy all the time. Know that I’m always here for you and I care for you deeply.”

7. Security
Men and women are both attracted to certainty in a relationship. The more a man feels like his partner is in it for the long haul, the more ready and able he is to be able to open up to her (assuming he is equally invested in her).

But security goes deeper than just the fact that you won’t leave him. The security that he feels ties back in to several of these points. He feels secure and loved when you touch him non-sexually throughout the day. He feels secure when he is allowed to have his guys’ nights away from you and you don’t feel the need to call or text him every half hour to check in.

And he feels secure with a partner who takes steps to love him in the way that he most needs.

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