Using the new Enhanced Dictation on iOS 16 ⭐ iOS 16 Tips

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📱 With iOS 16 you can now use both your voice and the keyboard to do Dictation - simultaneously. It's now effortlessly easy to switch between voice and typing, going back to correct any mistakes and even adding punctuation and emojis with just your voice. This new update to Dictation on iOS 16 makes the tool more useful than ever before - here's how it works.

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🏷️ Keywords: How to use Dictation on iPhone | How can I add Emoji with Dictation on iOS 16 | What's new with Dictation on iOS 16

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I absolutely hate this new dictation. It often duplicates my spoken sentence. And when I am using the keyboard to correct its mistakes, it picks up all of the talking around me and inserts it.


iOS 16 dictation is horrendous and far less accurate than it used to be. And what is with all the random commas?? FFS, how does this pass? Is Apple going down the same road as Samsung, using their customers as R&D, releasing half-baked features?


I have been using voice to text for at least three months, and I have used it for everything, except forms that require a short answer. I am very surprised at how inaccurate it is. It comes up with some of the most bizarre things. 20 years ago that would not have been a surprise, but in 2023 and with an Apple iPhone 14 Pro it’s just very surprising, and extremely frustrating. More often than not, my iphone recognizes that something is not right as evidenced by the dotted lines under whatever is wrong. I think this is even a stranger. When I begin to correct it, it usually suggests a correction? and 95% of the time what it is suggesting is correct! I have learned to be patient, and sometimes it will correct itself, but most of the time it either doesn’t recognize that there is a problem or when it does recognize there is a problem, it doesn’t do anything. I figured it was like any new skill, and that it just takes time. But it is not getting better. One of the most common errors is when I say the word “something”, it writes “some thing”. Literally every time. In fact, I noticed just now that it was initially correct, but within a second or two it autocorrected it to two separate words! It would be interesting to know if anyone else is having this problem, and if anyone has had this problem, have you found a solution. Thank you


It is the shittiest thing I’ve ever had on the phone. I hate texting and now this is so stupid because it hears me talking and doesn’t go away and I’m constantly having to fix it. I can end a sentence and not realize it’s still going.


My keyboard still disappears
Any clue how to enabled these feature probably
Ive updated correctly and switched dictation and and swapped the languages and region between us and uk and still the keyboard disappears ?


Came here to find out how to revert back to the old method of voice texting, but leaving empty-handed 😕 Thanks for at least explaining the supposed benefit and logic of keeping the microphone active indefinitely 🤔


Having the added features is nice BUT the old version where it automatically stopped recording within two seconds when you stopped talking was better for me. I preferred it because it gave me a moment to formulate my thoughts by sentence. This new version just creates chaos AND it picks up all the voices around you. I dislike this version very much. AND it moves all over the text window as opposed to at the end of the last sentence once you turn it off by tapping it it doesn’t make any sense. OK that was about the downgrade because I’m not calling it an upgrade. Now about your video it can’t be all Pollyanna you need to mention the pros and cons.


Hey can you use to do Voice to text other person?


Is there a way to edit what words are capitalized on speech to text? For example when I say Black people black is always capitalized and when I say white people white is never capitalized.


Why is it not working for me. iPhone 13


How can you turn off the "annoying" red diction icon in text message ios 17 that records when you don't want to be recorded and automatically sends it?


Is it not working for iPhone X? I mean smart dictation


Yeah, but how about when I want to delete something without using the keyboard? I don’t want to use both simultaneously I just want to use dictation.


I’m hoping you can still answer this question even though I have not updated my iPhone since 15.0. I’ve always been able to use the built-in dictation to post on Facebook. Today, it is not working. Basically I touch the microphone and it just beeps and doesn’t activate. I am dictating this comment right now so the issue seems to be restricted to a Facebook post. I did restart the phone and that didn’t work. Any ideas or suggestions would be fantastic!

PS: I just tested this on a comment as opposed to what I outlined above which was an original Facebook post where it says ‘what’s on your mind’ (not a comment) and it worked on the comment. How bizarre…


Dictation is worse now than it’s ever been. Yes, being able to use the keyboard while having voice to text on is nice, the amount of punctuation that is put in is terrible! Is there anyway to shut it off?


It inserts commas where I don’t want commas. It inserts commas where it makes absolutely no sense to put a comma in there. How the hell do you turn that off?


Speak to text is awful on ios16….Apple just doesn’t give a shit… was handy a few years ago, now it’s useless


Apple has the worst dictation of any of the phone manufacturers I don’t understand how Siri Alexa etc. can be better than Apple, they are always talking about their technology and innovation, and they can’t do basic shit like speak to text


The dictation is the worst horrendous completely crap non=functional voice typing ever created. I might as well be speaking a foreign language. Almost all dictated messages have to be hand corrected. Apple couldn't have F'd this more, . With each new IOS release voice dictation has NEVER improved.


This dictation is rubbish. I just use whisper ai so much better
