The Sad State Of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis

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I noticed something interesting the last time I logged into NGS. No one actually plays the game, the ones that are logged in just hang around the town with their sexy waifu toons.


Major problems of NGS:
- Maladjusted weapons.
- Bad weapon variety.
- Augments prefer glass cannon over resistance. If you take a look at highend players, they all use the same augments, there is no variation. Copy&Paste.
- Class Bonus abuse. Just pick Hunter or Waker as sub and you have godmode on.
- Empty world with a couple enemy spawns (basically the Unreal Engine Tutorial, yes its zero effort).
- PSE used to be a reward, now you get them "like that".
- Everything is a Content island.
- Every new Content gets obsolete in the next patch. Remember Kaizaar and Reyaar Weapons? Why grind them, if you can get Eredim in less then 15 minutes or for 1k in the shop?
- Dead Areas no one plays in (the Gorge).
- Obsolete Quests, we are forced to play to get the highend Augments.
- Completely broken economy, which people use AC stuff as "RMT by proxy" and set moonprices. No limits, no impactful taxes, no punishment.
- No F2F trading.
- Redboxing.
- Betatesting "hard" content (Solus, Dalion), only the Top 10% can kill - just to give it out as an easier UQ version later.
- Giving lazy players a weapon which does no damage.
- Incoherent Story, which leaves more questions then answers.
- Keep adding more Gacha, instead of something to do. Compared to classic, where you a can always do something.
- Players want new planets, new areas - get "Unidenitfied Area Axx" made out of Cocoon "LEGO" instead.
- You can reach Level 90 in 4 days. IN 4 DAYS!!! In classic, this takes months.
- Every day always the same dailies.
- I saw more complexity in a couch from IKEA.


Nah, the worst thing is Sega thinking it was ok to force you to download NGS, 70+ gigs of trash you’re probably not using, to download the original PSO2 as “DLC”. I would’ve been fine with playing PSO2 again if it wasn’t for the remaining space in my hard drive getting decimated.


Fun fact: when this game was released on console, it actually managed to get to the top 10 most downloaded games on Playstation US/CAD (around #8 or #9)) and Japan (higher than US/CAD since their main market was obviously Japan), but quickly fell off the charts the following month, and it never again achieved the top 10.

The vast majority of people who tried the game just noped out. My reason for quitting was the restricted market for f2p, as well as the bare-bones open-world and the combat mechanics. Honestly, I kind of like that Marron girl aesthetic and personality-wise, but not enough to convince me to stay.

It seems like the game is still on the death spiral after all these years. The game has terrible player acquisition due to a lack of content and marketing because Sega is a publicly traded company, and shareholders and executives don't really want to bet their money to revive this game. And that kind of highlights the incompetent producer who can't even convince his boss to reinvest a little more money to create content for the game and maybe some marketing (youtube, ccs, billboards, train decals to attract salary men, etc.).

There's no saving this game. Sure, they can make a new game, but the era has changed. Modern live-service games demand constant content to sustain the playerbase. That's hard to do if you're Sega and the executives are old Japanese who hesitate to gamble their position and money.


NGS is a mobile mmo trying to convince you it's not.


My biggest problem is the waste of an open world. It's just an oversized tile set with respawning enemies. No NPCs with additional quest. No points or camps to defend or explore, dungeons, caves, etc. There is no lab in VLabs, no city in Lost Central. They really just reuse assets from Sonic, but in Sonic, you speed through areas. Nameless city, Leciel, the same dry lifeless tileset like why do we care that dolls or Starless are there no one inhabits these places or ever will.


i agree so hard with how soulless the game feels, was my first nitpick when NGS released and still present to this day, just sad


I just want a new single player, story driven Phantasy Star rpg. It's been so long.


I was keeping tabs on ngs because I loved the tamer class. Until it was released. It wasn't a pet class anymore. It was just another class where your "pets" just becomes attacks and goes away.


Gaming in general seems to be suffering from a lack of vision, despite a lot of gripes people have NGS, it has great foundation with lots of potential but it isn't being used effectively, at most all we get is a new festival every month with the same LTQ's and Catch up rewards with the only end game content being Affix's which get made redundant after the next festival and it has become monotonous as times went on. This goes for a lot of games nowadays where there is a lack of passion for gaming and more of a focus on how to achieve the most profit with the least cost/effort, the only games I seen people have any interest in anymore are coming from studios that actually care more about gaming like From Software.


In hindsight the urgent quests in ngs arent as bad as i made them out to be and they have improved a lot since the games release, but i still think they dont compare to the urgent quests in base pso2


And to add insult to inhury is that PSO2 classic right there but they decide to stack NGS on it like a tumor. The better game is right there and they try to push this dumpster fire on everyone.


what happened? the game tried to be genshin impact, they saw how huge that game is and tried to do the same thing by making ngs "open world" at the expense of everything becoming simplified.
now every class is the same, every enemy is the same, every area is the same with different color etc.


I got in on PSO 2 right when it hit over here, that year before New Genesis dropped was great. Had never really played an MMO or a Phantasy Star game before and I was hooked that entire summer, I'm still mad that they borked it, tanked the player base and essentially ran. All those moments lost, like tears in rain.


