RV NEWBIES First 72 Hours of RV Living in a Winnebago EKKO (Road Trip to Las Vegas!)

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RV newbies first 72 Hours of RV Living in a Winnebago EKKO! We finally got our new RV, a Winnebago EKKO, and for our first road trip we drive 1,500 miles to Las Vegas!

We are true RV life rookies and we share our perspective as RV newbies during our first 72 hours of RV living in our new 2022 Winnebago EKKO.

What's it Like to Buy an RV:
#rvnewbies #winnebagoekko #rvliving

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We're Tanya and Dave. Mr. and Mrs. World Traveler. We not only share the same birthday..I know right!... We share the same passion for travel and encouraging others to do the same. This channel for entertainment purposes only. We are not experts and are not making recommendations. We share our opinions and what works for us, but definitely do your own research and make your own decisions.
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This was such an epic first Road Trip! Full of many different emotions. You’ll see. Please be sure to hit that LIKE 👍button. We'd greatly appreciate that.

Also, let us know some fun things to door places we should definitely check out in your area? ( Maybe one day, we’ll be in a town near you)


This was good. I'm a Trucker. Driving 10 hrs a day is business as usual. I loved this!! Podcast are a Godsend!! 😎🎯✌🏿❤


I found myself crying as I saw Kearney, Nebraska & Sterling Colorado....my old home town areas. It has been over 25 years ago that we moved to Fort Worth, TX from Kearney and I LOVE it here. But now that my hubby is bedbound we cannot visit NE anymore. I started watching you all as my 45th class reunion in Roosevelt, UT is next August. My BFF's (that I have known since 14 yrs old) and I plan on driving to Las Vegas from Salt Lake after the reunion for a week of Las Vegas fun. So I am the geek that researches all of the hotels and places to eat so I can get an schedule for us done. (we also have family and friends that live in Vegas- so we plan on having an awesome time.) Thank you for sharing your trip.... it brought back so awesome memories <3


I love the way your hubby looks at you.. the pure joy and love shines thru.. congrats u 2


Absolutely Epic!!! This was the best travel log I have ever seen! Truly you will win an Oscar with youtube! The music was absolutely fantastic and my beats sounded fantastic! You guys are the best of the


Welcome home to you both! I'm happy you enjoyed your first long road trip to bring your newest family member back home with you.

As you noticed something will always go wrong, even in brand new RVs. Something will break, get stuck or simply fail and you will absolutely have to learn to do maintenance when something happens while you are on the road. The more you learn, the less likely you will be to have to cut your trip short to get your Ekko serviced. You both seem to be eager to learn and up for the task though which is great. It was great to see that you both took it all in stride which is awesome. How we handle the rough spots with our partner can make all the difference in the world. You two seem like a great team which is half the battle right there. I've seen road trips and tight quarters break couples who didn't know how to communicate which is a sad thing.

I hope you don't mind my offering bits of advice now and then to you both. I was happy to see your reply to my last comment in your first Ekko video.

Another piece of advice for you: I recommend picking up a pair of work gloves that you won't mind getting wet and dirty for those outside jobs you'll encounter that you don't want to touch if you have a choice in the matter. You have a cassette so you won't have to deal with a black water tank but the gray water can still be nasty and messy at times so you will treasure having those gloves around.

My second recommendation is to grab yourself some quick dissolve toilet paper (you may already be using it if the dealer supplied you with any). I noticed you mentioned being unsure if your TP dumped from your cassette or not. If you use the quick dissolve paper that's meant for RV tanks it will dissolve in the cassette and you won't have to worry about TP being the cause of any clogging. It's a bit more pricey but well worth it in my opinion. I'm sure they also told you at the dealership that there are cleaning mixtures for your cassettes as well to keep them from getting too nasty.

My last suggestion, I noticed that Dave did the driving on your road trip. You probably already have plans to do this but just to be sure I'll mention it anyway. One of the best decisions we ever made was to make sure that each of us could handle our RV independently just in case. I remember during one trip coming down with the worst case of food poisoning after risking dinner at a dive diner and being in no shape to be in the driver's seat as we moved on. 😂😭 While I love to be the pilot 90% of the time on that particular trip it was a blessing to be able to turn over the reins and keep moving.

Sorry for the novel length comment. I know I can be long-winded but I hope you find it helpful. I look forward to following your travels.


What a nice maiden adventure, I'm sure y'all are going to love RV'ing for many years to come, I never regretted buying ours and having all those adventures when the kids were growing up.


Absolutely speechless… such a great video! My sister lives in Colorado Springs and before COVID, I would visit her every summer. Your video reminded me how beautiful it is in that part of the country…. Thank you again. You both are such beautiful souls …. Inside and out…


What a wonderful first adventure. I loved traveling along with you. Reminded me of many road trips I’ve been on across the Midwest to the West. You two are so much fun!


Bravo! Take a bow! That was a very entertaining video. Brings back many memories of past epic road trips with my family. Thank you, Tanya and Dave! 👍


This video is amazing… we love the RV life journey…. The scenery was gorgeous!!!


I love getting notifications for this channel!


Tanya and Dave what a beautiful sights to see on this road trip. I'm with you drinking coffee every chance you get☺️. Thanks for taking us along looking forward to more adventures in the RV💜💜


Welcome home Tanya & Dave! You’re already a big part of Las Vegas, so happy you can finally call Vegas ur Home❣️🤗


That's awesome. In the grand scheme of things your maiden voyage went very well. Our maiden voyage was delayed by 13 days as we had an oil leak! Our Navion built on the same platform and engine never gave us one ounce of problems after maiden voyage. After touring the country for ten years, we move on to a fifth wheel that we spend our Summer's in, parked in the Woodstock area if the Catskills mtns of NY. To this day we regret stepping up. That unit is so versatile, incredible. Good luck with it.


This is my home Palisade we have the best peaches 🍑 in the world ! You stayed the night across the street from the high school so cool to click on a video and see home !! Awesome guys


This was a great and beautiful vlog. The sights were just amazing! This country's scenic views are second to none! Loved it.😍 Congratulations on your new purchase.


Being retired, my idea of vacation is staying in a nice hotel. I am thoroughly enjoying watching your travels in your new RV. Thanks for sharing! I'm in Las Vegas now and hoping to run into you while I'm here! 💓




I always watch tiny home and RV homes. You piped up. And Oh Boy I just loved your adventures and how much fun you both were having and such love you have for each other. Thank you for making me smile and made me laugh. Love you Guys💞❤
