Minecraft: EASY NEW XP FARM! (1.21 Tutorial)

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Minecraft: EASY NEW XP FARM! (1.21 Tutorial)

Today we're gonna build a new 1.21 XP farm that gives a lot of XP! I hope you guys enjoy it!

Welcome to this EASY XP FARM tutorial in Minecraft 1.21! In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to construct a highly efficient XP farm that allows you to quickly gather tons of xp in Minecraft. This is an infested allay farm, that spawns a lot of silverfish to give you xp. The best part is that you can build this farm in survival mode, making it accessible to all players.


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Рекомендации по теме

No allays dont die from campfire, allays have regeneration so they take up to 2m to die from the campfire. The reason your allays may have died/disappeared is if you have too many allays in one block, stick to 16 or less. And another reason is stone blocks, DO NOT build out of stone blocks, the silverfish can get inside the stone above the allays and then kill the allays use wood 🪵. Also stop the farm by putting out the campfire at around the 1m mark to be safe no allays die from the fire. Like if this is helpful so more people can find help :)


Ain't no way we got silver fish xp farm before gta 6


I did the farm underground, but the silverfish have broken everything, now there is hundreds of silverfish in my house that want to kill me please help


For people that want to use their sword that has Fire Apspect II on it:
Where the armor stand is, place to trap doors on the blocks adjacent of it.
Next place a trapdoor above you
Place water at your feet
Swing your sword so you can see that the armor stand doesn't burn, and you get to use your OP sword


Hey guys. I’m gonna leave some helpful tips for yall. My farm allays have either disappeared or died 3 times. Here’s what I learned:

BUILD YOIR STRUCTURE OUT OF ANYTHING BUT COBBLESTONE OR REGULAR STONE. THE SILVERFISH WILL BREAK IT AND GET OUT. I used smooth stone (smelting cobblestone twice) and it worked perfectly.

Allays WILL despawn if they have not gathered an item after a long time. To prevent this, I went through the grueling process of getting 16 nametags and putting one on each allay. This solves the despawning problem.

In one of the times, the allays had gotten out of the farm somehow. I believed this to be from mob cramming. To solve this, I did not use a piston to push the allays down. I simply put a slab to keep them there.

ALWAYS PUT OUT THE CAMPFIRE AFTER EACH USE! I’ll usually know when the allays have regained their health by this simple fact: once I put out the campfire, they stay quiet for about 5 seconds. They then all start making the sounds again after that time. I can reuse the farm after that. I keep a chest full of flint and steel to light up the campfire each time I need it. I would break two of the blocks to enter the farm, light the campfire, then replace the dirt blocks. IT IS CRUCIAL TO PLACE THEM BACK OR ELSE YOU WILL HAVE A BUNCH OF ANGRY SILVERFISH COMING FOR THAT BOOTY.

I also built the structure with fences around it to prevent any mobs from coming near. I then surrounded the roof with dirt blocks to prevent the allays from flying away if they did somehow make it out.

After making these precautions, the farm has worked flawlessly!


Silverfish can infest the following blocks, avoid using these for the farm:
- Stone
- Cobblestone
- Stone Bricks
- Mossy Stone Bricks
- Cracked Stone Bricks
- Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Deepslate
- Sculk Bone Bricks (Only when you are using Philip's Ruins Mod)


Hey man, thanks for the shoutout! Very concise and easy to follow tutorial :D


Help, instructions unclear, I now have lots of allays flying around and not inside the farm lmaooo


I'm so glad people are finally putting allays to a use. I'm so glad they're helping allays not feel useless anymore. (:


5:37 allays be sayin "dayum, dayum, dayum, dayum"


PSA: do not build this out of cobblestone or stone like me or else the silverfish will break everything and you'll lose all your allays 💀


Bro the timing, I just hoped on a new 1.21 minecraft world and this popped up, great video :)
Also, XP FARM !


This can be turned into a slime farm further, by splashing the silverfish with the ooze potion which causes them to spawn 2 slimes on death


Nice XP FARM bro ❤ your farms always help ❤


Give the Allays more room above them or they'll die/escape through. I just gave them a half-slap of extra room and they stopped dying. Also just duplicate them inside their little chamber, rather than trying to duplicate them outside and move them all in.


Straight out of the prison to my slave farm. I love Minecraft 😍


You can actually skip the gruelling process of putting them into that box that leads to the campfire by just putting one of the allays in the chute and pressing them down and then breeding them there easier.


This is actually the best XP farm bro thanks for the idea!!! now you got a new subscriber


On our group Realm, I was bunking with a friend while we both tried to figure out where we were individually were going to set up homes. At one point, she decided to drag an allay and a slime into our "Temp House". I had to listen to wet slapping noises and an allay chiming and giggling for like... TWO WEEKS anytime I went home. So frankly, this is cathartic. Little buggers deserve worms after all the noise I had to put up with.

And those didn't include the 100 cows she contained in a small enclosure right next to the house, all the OTHER animals she brought over, and constantly "borrowing" my things from my chests for her builds. Next time I'm living the bachelor life, no roomies.

... And yes I know silverfish aren't worms.



fire aspect swords will burn&break the armor stand,

Knockback ones will throw it away,

take care about that.❤
