Why Your Toddler Won't Sleep Through The Night? | Dr. Sarah Mitchell

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Toddler Won't Sleep Through The Night? Watch this video as I explain what could be wrong and what can be done to help your toddler sleep through the night.

#toddler #sleep #sleeptraining

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00:00 Start
00:30 First Reason
1:30 Second Reason why your toddler won't sleep through the night
2:05 Well Rest?
3:35 Molars
4:50 Developmental Changes
6:11 Sleep Regression
8:00 Potty Training and Sleep Regression

All humans wake in the night but kiddos who have someone help them relax at bedtime may want those conditions again in the middle of the night. Understand all humans wake in the night. Sleep is a learned habit, continually helping your baby to fall asleep means you have to do so in night.
Dr. Jodi Mindell's research showed that the more parents intervened at bedtime, the more babies woke up in the night.
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My 2 year old wakes up around 1am and can't sleep back until 8am or 6am. This happens for 3 weeks now. 😔 We follow a good routine before going to sleep, but when she wakes up she climbed up her bed and goes to our bed.


My son is 3, bedtime is a nigthmare for everyone he will literally figth you just to avoid sleeping is like in his brain sleeping is the worst thing ever.


Our 2 and half year old daughter has never liked a nap, she will fight it to the very end. The only way she will nap is if we drive her round in the car long enough for her to fall asleep. That being said on a night time she is way over tired and some night she will cry and scream until 3am then eventually go. Me and my wife both have work the next morning and we are at breaking point. We have always tried good bed time routine bath time brush teeth story but lately its just not cutting it anymore.


Let me offer one possible solution since this video does offer any. Put your child to bed, and stand over your child for at least a half an hour, just to be sure. Do this multiple times until it finally takes. My daughter has been fighting sleep for nearly a week and I’m at the end of my tether.


We did recently get him to stop sucking his thumb and I think it was what comforted him to fall asleep… he’s always been a great sleeper yes sometimes his naps were short or nonexistent but this is so bad…


What if your 2 year old hasn't slept through the night one time since birth? Mom's exhausted and really needs him to start sleeping


My son is 15 months. Hasn't slept through the night his whole life so far. Doesn't ever want to go to sleep. And it's so hard to make him go to bed mostly all the time.


For the past few weeks my 3 yr old is sleeping 4, 5 or 6 a.m in the morning. I dunno how to fix it. Both me n my husband are struggling. Worse thing is people scare us with words like he'll be sick, he'll be this n that (Don't wanna even mention it). His father is a positive person who believes it will be okay. But as a mother, I can't throw those negative words. What if my child actually gets sick? Please help me!!


Its seems you state all the things they do but offer no solutions.


My one year old won’t sleep without breastfeeding to sleep and looks for me to comfort in the middle of the night and then clutches on to me. She slept on her own 7-10 months old, she was a horrible sleeper 1-7 months and 10+ months now. I don’t know what to do.


My daughter has had a terrible sleep schedule since birth she's now 4 and still got me out driving around at 3-4am. She never really napped. Please someone help😫.


Hello, I can’t book times with you on the website. It seems June and July are booked. My wife and I are desperate with our toddler and we have a second baby coming soon. Need help. Thank you.


Im really getting exhausted. My 15 months daughter is always fighting her sleep for months. She usually sleeps by 8 or 9pm but now lately 11pm but sleep throughout at night. The worse part while sleeping she moves too much and i really struggle to transition to her own bed


No I eye contact with the blogger. It is difficult to watch.


My son who’s 2 now, has always slept through the night since 3.5 months old, but now he crawls into bed with me every night between 4-6 am. Idk if it’s his teeth bothering him, because when he comes into my bed, he’s not crying or acting like he’s in pain, he just comes into my bed and falls asleep. Is that normal?


My daughter is 20 months old
She is very active during the day
She wakes up suddenly at 2am in night cries a alot and then sleep after an hour or two
Why is this happening??


My daughter sleeps for 2 hours at daycare every day and doesn't go to sleep till 10 at night or later 😢 not sure how to handle weekdays should I ask the teachers to keep her awake? 😬


My daughter stopped napping at 2, I gave up on naps because she would sleep at night. she is almost 4 now and has been up every night for weeks now and I just don't know what to do, sometimes she will go back to sleep right after a drink or something like that and other nights we're up for 2-4hrs it's really making us both grumpy 😢 any suggestions?
Also still refuses to nap even though we're up half the night so we are both just so tired 😴


My son is 4 1/2 but needs sleep or else he is mean and grumpy… is this normal at this age?


I am one of this moms who’s thinks she has such a unique situation you have never dealt with 😂.
Son was born with extreme torticollis and my doula and I suspect he has a submucous cleft palate but I can’t seem to get a doctor to look into it more thoroughly yet.
He was eventually diagnosed with oral phase dysphagia.
I became pregnant again around 7 months of his life and immediately stopped producing milk. He had been nursing on me ALL night before. The second I would move he would immediately reattach.
Sadly, all of a sudden he was not getting his milk from mom and despite his devoted effort into weight loss and dry diapers I had to finally force syringe feed him formula until he could figure out how to nurse on a bottle (took a month to get him on a bottle as he couldn’t figure out how to function his tongue).
I was then placing him in a crib…
All that to say he has never slept through the night.
He is now 2. Meanwhile his younger brother has been sleeping through the night since 2 weeks.
Any new method I try it only works for a couple days and then he is back to waking up in the middle of the night screaming.
He will screaming for hours if I leave him alone to it. (I only figured this out on nights where I accidentally silenced the monitor).
I am at my wits end.
I haven’t been able to benefit with sleep with my youngest sleeping through the night, seeing as how my now toddler still will not sleep through the night