Ever since the announcement of PSO2NGS, I always said they should've made PSO3 instead, making it a "v2" of PSO2 was a really bad idea because spaghetti code and how to make characters compatible in both versions

Also, Open World was a really stupid idea too because you can't go wrong with lobby + instances, especially since they've done that for a long time, while Open World is hit or miss (and usually it's a miss)


Still remember that we all stuck at lvl 20 for entire year lol


Also, every piece of building in the game, is this same ass "hi tech" looking default creative space building block, the whole world of NGS is a giant creative space, no unique materials to them.
Forest, Snow, Desert, Volcano, You see this same piece of shit "hi-tech" floor with lights everywhere, I hated that so much even though I'm desensitize to it at this point because I really can't give my attention to it, there's no thing interesting and it's just busy. If I find 1 concrete wall sitting in the middle of nowhere that would be more interesting... I can go on all day but Imma just leave it at that for the aesthetic of the world. Hundred percent the base is just unique everywhere you go.

Sega thinks just because we loves the base PSO2, they can just slaps NGS at the end and release whatever this was, and that people will automatically likes it. They're blind to see what makes the base thick in the first place. It's just sad...

Also the combat I miss the old connect where you need to time the attack with the red circle to get additional damage... now you just hold down a fking buttong... I still click attack with the rhythm as I would in base... even though there's no connect there, otherwise it's gonna turn me into mindless... there's more than that but I don't have all day for an essay, you know, we all know.


I logged in for the first time in years and was disappointed, definitely going to be sticking to classic dreamcast PSO


We finally got PSO2 in the West, just for them to abandon it after a couple years in favor of this soulless gacha mobile game. I was playing so much back when Luster came out, and now I can't even be bothered to touch the game for nostalgic reasons. Sega should be ashamed of themselves.


The whole thing has been bizarre and a slow train wreck since day 1. Only reason I played it was because I enjoyed the PSO1 atmosphere a lot. Then PSO2 stayed in JP for years and I always wanted to try it. Fast forward almost 10 years later when about everyone had given up on it. A 'quick' timeline/recap of events :

- Global release finally announced for 2020 way too long after the original game prime time. Bad marketing on the global side almost nobody knew it was coming. I myself discovered it with the steam secondary release seeing it randomly on the shop.

- Partnership with microsoft(why?) that makes the game come out around march 2020 exclusively on windows store on PC at first, which simply didn't work and even downloading the game failed for most people. -> Lost 10x the potential playerbase right there.

- August 2020 : Steam release, finally a way to download and play the game that actually f'ing works. Game starts gaining traction but we are already on episode 4 with 1-2-3 done and dusted. They proceed to speedrun the whole 8-10 years of the game content in the most accelerated fashion I have ever heard of in any other secondary release of any game ever.

- By around November 2020 we are in episode 6 and more or less caught up with the japan version. If you had a day job or anything similar meanwhile, you got rushed through everything to the point SEGA had to regularly distribute free gear update packages for people to not fall off completely off the content scale. ...Why ?

- Around that time new genesis (NGS) revamp/expansion announced Then we entered a total content drought until new genesis in May 2021. Obv a lot of people drop the game right there at least until NGS starts.

- NGS should be a case study in how NOT to dev a game in depth revamp. You could write a whole book about the debacle it was on the technical side and still is under the hood to this day. They swapped dev teams between was is now called the base game (PSO2) and the one doing the NGS 'revamp/expansion' Including a total lack of knowledge sharing between the two and the now NGS dev team refusing to touch the base code for more than a full year not fixing any bugs or broken features the whle time.

- Base being left to rot with no mission pass or any events or seasonal quests (could even have recycled past ones for no work invovled but nope) While NGS is released as a barren wasteland with no content or side lifeskills or anything at all to keep you busy once you reached (extremely quickly) lvl 20.

- Their game plan for the first 6 months of NGS for content was releasing 2 new classes that brought absolutely nothing new or important to the table and hope players would keep themselves busy playing those. Yes I am serious. Almost not a single quest, gear type, bugfix patch. Only one region with lvl 20 max classes for the first 6 months.

- NGS started very slowly picking up some steam with the release of the second region : retem 6 months after release in december 2021. But everything since has been just copy paste, completely pointless max lvl raises every few months that just make every mob tankier than before even with updated BiS gear. And equally pointless releases of weapons and armor that can all summed up to be 'do x% more dmg'. A Zelda game on gameboy had more meaningful gear updates than this game, I can't stress enough how appalling and lazy it is. fkin chatGPT would give you better gearing ideas than what they are doing.

- They also like to destroy the few working parts of the ingame economy often to make what little copy pasted content there is totally useless to even enter. freetoplay players taking the most of the hits with nothing to farm and sell to climb the ladder.

SEGA mismanagement of every aspects of the project from start to now (august 2024 as I write this) is legendary in my book. The best part being how they went out of their way to gut the base game to push people on the NGS side before it was ready (it still isn't) and ruined one of their biggest cashcows for absolutely no valid reason in the process (PSO2 japan was a big chunk of SEGA's revenue until NGS)
