EXCLUSIVE! Barbro Karlén's interview on her past life as Anne Frank and rebirth

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Barbro Karlén is a celebrated Swidish writer. As a young child, Barbro began having memories of a past life, which lead her to believe that her name was Anne Frank and this she is reincarnated. In this video we will get to know Barbro's past life experiences in a live interview footage.

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I am a huge Anne Frank fan I guess you could say. I read my first book about her in third grade called who was Anne frank. And after that I became obsessed with her. I started reading everything I could about her and I related to her so so much. I’m very obsessed with WW2. Especially what happened to the Jews. I always felt like I knew Anne in a past life. Like I was a friend of hers that maybe didn’t survive like she did. Once I got to middle school my teacher noticed I knew every date about ww2 by heart and that I didn’t study. I never studied for anything in school. I passed that class with an A and never had to do any studying. I just knew everything. ESP when it came to Anne. The way this woman speaks, and the way she smiles you can just see how kind she is and how her eyes just sparkle. She is Anne. And god have her a knee happy life to make up for what she had to go through. I believe her 200% I know that’s Anne’s personality and the same interests. This shows that everything we go through matters and becomes a part of who we are. That everything we go through is for a bigger reason we can’t see yet. I’m so happy my god gave my friend a knew life. And I’m so happy for the life she has now. When Anne died, she wanted to come back to earth. Anne of course would jump to the thought of coming back down living a new life and getting to grow up and live life. And it was so important she kept her old memories.💜


Why didn't she tried to get in contact with Otto Frank, the father of Anne Frank? Otto Frank died in 1980, and she was then old enough to get in contact with him.


You are so brave. This was a big challenge for this lifetime and it sounds like you conquered it. That is why the essence of Anne Frank continues to inspire us. Thank you. I remember two past lives that would have made no sense in this lifetime if I hadn't remembered them. Blessings.


If you look at her closely, you will see her resemblance to Anna. Especially.her eyes. I can see it in her face structure too. It's amazing.


In India I have heard of such people who knew about life of some other person from near past. Idk why her memories disappeared when she was 15 (age when Anne Frank died), I think if she could share something about what happened after Anne's arrest, it can give her more legitimacy.


Anne was ashkenazi jewish just like me so i live for all of those souls who was murdered by the evil of the nazis rip to all the victims 💔


Personally I think reincarnation is a fact and we have all lived in the physical world many times before. I saw the magazine cutouts on the wall of her bedroom when I visited the annexe / attic in Jan. 1988 and Aug.1989. Can't recall if they were behind glass/perspex but probably. I think only people who died a traumatic or violent death seem to remember their previous life. (Remember it for a while as a young child anyway)


FYI: I was there when this interview was filmed. Barbro is a sweet lady ( and ex-Mounted Police Officer). Dr. Walter Semkiw spoke about her story, as well as mine, of reincarnation many times in his books and lectures. Sadly, Dr. Semkiw passed away on June 9th 2022. He is greatly missed by those who knew him. Best, Jeffrey Keene


Thank you so very much for sharing your story. I am certain it will help many people. You are amazing! Sending love and hugs! <3


An amazing story of a soul's journey ! Thank you !


Sad to learn that Barbro Karlen passed away on October 12, 2022 after a long battle with cancer. May she rest in peace in heaven! 🕊


She described a man in a green uniform the guards in Bergen Belsen had green uniforms instead of standard grey for the SS


Anne Frank died in 1945 and this woman was born in 1954. So this leads to the obvious question: Where was the "soul" for nine years? Just floating around somewhere? lol


Amazing story, I’ve often thought if us humans have been here before it’s like we’re regenerated each time after we die ?


Madam, Buddhism describes vividly about rebirth. Its basically cause & effect


She said she vond out dat Anne was real at 13 at school but now she sad wen she was 10 at de Anne frank house it dus not make sens


I really do believe You. And I am happy Ana Frank is alife .
I feel You ara Ana Frank. 😊
My cuesti


If she is still alive, I'd love to see her on JRE


Definately recommend reading some of her books if you know you've lived a past life before and especially if you felt you might've known Anne Frank personally in a past life. Barbro was the real deal and didn't make these claims for attention. Whether or not you truely believe she was Anne Frank, you need to admit someone making such a claim just for attention would be sharing "secrets" rather than an autobiography that is mostly about their own life only touching on reincarnation stuff where it directly effects their life, would've sold books with some tagline under the author name referencing it, wouldn't be believed by the family (that still believed her after pressure to not do so) and making sure the family is ok with the book. There's enough there for me to believe she is legitimate.


There's a huge flaw in her story. She states she was roughly 10 years old when her parents and herself traveled and visited the Anne Frank house, but yet didn't learn Anne was a real person until 11 years old. The resemblance is uncanning and not hard to miss so I'm almost certain someone once told her she resembled Anne Frank and figured hey I can make a quick buck if I write a book telling people I was once Anne Frank. Isn't it ironic she's also a writer? Sure I definitely believe in reincarnation, I absolutely would love to believe she was once Anne Frank but they flaw is a big one and puts a thorn in her story.
